Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 899: Who will guard against a child?

The Xuanming Nine Spirits Scriptures are the exercises practiced by Xuanming boys.

This is a legendary school that can change fate and aptitude against the sky.

In the process of continuous improvement in the realm of general practitioners, their own spiritual qualifications are also constantly improving.

But this kind of improvement is very limited, and the innate aptitude often limits the ultimate achievement of the practitioner.

The value of the Xuanming Nine Spirits Scripture is that it can change the innate aptitude through acquired means.

Everyone grows up from a fetus.

When a person is in the womb, it is an innate body itself. After the fetus is born, he breathes the five qi from the heavens and the earth and eats whole grains, so he will be contaminated with the turbid qi of the day. The innate body becomes the acquired.

Therefore, the second generation of some super powers will take a bath with spiritual liquid every day after they are born, and consume warming and tonic medicines to minimize the influence of acquired turbid qi.

The younger generations cultivated in this way tend to have excellent aptitudes. Like monks in ancient times, they are born with a certain number of bright points, and they can practice twice with half the effort.

This is winning at the starting line.

However, people living in the world, how can it be possible to completely eliminate the influence of acquired staleness.

Therefore, even a practitioner who spends a lot of money to train can hardly reach the level of innate body.

And the Xuanming Nine Spirits Sutra can return to the innate from acquired, and finally cultivate into an innate body comparable to a fetus.

The so-called congenital body, that is, the twelve serious meridians are completely penetrated, and the acupuncture points that are born with the number of Tiangangdisha 108. Before achieving the congenital realm, there is no need to think about lighting the acupuncture points.

Such a practitioner already has the qualifications to leapfrog a level to learn magical powers in the Primordial Spirit Stage.

Rumor has it that there were even more terrifying innate Taoism in ancient times. It was a natural cultivation true species, born with a hundred veins, and the number of natural bright acupoints was three hundred and sixty-five weeks and days. In the Golden Core Stage of the God Realm, you can practice supernatural powers beyond the level.

The Xuanming Nine Spirits Sutra can improve the aptitude against common sense after the cultivator’s aptitude is solidified. This is because the practice of this technique can restore the cultivator to his mother's womb.


It's not going back to the stove and making one time, but going back to the stove and making another nine times!

For normal human races, generally when they are about nine years old, their own qualifications will take shape and will no longer change.

The idea of ​​the Xuanming Nine Spirits Sutra is to allow the practitioner's fetus to stay in the mother's womb as much as possible.

It's best to be nine years old at birth.

ok, direct innate body!

But racial characteristics and the laws of heaven determine this is almost impossible.

So the tycoon who created this technique took a different approach, returning to the furnace regularly in batches, using innate maternal body to cleanse his acquired staleness.

In this way, every time you return to the furnace, the acquired staleness on your body will be reduced by one point.

In the end, the merits are fulfilled and the innate body is achieved.

This technique still has certain flaws, that is, it takes nine years of growth to regain the strength in its heyday.

To achieve the innate body, it takes a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one years.

For practitioners, it doesn't matter how long it takes.

However, the nine years of growing up after returning to the furnace was a period of weakness for the boy Xuanming. This must be done carefully, and the enemy should not be aware of her fictitiousness and reality, so as to avoid twists and turns.

So every time she went back to the furnace, she was careful and prepared.

In this way, she has experienced eight times of reheating. As long as one time, she will be sure to achieve the innate body, cultivate the power of supernatural powers, comprehend her own domain, and achieve the realm of virtual immortality!

From then on to the pinnacle of life...

Because of the practice of this technique, she had the power of the pinnacle of the soul when she was nine years old after returning to the furnace, so she often showed the image of a boy, so she had the honorary title of Xuanming boy.

Among the practitioners, there are many handsome men and beautiful women, which is not surprising at all.

The ones who are really hard to mess with are monks, Taoists, old people, and children.

Xuan Ming Boy is one of the most difficult kids in this world.

But this time, she capsized in the gutter.

She didn't expect Qi Yuegu Wu family to have the means to counterattack, and the decisive blow caused her to be severely wounded, and she had to force her to start the final recovery without preparation.

Within a hundred miles, she only found a suitable mother body.

It was a pregnant woman in Wu's family with a high belly.

She took over the magpie's nest without knowing it. Despite the rush, the familiar smell of amniotic fluid still made her feel certain.

It is also good to pretend to be Wu's family, so that it is more convenient for her to investigate some of the secrets of Wu's family.

Who will guard against a newborn baby?

She saw with her own eyes that some of the Wu family members escaped into the small world. If the Wu family really has a totem of the Mang clan, these heavy treasures are most likely in those people.

As long as she can spend some time in Wu's family, she is confident to know everything about Wu's family.

Fortunately, she miscalculated again.

Her men could not find her trace, thinking that she had died from the starlight sanctions that fell from the sky. He actually chanted the slogan "Vengeance for Venerable Xuan Ming" and slaughtered the entire Wu family present.

It also includes the mother she recreated.

This bunch of waste wood has not succeeded in success, and failed in success!

Didn't they tell them to capture and interrogate them, and kill them as a supplement?

The mother is dead, how can her script continue?

Fortunately, her rebuilding will not affect her memory. With her foundation in the primordial spirit stage, even in the infant state, she has a certain degree of self-protection.

Just wait until there is no one around, she can crawl out on her own.

However, she was still a little worried whether someone would condense the Wu family's body, but did not find her, and directly dug a hole or cremated the mother.

Fortunately, this worry did not happen.

She was finally discovered and rescued.

But the person who rescued her made her a little nervous.

This person can actually use the virtual realm!

The closer you are to the virtual realm, the more you can understand the horror of the virtual realm. It was not easy for this person to be able to use the methods in the virtual realm.

Why hasn't she heard of such a person in Xingchen Pavilion?

For a moment, the boy Xuan Ming became curious about the person in front of him, but he was more vigilant.

She was afraid that this person would be surly, and pinched her to death.

After observing quietly, the boy Xuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Some clues can be seen from his performance in the burial of the Wu family. This person should be a friend or not an enemy of the Wu family.

So's orphan, he should be 80 to 90% sure to adopt.

That said, she found her meal ticket for the next nine years!

And it can also spy on the information of this emerging powerhouse with the virtual realm. He can even follow the vines to check the remnants of Qi Yuegu Wu's family.

On the surface, the identity of the Wu family's orphan and the adopted daughter of this guy allows her to investigate these matters with integrity.

Who would guard against a child who was raised by himself?

Opening his small eyes and looking at Wu Hao, who was holding her with a honey smile, Xuan Ming decided to make a mark to declare his presence.


Authentic boy pee, take a bite, brother!

Huh, got out of the way?

Actually dare to hide, bad review!


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