When Lu Shanjun was roaring, the demonic aura behind him faintly gathered into a vague phantom. It was a terrifying monster, but it had a somewhat human likeness, which was very strange and frightening.


Rumble rumble rumble...

The roaring sound and strong wind lasted for a while. The tiles in the former Luming Temple and now the Daming Temple were shaking, and the trees in the surrounding forests were also shaking.

The group of monks standing at the gate of the monastery felt that it was difficult to stand firm amid the roar just now, and they all had to cover their ears. The monk guarding the gate was already squatting on the ground and holding his ears.

After a while, the roar gradually subsided, and some of the crowd even looked dazed and dazed.

Several old monks looked at Lu Shanjun with extreme fear. This is definitely not an ordinary monster. Not to mention that it has already transformed into a monster. This kind of oppressive monster aura and the phantom just now are the ones that really need attention.

But in fact, Lu Shanjun was not targeting these monks outside. On the bell tower of the temple, the monk who was in charge of ringing the bell just woke up from the shock just now. big clock.

The big clock looks unchanged, but the monk has been hitting the clock for so many years, and he already knows the clock well. When he walked around the other side of the clock, he saw two thin cracks. If it hits, I'm afraid the big clock will shatter.

On the steps below the entrance of the temple, Lu Shanjun straightened his hair that was a little disheveled due to his roar, and then he spoke again.

Lu Mou should be a little more convincing when he speaks now. Let Zhao Long come out to see me. I don't want to conflict with all the eminent monks.

Lu Shanjun's tone was calm, but the old monk on the opposite side couldn't take it completely calmly.

Benefactor Lu, Jueming devoted himself to cultivating Buddhism. When he was in meditation, he had already cut off all ties to the world. He was not a heinous person. In my opinion, although the benefactor is a demon, he is reasonable. The quiet place of the Buddhist monastery is not convenient for demon cultivation. Enter, the benefactor, please come back.

Benefactor? I have never donated anything to you, and I have no such intention. How can I be called a benefactor? If it is not like the old monk, I will still call me evil.

Lu Shanjun was satirizing the old monk who just called him monster when he was so aggressive, and he immediately eased up when he saw that he was invincible.

They are all practitioners. Human cultivators pay more attention to the way of cultivating the mind than my monster clan. If Zhao Long is really upright and not afraid of the shadow slanting, there is no danger in coming out. Even if he can't hide, it's useless. If he doesn't come out I will Just go in.

While talking, Lu Shanjun has already picked up the stairs again, approaching Daming Temple step by step.

Every time he took a step closer, something like black smoke filled his figure, which even distorted part of the vision of the monks. It seemed that the steps under Lu Shanjun's feet had been sunken, which seemed extremely unreal.

It was clearly a human figure approaching, as if a giant beast was slowly approaching.

The leading old monk opened his arms with a loud shout and then closed them again.

Excellent Great Ming King Buddha...!

The Buddha's voice bursts with bright yellow light, waking up the frightened monks.

Keep your mind, he is using the demon method to frighten the heart. Go to the temple, fight with Buddhism, and recite the King Ming Mantra!

Go, quickly enter the temple! Quick, quick!

Except for the three old monks who were still outside, the aggressive monks all retreated back to the monastery and sat cross-legged on both sides in front of the gate.

Recite the Great Ming Mantra, and respectfully request the protection of the Great Ming King's incarnation!

A group of monks sitting cross-legged clasped their hands and closed their eyes, chanting Buddha's voice in unison.


At the moment when the sound of the Buddha sounded, all the monks in the Daming Temple heard the Great Ming Mantra. Whether they were monks who really practiced Buddhism or ordinary monks, they all sat down cross-legged on the spot and followed this episode of reciting the Great Ming Mantra.

The sound of the Dharma was deafening in a short period of time, and there were bright yellow Buddha lights shining continuously in the entire Daming Temple.

Lu Shanjun stopped two feet away from the gate of the temple, and looked at the three old monks. The surrounding Buddhist voices were aimed at him, so it was extremely harsh, which made him feel worse and worse.

Bursts of Buddha's light filled the air, and also blessed the three old monks, coating them with a layer of gold, making them more solemn and solemn while boosting their aura.

Benefactor Lu, it's still too late to retreat now. If you're obsessed with obsession, I, the Foming King, have the ability to subdue demons! Om...well...well...ba...me...hum...

Together with the mantra of the old monk, it turned into six golden characters and fell on his hands. The palms of both hands were filled with golden light, as if they would fall down at any time.

Noisy, get out of the way.

Lu Shanjun cursed, took a step forward and rushed towards the temple, his right hand swung upwards with claws, but the solid monster energy and mana did not make this blow sharp, just like a tiger slapping. Retreat first without seeking to injure the enemy.


The old monk also waved his hand at the same moment.

Stubbornly obsessed, follow!

The golden light and the demonic energy collided in front of the temple gate, blasting out a bursting halo.


The strong wind picked up, and the tiles in many places in the temple were blown away, and the fight between the two sides was just the beginning. At the moment of contact, the three old monks had already attacked together, surrounding Lu Shanjun in the middle.

The streaks of golden light were like thick sticky nets, covering them when Lu Shanjun looked around.

I am King Foming!

Subduing demons!

The evildoer will die!

The skinny bodies of the three old monks were now muscular, attacking Lu Shanjun from three directions with palms, kicks, and blows with Zen sticks.

Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Boom~...

Bursts of golden light shone, and the attacks of the three old monks full of Dharma turned out to be extremely fierce and swift. Lu Shanjun swung his arms alone to resist, as if he was suppressed at a disadvantage, and even grinned his teeth in pain every time they collided.

The surrounding golden light became more and more intense, suppressing the evil spirit.

The pure place of Buddhism does not allow you to be presumptuous!

Monster, hurry up and show your original shape!


The old monk's yelling and the mantra of the Buddha's voice in the whole monastery seemed to be pervasive, resounding all the time, affecting Lu Tiger's movements and making him feel more and more headache.


A brilliant golden light gathered on the old monk's Zen staff and knocked it down in the air. The other two old monks clasped their hands together and chanted the mantra loudly.


The Zen stick hit Lu Shanjun heavily on the forehead, and a dazzling golden light burst out, knocking Lu Shanjun to one knee.

Excellent Great Ming King Buddha! Monster, it's you who don't retreat, don't blame me for being ruthless in Buddhism!

The old monk held down the Zen stick with one hand, and called the Buddha's name with the other hand.


The sound of the surrounding Buddha became louder and brighter, and countless golden lights flowed from the body of the Daming King Buddha in the main hall in the center of the temple, even rendering the surroundings of the temple into a faint golden color.


The Buddhist golden light was extremely intense on the Zen stick, and the Zen stick seemed to be extremely hot, burning several scorched wounds on Lu Shanjun's forehead, and even imprinted on the front bone.

Monster, show your original shape!

Lu Shanjun grinned, and looked up at the old monk who was holding down his Zen staff so that he couldn't stand up. His eyes had changed from black to black and yellow, his irises showed round golden threads, and his pupils shrank into a small dot. , which is also golden yellow.

A low-pitched growl of a beast baring its teeth faintly permeated the surroundings, and a more depressing atmosphere began to spread.

I respect this place as a place of Buddhist practice, and I also took into account the teachings of the masters back then, and tolerated you in every possible way. Now that I have reached this point, I will be more serious. Even if the master comes personally, I will not blame me! Hehehehe... . . .

The leg that Lu Shanjun was kneeling down a little bit collapsed, and his figure gradually grew taller.

Muscles on the golden arms of the old monk who was holding the Zen staff swelled up one by one, and changed from one hand to two hands. His arms trembled slightly and pressed down firmly on the Zen staff, but they couldn't hold down Lu Shanjun's gradually rising body.

The old monk could no longer control the Zen staff, and watched Lu Shanjun stand upright. His body was much bigger than before, and his height had reached the point where the old monk needed to look up, and he was still getting bigger.

Although it is still in human form at this time, the body surface has gradually become rough, and the skin color and body bones have also begun to change.

Hey... you want me to show my original shape? Then Lu will fulfill you!

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shanjun's figure swelled rapidly. The color of the clothes on his body first turned black and yellow, and then turned into fur when it was attached to the skin surface. A section of the spine bulges...

The leading old monk could no longer hold the Zen staff and could not take it back. He let the Zen staff be carried higher and higher by Lu Shanjun's changes. The strong evil spirit seemed to blur the heat flow of the air, making the sky appear to all the monks in Daming Temple. Something twisted.

The Dharma of the three old monks and the monks in the monastery never stopped, and they continued to gather mantras and wave their palms to attack, but it seemed that they had lost their effect at this moment. Hitting the body surrounded by evil spirits was like a huge stone falling into the water. No response after ringing.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leading monk gave a loud shout.

Use the method of subduing demons and suppressing mountains!

The next moment, several old monks put their palms together and chanted sutras loudly, and the sound of the Buddha became louder and louder. The original golden net formed a golden cover, suppressing Lu Shanjun inside.


The giant golden light cover seemed to be as heavy as ten thousand junctures, and it hit the ground with a bang, and even smashed through many steps and printed into the mountain.

Just a moment later, the cover started to get bigger and bigger, and the clasped palms of the three old monks trembled more and more, as if something was about to be forced open between the palms.

Infinite demonic energy gushes out from under the giant golden light hood, showing the image of burning flames. The original golden Buddha light in the sky has been replaced by black wind and void demonic fire.

Da da da da da da da da da da...

The giant golden hood was shaking constantly, and a virtual image of a golden mountain faintly appeared on it, but its bones had already begun to crack.


The same moment as the tiger roar sounded.


Boom Boom Boom

The giant golden light hood exploded, and the three old monks faced the explosion, and were sent flying in three directions.


One of the old monks smashed directly on the wall of the temple, embedded in the wall and cracked the wall.

Pfft... Spit out a mouthful of pale golden blood, the old monk slid down from the wall, propped his palms on the ground so as not to lie down, and looked tremblingly at the front of the temple.

The mantra and Buddha voice in the entire temple had subconsciously quieted down, and all the monks looked up at the front of the temple gate in astonishment.

A monster the size of a building appeared in front of my eyes, like a tiger but not a tiger, like a monster but not a monster. On the body of the giant tiger, if you look closely, it also looks like a human face. When the tail sweeps behind you, it will bring up phantoms, like There are multiple flashes.

Endless demonic energy shoots up into the sky, causing various visions to appear. In the flow of the demonic energy, it seems that endless flames are spreading in all directions, as if the flames are all over the sky and the black wind is entangled.

A paw stretched out from the monster's body, gently grasped and took off the Zen stick embedded in its forehead, looked at it, grinned, and then swung it with the paw.


The Zen stick pierced through one of the Zen rooms in the monastery with the sound of breaking through the air. With a boom... it smashed half of the room and then crashed two feet into the ground.

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