Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 520: The Immortal World Is So Easy To Visit

Although what the boy said while wiping his tears also aroused the resonance of his companions, but at this time, it is really not useful to rely on resonance. Hungry, poor spirits, lack of strength, and injuries all over the body, everyone has reached their limit, just talking The boy also felt a little dizzy when he stood up from the hemp rope.

Brother Aze, I'm cold, I'm hungry...

I'm hungry too...

It is still very cold in the early spring, and the clothes have lost most of their warmth due to the humid weather in the mountains. It was better to keep climbing and rushing before, but now it is unbearable to take a rest for a while.

All had tear stains on their faces, and bruises on their exposed hands and faces from brambles, weeds and falls.

We, let's find a place to rest and light a fire first, and then eat something.

The boy named Aze wiped his face hard with his cuff, wiping away his tears and snot, and the slightly cracked facial wound was in severe pain.

Let's go, get up, don't sit down, if you sit down, you will never be able to walk!

Everyone get up, let's find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain!

Let's all help, don't leave anyone behind!


Gritting their teeth and struggling, the teenagers stood up one after another and set foot on the road again. The mountains in the distance were still shrouded in clouds and mist. They hadn't seen the sun for the past few days, and they didn't even know the direction in the mountains.

Including the child who was obviously several years younger, a total of five people walked in the mountain with difficulty. Because they were really exhausted and the mountain road was difficult, they walked very slowly. After half an hour, they finally I found a suitable place to stay. It was a horn-shaped mountain wall with a few rocks protruding from the top of the mountain. The effect of blocking the rain may be far-fetched, but it is enough to block the wind.

Over there! There is a good place over there, where you can rest and light a fire, let's go there quickly!

Ze's voice was full of excitement, and the others cheered up when they heard the words, and even their pace was much faster, and they all walked in that direction.

But luck and misfortune never come singly. When everyone sat down against the wall to rest, and when they were full of expectations for lighting a fire to keep warm, a young man screamed in panic.

It's gone! Where did it go! Where did it go! It's not here...

The boy was rummaging through the pockets all over his body, which also attracted everyone's attention. The former's panic expression was written on his face, and he looked at everyone in despair for a long time.

The flint and steel... lost...

This is not a short-term trip to the mountains, let alone a comfortable home. There is no fire book to use. If you want to make a fire, you have to use a special flint and kindling cloth. Losing the flint is a heavy blow to these teenagers. Can't breathe.

Aze stared blankly at the young man who was in charge of keeping the flint and steel, and wanted to teach him a lesson, but looking at the panicked face of the other party, he really couldn't lift up his energy and strength.

No! We must start a fire! Let's find a way to start a fire, try to find some stones, and try to use an auger! Go find some firewood, we have never made a fire at home, we can definitely make a fire!

It's a pity that hope is beautiful, but reality is cruel. After an entire hour, Aze and several other partners had some more blisters on their scarred hands, some of which were even broken. failed to rise.

The environment is too humid, and the wood may not be right, not to mention that these teenagers are already exhausted.

Boom, boom...

There was thunder in the sky, and it should not be dark yet, but the mountain was already dark, and a cumulonimbus cloud floated in, and lightning flashed in it.

Crack... Boom...



The youngest child was frightened and cried, and the others were not much better, so everyone had to retreat to the mountain wall together.

Hold on tight, let's hang on tight!

Hold into a corner, it will be warmer next to each other!

Stay next to each other, it won't be cold...


The sky is getting darker and the wind is getting stronger. Fortunately, the corners of the mountain wall are not windproof. Although it is not absolutely windless, everyone can see flying sand and rocks outside, which is definitely much better than outside.

Clah la la la la...

The heavy rain soon fell, and the rocks picked out above the head could not completely block the rainwater. As long as the wind direction was slightly biased, Ze and the other two teenagers at the outermost side would be easily caught by the rain.

It's so cold...

Come in again!

Brother's raining so much's a good thing there's no fire, otherwise it must be very uncomfortable...

The child in the innermost place suddenly said such a sentence, which made everyone quiet for a moment.

Hey, yes, it's a good thing there's no fire!'s much better to think about it that way!

Hey hey...

Although several people were laughing, their tears could not be stopped.

Aze untied a cloth bag that had been hanging around his neck, tilted the mouth of the bag, and poured out the things carefully, then a small pile of rice grains mixed with rice bran appeared in the palm of his hand, the white color of the rice was so conspicuous in the dark , so pretty.

Here, a small handful for each person, there is no fire, just eat it like this, chew it up!


The boy next to him carefully took the bran with both hands, and then Aze poured out a small handful and passed it to others, and he poured some for himself when everyone had it.

Weigh the cloth bag, there are not many things in it.

Crack, creak, creak...

The grain mixed with bran and rice is very dry when chewed without being cooked, and it pricks the mouth. The teenagers just chew like this, and if they can’t swallow it, they hold the rainwater in their hands and drink it. The supplemental heat is not as great as the cold effect of drinking rainwater.

Except for the two younger ones who were a little better, all the other teenagers were shivering from the cold.

Ho... ho... it will be light soon, soon...

It's late at night, the rain has stopped, but the teenagers are still asleep, even if they are exhausted, but in this environment, it is really difficult to fall asleep without a fire, and they feel too insecure.

Brother Aze, what should we do if a beast comes?

It's just right here, let's see if it eats us or we eat it!

Yes! It's just right here!

Among the boys in front, one clenched the machete in his hand, and the other grasped the wooden stick, while A Ze held a dagger with a leather sheath in his hand, and the short section he pulled out gleamed coldly.

Ani, Agu, you guys go to sleep, there are me and Aaron.


The boy and child on the inside couldn't bear it anymore, and finally fell into a deep sleep. Even the boy on the outside soon fell into a dream. Only Aze and the other boy on the outside were holding on to the hatchet and dagger. with.

Aze, if I fall asleep, you must wake me up!


Half an hour later, Aze and Aaron fell asleep together...

There were faint footsteps approaching in the mountain. The footsteps were too light, and it was impossible to wake up the sleeping teenagers.

It was a brown-black leopard with long fur, sharp claws, and thick pads that made it walk quietly. It approached the boys step by step until it reached a distance.

Hiss... hiss...

The corners of the leopard's grinning mouth showed sharp fangs, and it sniffed at the boys.

At this moment, a short stick hit the leopard on the head, causing the leopard to shrink back. It turned out that there was an old man in green robe sitting on the leopard's back.

Hey! These children...

While sighing, the old man pointed forward with the short stick in his hand, and the clothes on several teenagers and children dried up one after another. Then he turned the short stick and pointed to the side, not far from the sleeping corners of the teenagers, there were more A couple of stakes and tree sections with a number of mushrooms growing just right.

After doing this, the leopard turned around slowly, and gradually left with the old man on its back.

Hey, how is it so easy to go to the fairyland, it's best to turn back as soon as possible...

The next day, the sun shone on Aze's face, making his eyes burn. After rubbing his eyes hard, he opened his eyes with difficulty.

'Oops! I am asleep! ? '

Aze looked left and right in a panic, and he was relieved to find that no one was missing.

Aaron, Aaron, wake up Aaron.


Aaron trembled all over, and his first reaction was to raise the hatchet. After seeing the situation clearly, he let go, and turned his head to look at Aze.

Aze, why didn't you wake me up...

Aze didn't say that he fell asleep too, not because he wanted to claim credit, but because maybe everyone would be more afraid in the future, so he could only remind himself to be vigilant when it was his turn to keep watch at night, and smiled reluctantly.

It's okay, I didn't call you because I saw you were sleeping soundly.

Brother Aze, is it dawn?

Well, it's dawn!

Aze and Aaron stepped aside, so that everyone with numb feet could get up and stretch their bodies. Today is the rare good weather since entering the mountain.

It's been a long time since I saw the sun, it's so good!

The child also twisted his body, moved his legs, and walked around. Suddenly, a few logs not far away came into view, and then a happy expression appeared on his face.

Brother Aze! Mushrooms! There are a lot of mushrooms over there, big white mushrooms, big white mushrooms!


Over there!

Several people jogged over and gathered, seeing that it was really a large white mushroom, and there were quite a few of them, they all laughed happily.

Great, there are mushrooms to eat!

It's really a big white mushroom!

To make a fire to make a fire, you must make a fire!

At this moment, Aze and the others were full of energy. Finally, half an hour later, they drilled a spark out of the wood. The spark ignited the tarpaulin, and they started a bonfire.

Set up the pot that comes with you, find a mountain spring, add a little bran and a lot of mushrooms, and the moment when the pot is fragrant is the happy moment for the teenagers.

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