Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 59 Action

Luther looked at Morgana with envy.

He was not envying the greatest evil in the universe, but Morgana's technology.

Morgana, who had just upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body, did not have the characteristics of the sacred atom that could not be destroyed by a supernova explosion. After all, Morgana needed to solve the divine body for transportation, and her atoms could not be made so indestructible, which would only increase the difficulty and resource consumption of wormhole transportation.

As we all know, the demon civilization is the poorest civilization in the known universe, and Morgana is also the poorest main god. She can't afford to burn so much money.

Although there is a licking dog, Morgana has a very stiff relationship with the death god Carl. Morgana generally doesn't want to deal with the death god Carl.

For Luther, wormhole transportation technology can be learned or not. He is interested in the fourth-generation divine body technology!

Even if the fifth-generation divine body comes out later, the gold content is still higher in the fourth-generation divine body technology.

Judging from Hua Ye's performance, there is no qualitative change, so it is very likely to be 4.5 generations, and he himself said that it is barely a fifth-generation body.

What Luther lacks is just an idea and a technical threshold, and he can solve the rest with his super brain.

"Should we capture Morgana for research?"

This is what Luther is thinking now.

He has no good feelings towards Morgana, and he will not look at her with new eyes or pity her just because she is extremely evil.

Even if this world is not his previous world, Luther is still very unhappy to see Morgana casually killing people. Of course, if it were people from farm tools and other countries, Luther would not have such a big opinion on Morgana.

He can even recommend the Demon Queen to go to the small island across the sea, where there are many people.

"None of this has happened yet, but it doesn't prevent me from using her for experiments."

Luther was moved. Morgana is now at her strongest and weakest.

The strongest because she has just upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body, which is her strongest ever.

The weakest is because Demon No. 1 is not here. Morgana can only rely on her own gene engine system to fight. Without the support of Demon No. 1, a celestial-level supercomputer, it is difficult to say whether Morgana has become stronger or weaker than her heyday.

And with Luther's strength, he doesn't need to worry about turning over. Just kidding, a Kryptonian with a combat power of 500,000, how can he turn over when fighting a weakened demon queen?

"Qilin, it's late now, I'll take you back."

Luther suddenly said to Qilin.

"You want to take me back so soon?"

Qilin was stunned, and then asked in confusion.

"If you don't want to go back, we can still go shopping for a while."

Luther said with a smile.

"Do you have something to do?"

Qilin said very considerately.

"Then I can take a taxi back by myself."

"How can I let you take a taxi home by yourself? I don't trust you."

Luther has locked Morgana's aura. Although he is a little impatient, it is still most important to accompany his wife.

Qilin saw that Luther didn't look like anything was wrong, but she was worried that Luther really had something wrong, so she sat in Luther's car and was sent back home.

"See you tomorrow."

Qilin took the initiative to kiss Luther. She thought she would kiss something greasy, but she found that Luther's mouth was very fresh, not like he had just eaten barbecue. She watched Luther the whole time, and she didn't see him secretly go to the toilet to brush his teeth.

I can only say that it was very good, and Qilin had a very good experience.

"See you tomorrow, wife."

Luther said with a smile. He himself had a biological force field and was spotless, but Qilin was not. It was impossible for super gene warriors to keep clean at all times, unless they didn't eat or drink. They didn't have the function of self-cleaning.

After Qilin went home, Luther turned around and left.


Luther performed the transformation technique, pure white short hair and eyebrows, and his face also changed in the brow bone and other aspects, looking more three-dimensional and more modeled.

Compared with his previous appearance, the difference is very big.

It's not that he wasn't handsome before. His previous appearance was formed by self-carving after genetic optimization. Now, he simply modified some details on this basis and became a completely different person.

He also used this face and body shape when meeting He Xi.

This is not the transformation technique of the Southern Transformation Kindergarten, but one of the magic in Dragon Ball, which is used for transformation and disguise. The effect in all aspects is much better than that of the Southern Transformation Kindergarten.

Relying on the perception of Morgana's aura, Luther moved to Morgana's side in an instant.

Morgana was enjoying the nightlife and observing the situation of Blue Star at this time, holding a skewer in her hand.

Luther's appearance was very sudden, and there was no fluctuation of the wormhole, Morgana couldn't react at all, and then Luther grabbed her face.

Then Luther appeared on Mars with Morgana.


Morgana was thrown to the ground by Luther.


Morgana's body was deformed by this blow, but she recovered quickly. After all, she was the fourth generation of divine body.

"What happened?"

Morgana immediately activated her genetic system to detect what had just happened and the dark plane information.

But Luther didn't give her the time.

"Qigong wave."

Luther stretched out one hand and aimed at Morgana, then a Qigong wave instantly shoveled away tens of millions of tons of soil from the surface of Mars!

A bright light appeared on the entire surface of Mars, and the terrifying energy explosion even destroyed the continuous Martian storm on Mars. The atmosphere was heated by the ultra-high temperature generated by the explosion, causing the temperature and surface temperature of Mars to rise by hundreds of degrees Celsius.

When the explosion subsided, a huge East African Rift Valley appeared in front of Luther.

"The angel's flame bombardment can easily destroy the third-generation peak beast body, let alone the more destructive Qi..."

Luther walked to the depths of the East African Rift Valley, where the demon queen Morgana was. She only had the upper torso left, and the lower body was completely destroyed by Qi.

"Who are you!"

If Morgana hadn't moved out her two demon claws in time to block it, her entire torso would be gone now, because Luther was aiming at her torso.

It's a pity that even so, Morgana's two demon claws were scarred and broken.

This made Morgana's scalp tingle after seeing it. You know, this pair of demon claws is Morgana's signature weapon, which can go head-on with the silver wings in the Holy Kesha's arsenal. It is probably a dark silver weapon, but it was destroyed like this!

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