Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 843: is her!

"Sword Soul?"

Undead King Kong Jiang Han's eyes flashed slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at each other, each seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Their eyesight is naturally comparable to those of the natives of the Hao Cang Realm who have not seen a higher realm. As the objects of the two great forces cultivating eagerly, they can clearly judge what the white rainbow sword shadow flashed above Wu Hao's two silver iron sword just now.

That is the mark of Wuhun stage sword repair, sword soul!

The other party can stay in this world safely, obviously he is still in the golden core stage. But at this time, the sword soul can be mastered in advance, which means that the opponent has stepped into the martial soul stage with one foot.

The summer land in front of me, it seems that the breath age should be less than forty, and there is such an achievement. Even if such a disciple is in the star realm, it is very likely that he has already obtained the qualification of Tianjiao.

They suspected that Xia Di was cultivated by the Qinglian Sword Sect and was a secret weapon for the Five Clan Society.

If he was personally passed on by the Sword God, they would probably believe it.

In an instant, they had all kinds of guesses about Xia Di's identity.

Of course, compared with Xia Di's identity, what they care about now is his combat power.

Jian Xiu was originally known for his strong combat power, and the opponent had already mastered the Soul of the Sword, and he was also practising the secret Vientiane Shura sword of the Qinglian Sword Sect.

Even with the trump cards prepared by Senior Zongmen, Xiao Tao and Jiang Han would not be sure of winning against Shang Xia Di.

Moreover, the other party has such a talent, it is impossible not to be ignored by Qinglian Sword Sect. How do they know if they can have hole cards?

Jiang Han and Xiao Tao looked around for a while, and reached a certain consensus secretly. The two couldn't help but get closer, and they seemed to be advancing and retreating together.

This felt the threat of Xia Di, which made the two of them prepare for a deeper cooperation.

Not only is he and Xiao Tao like this, but Turing, Shen Kexin and Le Wuyou, who are natives of the Hao Cang Realm, have also stood together in a faint horn, and they seem to have formed a small group.

Only Wu Hao stayed alone, looking out of tune with them.

Wu Hao had no feeling for this situation.

He has obtained more detailed information about the treasure from Xiaotao, which is said to belong to the royal family of the Great Zhou.

This is simply a coincidence. Before crossing, he was also surnamed Zhou!

You can't write two weeks in a single stroke. Treasure is bound to him...

And his relatives in this life are also surnamed Zhou.

Double fate!

Also, the last battle for the treasure in the first battle a thousand years ago was the five-color gods and the great forces.

The Five Color God Sect, that's my family.

Dagan, that's the Yue family.

No matter what, the treasure must have his share! Is it okay?

Anyway, he has been eyeing the treasure, so he doesn't care whether these people are happy or not.

If you dare not take him, he doesn't mind to persuade him physically.

If he is really ignorant, he doesn't mind using chemical and biological methods.

Fortunately, things did not develop as Wu Hao imagined. After demonstrating the power of the "two-two" of the Shenbing, no one made a fuss about his qualifications as a participant.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Xiao Tao hurriedly started to make a round.

She emphasized that Xia Di was only a helper she invited, and the harvest of this action was also out of her share, and it would not affect other people's share of the treasure.

In this way, these sacred soldiers finally calmed down.

Le Wuxian looked at Wu Hao's divine soldier "Two Two" with lingering fear, and knelt down to pick up the cut impermanence stinging blade casually.

This blade kept changing in his hands, and finally turned into a pool of silvery-white droplets, which merged into his body.

This is the true face of impermanence thorn, its essence is liquid, so it can change impermanence as you like. Condensed into countless types of weapons when needed.

If the ordinary magic weapon is cut off, even if it is not completely destroyed, it will also affect the magic weapon's power, and its spirituality will be greatly reduced.

However, the impermanence thorn was not damaged at all. If Le Wuyou thought, he could use the impermanence thorn as a dart with unlimited firepower. The premise is that the dart is finished, and he has to recycle them one by one.

It is precisely because of some understanding of the characteristics of impermanence that Wu Hao has no pressure to destroy, and is not worried at all that it will affect the opening of the treasure.

The people present were clearly aware of this, so they all looked pretty good at it.

After this episode, they finally reached a consensus and began to prepare to enter the treasure.

At this time, everyone looked at Jiang Han.

Because among the people present, only Jiang Han knew the specific location of the core treasure.

When things were still not in sight, Jiang Han obviously wouldn't share the detailed location of the treasure with others. Just tell them roughly that they are near the blood lake.

Now, everything is ready, only the wind is owed.

At this point, Jiang Han didn't sell it. He took out the map and painted a little star in the center of the map. "Here is where the treasure is..."



"How can it be?"


As soon as Jiang Han's voice fell, I remembered the exclamation one after another.

The location of the treasure is really too special. The location marked on the map is a big island in the blood lake in the center of the relics of gods and demons.

Now, that island has a resounding name, it's called Sealed Demon Island!

Turing's face was ugly and said: " could it be Demon Sealing Island? The current Demon Sealing Island is the inverse scale of the people in the right way. The guards are extremely tight, and there is absolutely no possibility that we can break into it!"

Jiang Han shook his head indifferently, and then responded: "Your statement is not accurate. The location of the treasure is not on the Sealed Demon Island, but directly below the island, at the bottom of the Blood Lake."

"Even at the bottom of the lake, we can't make it at all?" Le Wuyou asked with frowned.

Shen Kexin glanced at the expressions of Wu Hao and Xiaotao, and whispered: "What are you doing with this kind of heart. Since the goal of the Venerable is the treasure, he must be fully prepared. We listen to the arrangements of the Venerable."

Jiang Han looked at Shen Kexin appreciatively, and smiled: "Yes, the elders of the Zongmen prepared a'Sky City Towing Umbrella' for me. As long as we can approach the treasure within a hundred miles, we can instantly teleport to the treasure through the towing umbrella. Where it is."

"So, we don't need to enter Demon Sealing Island, as long as we can reach any place less than a hundred miles away from Demon Sealing Island. In this way, is the difficulty reduced countless times?"

Shen Kexin's eyes lit up upon hearing this: "Yes, if this is the case, our Wanhua Building can arrange for everyone to approach there!"

What Shen Kexin said was true. Several people just waited for half a day before they had a way to go to the target area.

Several islands within a hundred miles of Fengmo Island were blocked by the righteous man. However, the evil environment of the relics of gods and demons is not conducive to cultivation, so the righteous people who are sent to guard here are all on duty.

Moreover, this is a major event related to the entire Hao Cang Realm, and naturally it is not just the contribution of the upper three sects. Some other second- and third-class forces also have the obligation to contribute.

One of the cultivating families attached to Luoyingmen is actually a member of Wanhualou. Now a few of them are going to a small island where the family is stationed as the members of the family on duty.

There is also a large island guarded by the Fallen Gate around this small island, which is insignificant in the righteous blockade formation, but it is also just less than a hundred miles away from the Sealed Demon Island, which just meets their needs.

In addition to the six of them,, there is also a real clan member of this family. He is familiar with the situation here and is responsible for helping them deal with the censorship of the authentic sect.

The censorship did not occur when they approached the garrisoned island, but started as soon as they entered the lake of blood.

The blood lake is a densely distributed area of ​​gods and evildoers, but the people in the right way have also explored several safe routes, and set up ferry crossings at the starting points of these routes.

Nowadays, the guard is heavily guarded on this ferry. Each practitioner must be confirmed here before a special boat will pick them up to the corresponding island in the blood lake.

When Wu Hao and the others came to the ferry, the face of that family member changed.

The righteous person who checked here today is more than three times the usual. And those extra people, dressed in uniform Xuantianzong costumes, looked aggressive.

In the end, he was a spy, this guy was quite calm, he helped Wu Hao and the others receive the number plates for the line, while quietly looking for someone to inquire about the news.

"What's the matter, why are the inspections so strict today?"

The person he asked about was just a big mouth that was famous in the right way. This person was originally drowsy in line, but he suddenly became energetic when he heard someone asking him to inquire about things!

"Oh, little brother. You don't know yet, something big happened! The Xuantianzong Swift Shadow Sword Master appeared in the Battle of Conquering Demons, do you know that she has become a demon? Now Xuantianzong is desperately wanting her, Come, come...I still have a reward order, you see, you see..."

As the reward in this person's hands slowly unfolded, Liu Ruxu's portrait appeared in the eyes of Wu Hao who had been peeping at here.

Wu Hao, Xiao Tao, and Jiang Han were all shocked.

"is her!"


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