Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 155 Meeting Qingsong Again

Ji Yuan, who was flying away in the fog, didn't fly too high and didn't fly too far, but he was only more than ten miles outside the city of Gyeonggi Prefecture before slowly falling to the ground.

Ten feet above the ground, the mist drifted with the wind like smoke, and it took less than half an hour to land outside the city.

This was Ji Yuan's first attempt at the flying technique, so he was somewhat cautious. Even if there was a serious accident at this height and speed, he would be fine, and he could land safely with just light work.

But the whole process was much easier than Ji Yuan imagined, maybe it was because of Laolong's miraculous skill of flying clouds and driving fog, or maybe it was because of the white stone in his hand, Laobaijiao.

Although the flight is not high, the feeling of flying is still great, and the confidence of Ji Yuan is greatly increased after landing.

‘However, if we apply the evaluation of Patriarch Bodhi in Journey to the West, I can’t even count as climbing clouds, right? '

With some evil thoughts, Ji Yuan also walked quickly towards the Tongtian River not far away.

After all, it is already spring in March. Even though it is only the morning after dawn, the distance between Tongcheon River Wharf and Gyeonggi Province is already extremely busy. There is an endless stream of vehicles and horses, and the silence of the severe winter season is gone.

Ji Yuan, a passer-by with a backpack and an umbrella, looks like a scholar who has failed the exam and returned home. No one will give him a second look. On the way, he can occasionally hear people talking about this year's imperial examination.

Arriving at the riverside, Ji Yuan did not go towards the big pier on the left, but turned right to the riverside road on the south side, there was already an old man waiting there, it was the old dragon who had already expected Ji Yuan's itinerary .

The old dragon stroked his beard and looked at his friends in the distance from far to near, and when they reached the right distance, they handed over at the same time as Ji Yuan.

Mr. Ji! Mr. Ying!

After greeting each other, the two walked together by the river.

The old dragon looked at the baggage Ji Yuan was carrying and the butter paper umbrella.

Sometimes the old man is quite envious of Mr. Ji, who has such patience and leisure to play in the mundane world.

Ji Yuan also looked at Lao Long, and every time he saw him, he was almost dressed in the same way.

Mr. Ying can do it too. With the way of the old man, walking in the mortal world, what gods can see through your dragon body, and even if they see through, they won't say anything about you?

Hey, without that patience, some things are interesting, but it's not as comfortable as taking a nap.

The old dragon said it half-jokingly, but from Ji Yuan's point of view, after all, the old dragon is not very interested in human affairs. If you really want to talk about patience, this real dragon is not bad.

One person and one dragon walked slowly along the river for several miles.

When it was time to part, the old dragon reminded Ji Yuan not to forget that when the time came to inform the place of Qingxiu, a simple exchange of greetings would be regarded as a farewell.

One dragon dives into the water and dives into the river, while the other walks away on clouds.

. . .

Bingzhou is located in the southeast of the Dazhen Central Plains, and it is relatively small among the thirteen Dazhen prefectures. There are only five prefectures in the prefecture.

But Bingzhou is an important grain-producing area of ​​Dazhen. The suitable climate and vast plain farmland make Bingzhou a veritable Dazhen granary. There are many records in history that grain was transferred from Bingzhou when disasters occurred in China.

Changchuan Mansion is the capital of Bingzhou. Apart from the city, it has 12 major counties under its jurisdiction, and Dongle County is one of them.

Ji Yuan was familiar with flying clouds and driving fog all the way, and asked for directions along the way. He arrived in Dongle County at the end of April without any risk, which is the hometown of Taoist Qingsong.

To be honest, Ji Yuan was quite surprised when he learned that Taoist Qingsong and his apprentice Qi Wen lived in Bingzhou.

The distance between Bingzhou and Jizhou is not that close. At that time, Ji Yuan thought that the two Taoist priests, one big and one small, were wandering around in Jizhou and even Deshengfu, but he didn't expect Yunyou to be so far away.

With ordinary people's foot strength, coupled with the current situation that the master and the apprentice are often too shy to hire chariots and horses, and the two have no clear purpose, according to the then Xiaodao Tong Qiwen, the two have traveled for two and a half years.

The same is true for Bingzhou Shaoshan and Dongle County. Yunshan Mountain in the county is still easy to find. Ji Yuan found the Yunshan Temple of Taoist Qingsong after asking casually.

The scale of this Yunshan Mountain is almost equivalent to the old Huashan Mountain outside Jiudaokou County, Desheng Prefecture, Jizhou, which is not small in Changchuan Prefecture.

At this moment, Ji Yuan was standing outside the Yunshan Temple of Yanxia Peak, and wandered around the Yunshan Temple.

The scale of this gymnasium may not seem large, but it has all the internal organs. In addition to the main hall dedicated to the stars, there are quite a lot from the side rooms to the kitchen and backyard.

Some vegetables are planted in the backyard. Because it is on the upper half of the mountain, there is no well, and the water has to go down the mountain to the mountain stream of Yunshan.

The entire gymnasium covers an area of ​​more than one mu, and only Taoist Qingsong and his apprentice Qi Wen lived there.

Judging from the aura of the Taoist temple, Taoist Qingsong and Qi Wen should have already returned.

Now there is no one in the gymnasium. Obviously, the two should have gone out. It is estimated that there are not many thieves on this mountain, so it is not locked from the inside to the outside.

Tsk tsk tsk... This Taoist Qingsong won't go out to tell fortunes again, will he?

Ji Yuan pushed open the door of the Taoist temple and went in, instead of looking at the hobbies of the two people's houses, he went straight to the main hall of the temple.

What is enshrined in the hall is not the Taoist Sanqing that Ji Yuan imagined in his previous life, but the stars and stars in the sky. There are no clay statues in the hall, but a black cloth star map. I don’t know if it’s because the stars are a little special. Mingming's vision is blurry, but Ji Yuan can easily distinguish it.

The most conspicuous ones are the Big Dipper and the Six Stars of the South Dipper, with nine stars, seven manifestations and two hidden ones. In addition, there are Dongxizhongdou and many other stars embroidered on it.

Well, worshiping stars instead of offering gods, the Taoism here is a bit interesting.

In fact, whether it is Outlaws, Tongming Policy, or some books obtained from the old dragon after Ji Yuan, the Ming King of Buddhism mentioned it from time to time, but there are not many things about Taoism.

Most of the mages that people often invite in the mortal world are also monks, or people who wear plausible dharma robes, but there are not many Taoist priests.

Ji Yuan looked at the constellation map for a while and then came out.

There is also an incense burner outside the hall, and the incense on it is not considered to be at its peak, but looking at the way the incense has dissipated, it is neither necessary nor useful to observe the constellation map.

It's no wonder that the common people don't like to come to this temple to offer incense. They don't even have a statue of a god. What can I ask for...

Twenty or thirty miles south of Yunshan Mountain is Dongle County, Ji Yuan didn't want to wait in the Taoist temple, he planned to go there to see if Taoist Qingsong was there, and buy some food by the way.

Yun drifted to the outside of the county, and went straight to the county temple where Sifang was. Sure enough, a small table was found under a big tree outside the Town God's Temple, and the Qingsong Taoist with an unlucky face was sitting there, and beside it was Qi Wen has grown up.

Although Ji Yuan didn't see the signboard of the small stall clearly, the words that Taoist Qingsong greeted the pilgrims occasionally fell into Ji Yuan's ears verbatim.

Hey, is this young master here to ask for marriage? Hey, is this girl here to ask for marriage?

If you want a marriage lottery, come to Pindao to get the lottery, it's cheap!


Ji Yuan nodded secretly, it seemed that Qi Xuan had listened to what he said.

As a result, not long after I finished boasting in my heart, a middle-aged pilgrim in gray straight train and dark clothes with a square crown on his head came to the booth and asked.

Master Daoist, do you understand why the house sign is safe?

Taoist Qingsong suddenly changed his mind, Qi Wen next to him said No... in one sentence, and Qi Xuan's voice overwhelmed him.

Understand! Why don't you understand! If the signature is not detailed and accurate, I can make up for you, and I won't charge you more money!

Oh? That's good, that's good, please ask the Taoist priest to release the sign for me.

Hehehe, sit and sit, in fact, I was looking at your face just now, but if you don't come, I hold back and don't ask.

Daoist Qingsong greeted the pilgrims to sit down very kindly and warmly.

Qi Wen and Yuan Ji Yuan sighed at the same time.

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