The next morning, the car was sold out.

Early in the morning, Tang Xiaolong followed Zhang Yaoyang's instructions and went to the scrap yard in the suburbs to buy a car.

There are many scrapped vehicles in the scrap yard.

Assemble the parts of the scrapped car into a new car, and then replace the license plate, and it will be a clean car.

Tang Xiaolong is very concerned about the car. After a few test drives, he confirmed the performance of the car.

"Xiaolong, this car is not bad, I originally wanted to keep it for my own family."

The owner of the scrap yard is Wu En, Tang Xiaolong's elementary school classmate.

"It's really good." As Tang Xiaolong spoke, he took out his mobile phone and said to Wu En: "Wait for me to call."

"You call." Wu En replied.

Tang Xiaolong called Zhang Yaoyang's cell phone.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang was near Meng Yu's house. He was going to follow Meng Yu and contact Meng Yu.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and pressed the answer button.

"Brother Yang, the car has been selected. It is a white Jinbei. I have tried the car and there is absolutely no problem." Tang Xiaolong's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Yaoyang nodded. When he saw Meng Yu going out, he followed him and said as he walked: "Get a few more sets of license plates."

"Okay." Tang Xiaolong hung up the phone.

"Xiaolong, which big brother are you hanging out with now?" Wu En, who was on the side, heard Tang Xiaolong reporting and asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it." Tang Xiaolong said, and patted the car: "Cheaper."

"We are all old classmates, I will definitely give you a good price."

Wu En laughed, patted Tang Xiaolong's shoulder, and went to the factory to drink tea.

Meng Yu walked into the department store in a white dress, and passers-by around her looked at her.

Meng Yu is a very elegant beauty, and she is the focus wherever she goes.

Meng Yu came to buy clothes today. She graduated from graduate school and is about to go to Beijing for internship.

Beijing is different from Beijing and Shanghai.

In particular, Kyoto is relatively dry, and she wants to buy some skin care products.

Zhang Yaoyang came to Meng Yu and took the initiative to greet her: "Are you Miss Meng Yumeng?"

"Who are you?" Meng Yu looked at Zhang Yaoyang sideways. She didn't know Zhang Yaoyang and had no impression of Zhang Yaoyang.

However, she thought Zhang Yaoyang was quite handsome.

Although Zhang Yaoyang had a wide nose, thick lips, and big eyes, compared with the delicate small melon-seed face of male stars, his facial features were large and rough, but when combined on his face, there was a distinct and unique temperament.

In particular, Zhang Yaoyang's shoulders were very broad, his waist was very narrow, and he was paired with straight long legs and a thick and huge chest!

In the eyes of women, all these combined can only be described as "sexy".

Zhang Yaoyang saw Meng Yu staring at him, so he smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Zhang Yaoyang, there is something I want to report to your father, Director Meng, through you."

"Ah? You want to report a case? Then I will help you contact someone, he will definitely help you."

Meng Yu took out his mobile phone and subconsciously prepared to contact An Xin.

An Xin and Meng Yu are childhood sweethearts. When they encounter problems, they will think of each other.

Zhang Yaoyang shook his head and said: "I need to meet your father. Only his level can solve this matter."

Meng Yu was about to dial the phone, but after hearing Zhang Yaoyang's words, she put down the phone: "Can I hear what the case is?"

Zhang Yaoyang looked around and said: "We need to find a place to talk about things."

"Yeah." Meng Yu nodded and said: "There is a park nearby, let's go there to talk."

Seeing Zhang Yaoyang agreed, Meng Yu took Zhang Yaoyang to a nearby park.

Meng Yu found a bench next to the artificial lake.

Today is a weekday, and there are few people in the park.

Meng Yu asked: "Can you tell me what the case is?"

Zhang Yaoyang first looked around, as if he wanted to make sure that no one was following him, and then he said: "Have you heard of human organ trading?"

Human organ trading!

Meng Yu studied journalism, and she aspires to be an excellent reporter.

Therefore, when she heard about human organ trading, she couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Is it illegal?"

As soon as the words came out, Meng Yu felt stupid. People are not animals. How can human organs be legally traded?

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "It is indeed illegal, and most of the organ donors are not voluntary."

"Not voluntary, could it be... could it be..."

Meng Yu had already imagined a scene of a person being anesthetized and tied to an operating table.

She had also watched such movies before.


Zhang Yaoyang said: "They are like animals, their corneas, internal organs, and even blood were taken away."

Meng Yu took a deep breath. She couldn't believe that there was such an evil and terrifying criminal organization in Jinghai: "Why don't you dare to report the case directly?"

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Many people are involved in this, including senior officials. Anyone who dares to report the case will disappear. However, I heard that Director Meng is a responsible person, and I believe he will be able to bring these evil people to justice."

"I know." Meng Yu said seriously: "I will arrange a meeting for you."

"This is my mobile phone number."

Zhang Yaoyang took out his mobile phone and exchanged mobile phone numbers with Meng Yu.

In Jinghai, you must have a backer.

Zhao Lidong and Meng Dehai can be chosen.

But Zhao Lidong is not only greedy, but also a real evil person. Cooperating with Zhao Lidong is like seeking the skin of a tiger.

Zhang Yaoyang doesn't want to make himself uncomfortable.

"By the way." Zhang Yaoyang reminded seriously: "Miss Meng, I hope this matter will not be publicized for the time being. Don't tell anyone else except your father."

"You are worried..."

"I'm not worried, but there are undercover agents in the police force."

Meng Yu nodded after hearing this, and she thought of what An Xin mentioned.

Not long ago, An Xin and others launched a capture operation. As a result, Crazy Donkey and others received the news in advance, leaving An Xin and others empty-handed.

Therefore, it is natural for Zhang Yaoyang to distrust the police force.

"Wait for my call."

Meng Yu said, and turned back.

She wanted to tell her father about what happened here.

Looking at Meng Yu's leaving back, Zhang Yaoyang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Now that Meng Yu's mobile phone number has been obtained, preliminary contact has been established.

Although An Xin and Meng Yu are childhood sweethearts, as the saying goes, as long as the hoe is used well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down.

If I could become Meng Dehai's son-in-law, my development in Jinghai would be smoother.

Just then, Meng Yu suddenly ran back.

"Miss Meng, is there anything else?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

Meng Yu smiled and scratched her head embarrassedly: "Sorry, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Zhang Yaoyang."

Zhang Yaoyang replied.

After saving Zhang Yaoyang's name, Meng Yu waved goodbye.


After Tang Xiaolong installed a license plate on the car, he drove to meet Zhang Yaoyang.

"Brother Yang, you try."

Tang Xiaolong handed the car keys to Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang got in the car and started the engine.

Before crossing, Zhang Yaoyang had ten years of driving experience and was considered an old driver.

He drove for a while, and after confirming that the car was fine, he sent Tang Xiaolong home.

Tang Xiaolong got off the car on the side of the road, and Zhang Yaoyang drove away from Jiuchang Street. He planned to make some fake ID cards.

At this moment, Zhang Yaoyang's phone rang.

He looked down at the caller ID.

It was Meng Yu.

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