The old man was in trouble, but the old man was in trouble.

In the original drama, Gao Qiqiang had Lao Mo, and only Lao Mo, and Lao Mo had to do everything, which was a big drawback.

Therefore, Zhang Yaoyang still had to build a reliable team.

People like Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu have limited criminal talents and can only charge into battle as cannon fodder.

If you really want to do big things, you still need to have been in prison.

People who have been in prison have a higher psychological quality, and at the same time, most of them find it difficult to find a livelihood after they come out.

At this time, they will naturally be grateful if you give them a hand.


The next morning, Zhang Yaoyang came to the flour mill site.

The construction of the mill site has been going on for nearly two months. Zhang Yaoyang comes at least ten days a month, and the rest of the time is spent at the construction site along the river on the Second Ring Road.

However, as soon as he arrived at the construction site, Zhang Yaoyang found that the construction site had not started.

The workers were all sitting on the ground, doing nothing.

A middle-aged man was arguing with a worker.

The man's name was Wei Xinglong, and he was the contractor of the construction project.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yaoyang asked with a frown.

Cheng Cheng came to Zhang Yaoyang and said to him, "Brother Yang, Mr. Wei said that the money has not been settled this month, and he has no money to pay the workers, so the workers will not continue to work."

The construction site's engineering payment is generally settled according to the completion of the project target.

In simple terms, it is to calculate the money according to the progress bar.

If the goal of the first stage is 10%, then 10% of the money will be settled, usually on a monthly basis.

If the contractor cannot get the money, the contractor will incite the workers to stop working. If the work stops for a long time, the project will be unfinished.

Of course, the contractor must have owed the workers more than one or two months' wages.

"What about this month's payment?" Zhang Yaoyang asked with a frown.

Cheng Cheng said, "You have to ask Mr. Xiao."

Zhang Yaoyang lit a cigarette. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing since he started working in real estate.

"What did Mr. Xiao say?" Zhang Yaoyang asked patiently.

Cheng Cheng replied, "Mr. Xiao said he was also waiting for the transfer from Xinda Group. Xinda Group promised to transfer the money last night, but it has not been received yet."

Zhang Yaoyang said in a deep voice, "Is there no money in the construction site account now?"

Cheng Cheng replied, "There is only 230,000 in the account, and we need 700,000 to pay Mr. Wei's engineering fee."

Zhang Yaoyang took a deep puff of cigarette and remained silent. Cheng Cheng explained, "This kind of thing is not uncommon, and the construction company has taken on too many projects at once, and the funds are indeed insufficient now."

Zhang Yaoyang asked, "How does the company deal with this kind of thing in the past?"

Cheng Cheng replied, "Usually, we first find a bridge company to turn around for two days, or advance the money ourselves."

Zhang Yaoyang Yang thought about it. He didn't want to find a bridge company for the time being, nor did he want to advance the money himself. How could he pay for work? "How much money is left in the account of the riverside construction site?"

Cheng Cheng glanced at the statistical table on the folder: "There is still 1.04 million."

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Take out 600,000 and pay Mr. Wei first."

Cheng Cheng was stunned for a moment: "But the riverside construction site also needs to settle the material costs today. If it cannot be settled, it will be necessary to bear the penalty for breach of contract."

Zhang Yaoyang said disapprovingly: "Breach of contract, breach of contract, transfer the money first for emergency."

Headache treatment, foot pain treatment, dig east wall to repair west wall, money can be delayed, this is Zhang Yaoyang's intuitive feeling in real estate.

"Yes." Cheng Cheng turned around and was about to deal with it.

"Wait." Zhang Yaoyang stopped Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng turned around and looked at Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Please make an appointment for Mr. Xiao and invite him to lunch at noon."

Cheng Cheng invited Mr. Xiao to dinner at the Fuli Hotel.

Zhang Yaoyang and Cheng Cheng arrived at the box ten minutes earlier.

More than ten minutes later, a middle-aged man with a face full of flesh and a fat body, accompanied by two tall men who looked like bodyguards, arrived.

[Xiao Wanhua]:

A typical smiling tiger, who appears to be harmonious on the surface, but always thinks about how to exclude others behind the scenes.

After Zhang Yaoyang saw Xiao Wanhua's character introduction for the first time, he knew how to deal with Xiao Wanhua.

"Mr. Xiao."

"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yaoyang greeted Mr. Xiao.

Xiao Wanhua is an old man around Chen Tai.

Chen Tai gave several vice presidents high power and asked them to take charge of a part of the company.

There are two purposes for doing this: one is to take care of the old brothers in the past, so that they can eat meat and share the glory and wealth; the other is to disperse power and check each other to prevent one family from dominating.

"Mr. Zhang, how can you...

"Xiao Wanhua looked puzzled.

If we judge by his expression alone, Xiao Wanhua can fool everyone, he seems to really not know.

"Boss Xiao, you are older than me, so I will call you brother." Zhang Yaoyang took a cigarette from the cigarette box, lit a cigarette, and then said: "When will the construction payment of the mill arrive? You know, I am a newcomer in the group, and I don't want to mess up the first project."

Xiao Wanhua looked apologetic: "Brother, I also want to help you complete the project. But now I can't do it. It mainly depends on when Xinda will pay the money, and they are also waiting for the bank to lend money. "

The workers wait for Boss Wei to pay wages, Boss Wei waits for Zhang Yaoyang to transfer money, Zhang Yaoyang waits for Boss Xiao to transfer money, Boss Xiao waits for Xinda Group to transfer money, and Xinda Group waits for the bank to lend money.

It looks complicated, but clear, as if Xiao Wanhua has no responsibility.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Brother, can you urge Xinda? "

Xiao Wanhua replied: "Brother, I will urge them tomorrow and try to solve it this week."

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Yaoyang said with a smile.

Xiao Wanhua waved his hand, and he also smiled and said; "We are all family members, thank you is too polite."

As the waiter served the dishes, Zhang Yaoyang toasted Xiao Wanhua with a few glasses of wine. Xiao Wanhua also flattered him, saying things like "brother, you are young and promising" and "the successor of the Construction Group".

After the meal, Xiao Wanhua staggered away with the help of two bodyguards.

Cheng Cheng's face was also red, she was also drunk: "Brother Yang, Mr. Xiao is a good person. Since he said that it will be solved this week, it should be solved. "

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly.

No wonder Cheng Cheng went to jail for Uncle Tai. His brain is not very useful. He is too easy to trust others.


Under the neon lights of the city.

Outside, there is a lot of traffic, and people who have just got off work are busy for their lives.

In the nightclub, the powerful and the rich are partying all night.

Maria International Club is a newly opened nightclub

In the past, the nightclubs in Jinghai City were suppressed by Xu Jiang. Now that Xu Jiang is dead and Bai Jinhan is still sealed, these nightclubs have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, quickly seizing the market.

At this time.

Xiao Wanhua is in the box, hugging left and right, and in the box, President Wei is bare-chested, holding a microphone, singing passionately with two beautiful women dancing.

"My passion is like a fire that burns the entire desert."

Today's strike is just a performance.

Xiao Wanhua wants Zhang Yaoyang to beg him so that he can benefit from it.

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