Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 530 This baby has never been used

Hearing Ji Yuan's words, even though there wasn't any magical power to appear, the judge was still under a lot of pressure, so he quickly apologized and smiled.

In the words of Chang Xianchang, there have been frequent wars and deaths in the past few years, and Beiling County has changed hands in two years. Now it is not under the rule of Dongsheng Kingdom. Although the temple has not been destroyed, there are also things from the heavens as protection, but the ghosts and gods of the Yin Division They are all seriously injured, Lord City God is in command of the Yin Division, and he has taken on a lot of burdens, and he is recuperating with his golden body damaged, it is not that he is sincerely neglecting the elder!

It turns out that the war in the past two years has already led to the change of ownership in Beiling County.

Ji is taking the liberty. Is Fang Chenghuang okay? Do you have any needs? Even if Ji can't help, you can take a message to the mountain.

Uh huh, no, no, thank you for hanging up the immortal record. Lord Chenghuang is in retreat, and he is recovering well. I will wait for the little god of the lower realm, so I don't have to cause trouble for the upper realm.

Okay, so be it.

Seeing the judge's smiling face, Ji Yuan also smiled, and then continued to look at Aze and the others.

Over there, when Aze gets together with his relatives, there are always endless things to talk about, not to mention that he has to tell the other ghosts about the four partners. Of course, he only chooses the good ones and doesn't pick the bad ones, just to let these Don't worry.

It was said that there was not much time, but Ji Yuan never urged Aze once. It was not until an entire hour later that Aze began to bid farewell to his family. Afterwards, perhaps it was really a yin and yang separation, and there was no chance to see each other again.

Aze... don't come to this place in the future!

Yes, Aze, this is the underworld, don't come here again!

Yes, Ze, didn't you say you were going to find Aaron? When you see that kid, tell him not to think about coming to the underworld.

That's right, my family's Ani is also the same. If you want to, you can just burn incense sticks during the New Year's festival.

And Agu and his brothers, if they dare to come, break their legs!

With tears in his eyes, Aze nodded in agreement one by one.

Yeah, I'll tell them all, I'll tell them!

Mr. Zhuang glanced at Ji Yuan and Jinxiu from a distance, pulled Aze aside, and whispered.

Aze, I don't think that girl looks too much like an immortal, but this gentleman is really a high immortal. If you have the opportunity to follow him to cultivate immortality, you must follow his teachings and don't make mistakes. If you don't have a chance, grandpa will not ask you to be a good person. People, remember what to do and what not to do.”

The old man is very smart, Aze never called Ji Yuan master, nor Ji Yuan called apprentice, obviously he doesn't look like a master and apprentice.

Aze wrote it down!


Another quarter of an hour passed, and Ji Yuan and Jin Xiu waited until Aze, who turned his head every three steps, came over, and the ghost over there took a few steps and then stopped at the edge of the Yin. , just like a wanderer will travel far.

Mr. Ji, I'm back...

Have you said goodbye?


Ji Yuan nodded.

Then let's go.

As he said that, Ji Yuan also slightly bowed his hands towards the ghost who was saluting this way, and left with Jin Xiu and the reluctant Aze.

When leaving, there was no need to wait for the messenger to find someone, so the speed was much faster than before. Not long after, the three of Ji Yuan, accompanied by the judge, arrived at the gate of hell together.

Seeing that the three of them were about to leave, the judge also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but it was at this time that Ji Yuan suddenly looked at the building of the Palace of the Underworld inside the Gate of Ghosts, and asked about Jinxiu Dao beside him.

Miss Jin, how long has it been since no one in Jiufeng Mountain has visited this underworld?

These words made the judge on the side stunned for a moment, why does the tone of this fairy leader not feel like the fairy of Jiufeng Mountain, could it be that he is a hidden fairy in this world?

It is impossible for Jinxiu to know this kind of thing too accurately, but he also knows a rough idea, and replied after thinking about it.

It seems that in my impression, almost no one on the mountain will come to the Yin Division. Although I have only been on the mountain for not many years, I also know that people on the mountain will at most go to various cemeteries. It has nothing to do with who comes here.

Hehe, that's right, there are few related things, so that the town gods in a place don't even know that there are signs of being possessed by demons.



As soon as Ji Yuan said this, the judges and Jinxiu on the side were shocked, and the ghosts and ghosts on the side were also at a loss. Looking at their reactions, Ji Yuan knew that these ghosts and gods didn't know anything, at least they knew limitedly.

Xian, Xianchang, how can you talk nonsense!

The judge looked uneasy, and repeatedly cupped his hands at Ji Yuan, but Ji Yuan sneered.

Chenghuang is the Lord God of the Yin Division. If something happens to him, it will affect the whole body. If something happens to him, it will spread to you and others. Now even one of the doorkeepers has problems. It can be seen that there is something wrong with Chenghuang!

Saying that, Ji Yuan looked at the judge and then at the shackles around him.

Ji thought that the gate of ghosts was a critical place, and that the neglect of defense was due to the fact that the ghosts and gods here have been at ease for a long time, so he neglected his duty. Now it seems that he is probably short of manpower?

It's been so long since I entered the Yin Division, and I even went to the ghost town, but Ji Yuan saw that there were not many organized ghosts in the Yin Division such as ghosts and ghosts, and there were only seven or eight ghosts who stayed with me all the time, let alone other divisions. God appears.

Ji Yuan stared at the judge all the time, and if there was something wrong with the other party, he would immediately take it down. The expression on the latter's face kept changing, and after a long silence, he finally gritted his teeth.

Immortal Chief, to be honest, the ghost soldiers of my Yin Division have been dying out at an abnormal rate over the years. Even if I frequently choose good ghosts to supplement, it is not enough. Most of the great gods of the divisions are also weak, and there are many losers! The Lord City God said that this is because The world is not peaceful, leading to turmoil in the Yin Division, and his vitality is also greatly damaged, and the Yin Division is also damaged, but...

The judge looked up at Ji Yuan, with anxiety in his eyes.

I have never doubted Lord Chenghuang, but I always feel that something is wrong in my heart, but I can't tell what is wrong... The evil spirits in the world have long been exterminated by the immortals of the heavens. Since then, the evil spirits have never been born. How can Lord Chenghuang...

In the impression of the judge, the celestial beings are the rulers of heaven and earth. Although they don't interfere with mortal affairs, if something really happens to the Yin Division, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Just go and have a look.

Ji Yuan didn't have any burden at all, and walked straight towards the Yin Division Hall, not worried about whether the judge lied to him, or whether Jinxiu and Aze would be in danger around him, the judge and the ghost soldiers looked at each other, and finally they all followed each other superior.

All the way through the office halls of the various divisions in the underworld, I only saw a few errants busy, but rarely saw the main ghosts and gods. Relatively speaking, the judge who has been following is actually in the best condition.

There is also a City God's Hall in the Yin Division that is exactly the same as in the Yangjian City Pool, but at the moment the gate is closed and the flow of magic light is restricted, but under the eyes of calculus, no matter how well hidden the magic energy is, there is nowhere to hide.

The City God of Beiling County, I don't care about fate, but the Immortal Cultivator from outside the mountain. He is here to pay a special visit. Can you come out and see him?

Ji Yuan's voice was peaceful and powerful, and the clear voice echoed among the halls of the Yin Division, causing the surrounding ghosts and ghosts to come out curiously, and gradually there were many ghosts and gods around the main hall of the Yin Division.

But there was no response in the Yin Division Hall.

City God of Beiling County, Ji has come to visit you sincerely. What you have done this time does not seem to be the way to treat guests?

Shangxian comes from the upper realm, and the little god should sweep the couch to welcome him, but now the little god's vitality has been greatly damaged and his golden body collapsed, fearing that he will collide with the fairy body of the Shangxian. I really dare not meet each other, and I still look at the sea of ​​the Shangxian!

Then what if Ji wants to meet?

As soon as Ji Yuan said this, there were ghosts and gods shouting around.

This immortal elder is so rude!

That's right, although you are a celestial being, this is the underworld!

You should be more careful when you speak!

Ji Yuan looked at these ghosts and gods from the corner of his eye, even if they were sluggish, they still had courage, but there were also some ghosts and gods among them who had already shown a ferocious appearance. Originally, the ghosts and gods in the underworld were quite fierce and scary, but at this moment, there was an ominous devilish aura in their ferocity.

There was also the voice of the City God from the Great Hall of the Yin Division.

This fairy head, Jiufeng Upper Realm has already made an agreement with me and other ghosts and gods, and the immortals of Jiufeng Mountain will not be involved in the affairs of my underworld. Is the fairy head going to break the agreement?

It's just a glimpse, how could the City God say it so seriously!

Ji Yuan smiled, ignored all the vicious eyes around him, and patted Jin Xiu and A Ze who were huddled beside him to comfort their emotions.

A city god with a problem is not qualified to negotiate any agreement, even if he still wants to negotiate, he is planning that someone is not from Jiufengshan.


The gate of the City God's Hall was opened from the inside, and a tall ghost and god wearing a soap-robed official uniform stepped out of it, shining brightly and majestically.

Since the Immortal Elder wants to meet, I have no choice but to come out and see him!

The ghosts and gods around saw the appearance of the long-lost Lord Chenghuang, and they all saluted and greeted him.

See Lord City God!

I have seen Lord Chenghuang!

Even the judge showed excitement, seeing the Chenghuang who was so energetic at this moment, the uneasiness in his heart also receded, only Ji Yuan looked at the Chenghuang with a pair of blue eyes.

Hey, I thought worse than Ji. I didn't expect that the city god can also transform into a demon, or that the god of the earth has endured too much. It's sad...

The City God in front of Ji Yuan swept his eyes over the three of Ji Yuan and said with a smile.

What is the fairy talking about, how can I...

Without saying a word, the next moment, a pitch-black hand stretched out from the belly of the city god, and grabbed Ji Yuan fiercely, but Ji Yuan seemed to have been prepared, and pinched the three-finger shaking mountain seal in the magic method of heaven and earth with his left hand, and the thunder light of the heavenly breath In a flash, Shaking Mountain Seal directly faced the paw.



Under the blow, the magic light exploded, Ji Yuan didn't move a step, but the city god's light was scattered, and the moment he flew back, the whole city god's hall was already full of black smoke and demonic energy, and there were bursts of whistling sounds.

The matter has come to this, I can't let you go, all of you will die to me!

Boom boom boom boom...

In the City God's Hall, like the City God's Temple in the Yangjian, there is a huge statue of the City God, full of demonic energy, expanding his body little by little while standing up.

The gate of hell is locked, no one can escape! In this underworld, let alone a little monk like you, what can a true immortal do to me? Hahahahahahahahahaha...

The roar of the city god's demon exorcism shook the entire Yin Division, and all the ghosts howled for a while, and even the ghosts and gods of the Yin Division retreated in amazement.

How could this be, how could this be!

Why did Lord Chenghuang become like this?

How is this good?

Everyone, don't take chances, prepare to fight to the death with the immortal!


Ji Yuan smiled, and a golden string appeared in his hand.

The tone is not small, Ji has never used this treasure since it was refined, so let me try it with you.

While Ji Yuan was speaking, he flicked the golden rope casually, and the fairy rope was transformed into golden dragons in an instant in the dark wind and devilish energy. The sky was full of golden figures, rendering this ghostly ghost land extremely sacred.

What is this? This...

In the next moment, golden shadows descended all over the sky, locking all the devilish energy in an instant, and wrapped around the city god and several ghosts and gods in question. The latter is even more powerless to resist.

In less than a breath, the City God and several ghosts and gods were bound together by a golden rope in the dilapidated City God Hall.

Ji Yuan looked at the palace indifferently, and only then replied slowly at this moment.

This is the fairy rope.

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