The beggars who were begging in front of the train station looked at the men in black rushing towards them, and they were dragged up by the men in black before they could figure out the situation. There were more than 30 beggars around the train station. Usually, Wang Ying sent a dozen people to watch them. When these people saw the men in black were going to take away the beggars and the money they begged today, they naturally rushed up. Beggars are not only Wang Ying's cash cow, but also their rice bowl. "Put down the people and the things!"

Wang Ying's men drew their knives and shouted at the black-clad youths.

Seeing this, the black-clad youths took sticks and hit Wang Ying's men without saying a word.

Wang Ying's men were quite fierce.

Usually, if a dozen people were to face 20 or 30 people, they might still win.

However, facing 60 or 70 black-clad youths.

This group of people rushed over in a black mass, and Wang Ying's men's arrogance was extinguished in an instant.


A group of people chased Wang Ying's men at the entrance of the train station.

At the same time,

Tang Xiaohu brought people to the residential alley near the train station.

"Drive them all away."

Tang Xiaohu pointed at the streetwalkers in the alley.

The black-clad youths behind Tang Xiaohu rushed forward and rushed towards the streetwalkers with sticks.

These streetwalkers had never seen such a scene before.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Accompanied by bursts of screams, the streetwalkers were frightened and fled in all directions.

The thugs in charge of guarding the streetwalkers wanted to rush out, but the other side was outnumbered and they could only be cowardly.

Soon, Tang Xiaohu brought people to the depths of the alley, where there were many gambling stalls.

"Beat them!"

Facing the men who were gambling, Tang Xiaohu was even more impolite.

With Tang Xiaohu's order, the young men in black took sticks and hit the gamblers.

The gamblers and Wang Ying's men were beaten with sticks and screamed, and they rolled on the ground holding their heads, looking miserable.

"If you dare to set up a stall here next time, I will beat you every time I see you!"

Tang Xiaohu said viciously.

Sweep the beggars in front of the train station, and clean up the streetwalkers and gambling stalls nearby.

This is not over yet.

Tang Xiaolong brought people to the shops along the street.

"Smash them all."

With Tang Xiaolong's order, the black-clad youths rushed into all the stores on the street and smashed them.

"Whoever dares to pay Wang Ying money in the future will be smashed every time he sees them."

Tang Xiaolong held an iron rod and shouted to the panicked passers-by.

"Stop smashing!"

"Stop smashing!"

"Brother, stop smashing!"

A restaurant owner ran out and begged Tang Xiaolong.

However, Tang Xiaolong didn't even bother to look at him.

Tang Xiaolong shouted to himself: "Smash, smash hard!"

There were more than a hundred black-clad youths, and they were smashing, so how could the people around dare to intervene.

At this time, Wang Ying was at his lover's house, lingering with his lover.


Wang Ying was sweating profusely and was in high spirits. Although his cell phone was ringing, Wang Ying didn't take it seriously at all.

At the same time.

Wang Ying's four henchmen downstairs were playing poker.

"20 for mute."

"40 for mute."

"40 for mute."

"I'll check my cards, I don't want any more."

When the four gangsters were having a great time, one of them's cell phone rang.

The man took out his cell phone, and while observing the expressions of the others, he asked, "Cai Tou, what's wrong?"

"Someone is smashing our place, quickly notify Brother Hu to come over."


Hearing that the place was smashed, the gangsters were not calm.

"Who smashed it!"

"It was Zhang Yaoyang's people!"

"How many people came!"

"I don't know, the streets are full of their people."

After hearing what his compatriots said, the gangster immediately threw down his cards and went upstairs to notify Wang Ying.

Knock knock knock.

The gangster knocked on the door repeatedly.

"What for!" Wang Ying asked angrily.

The gangster replied, "Brother Hu, Zhang Yaoyang is here to smash our place."

After hearing this, Wang Ying blushed.

When Wang Ying and his men arrived, the area around the train station was in a mess.

The beggars were driven away, and the fallen women were also driven away.

The shops on the street, including the massage parlor and hair salon opened by Wang Ying, were all smashed to pieces.

The shops of those businesses that usually paid protection fees were all smashed.

Tonight, Wang Ying lost at least dozens of


Especially beggars and fallen women, after they are driven away, it is a problem whether they can be found back.

These people were bought from human traffickers at a high price, and they are all Wang Ying's money-making tools.

"Zhang Yaoyang!"

Wang Ying gritted his teeth, and there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes.

Just then.

Wang Ying's cell phone rang.

It was Chen Tai calling.

What does this old guy want to find me for!

Wang Ying frowned, but he still answered the phone.

"Uncle Tai, is there something wrong?" Wang Ying said coldly.

Like Xu Jiang, Wang Ying still pays attention to the seniority of the underworld.

Chen Tai is a senior in the underworld, and Wang Ying needs to give Chen Tai face.

Chen Tai said: "Wang Ying, it was Yao Yang who asked me to come forward and invite you out for dinner. He said he would treat you, but you refused."

Wang Ying got angry when he heard this: "Uncle Tai, tell Zhang Yao Yang that I will kill him tonight."

Chen Tai was stunned. He was silent for a while and said: "Is there a conflict between you?"

Wang Ying said: "Uncle Tai, ask him first."

"Okay, I'll ask first and call you back."

Chen Tai hung up the phone.

At this time, Chen Tai looked at Zhang Yaoyang who was sitting opposite him. He asked with a puzzled look: "Yaoyang, what happened? Wang Ying said he wanted to kill you."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and replied: "Uncle Tai, I asked Xiaolong to invite Wang Ying to dinner. Wang Ying not only refused to go, but also pointed a gun at them. My younger brothers are hanging out outside, and they also want face, so they had a conflict with Wang Ying. That's why I thought of you coming forward to ask Wang Ying to come out, and both sides should talk things out to avoid more trouble in the future."

After listening to Zhang Yaoyang's answer, Chen Tai nodded: "I understand, young people love face."

In Chen Tai's view, both sides are just a face problem. They can come out to talk. At most, they will pay some money and both sides will take a step back.

Chen Tai hopes to make big things small and small things nothing.

So, Chen Tai picked up his mobile phone again and called Wang Ying's number.

Soon, the call was connected.

Chen Tai said: "Wang Ying, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, at the abandoned building in the western suburbs, Yao Yang and I will wait for you in the waste building, you can talk things over."

Wang Ying heard this and said coldly: "Okay, see you tomorrow morning."

The phone was hung up.

"Boss, you can't go. Tomorrow there must be a Hongmen Banquet."

At this time, a henchman said to Wang Ying.

"Boss, they have more people, we have fewer people, and the western suburbs are rarely visited. What if they have an ambush."

Another henchman persuaded Wang Ying.

They were all worried that Wang Ying would be ambushed.

However, Wang Ying sneered and said to the henchmen around him: "Go get the weapons and kill them tomorrow."

He didn't care about the Hongmen Banquet, and he was not afraid of Zhang Yaoyang's large number of people.

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