Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 808: My backstage tells you to scare you to death!

? Now that Liu Yunyun is in the Baihong Valley, Wu Hao naturally has no reason to delay outside.

He immediately followed the elder Li towards the direction of Bai Honggu.

Found Wu Hao's whereabouts, this elder Li has done a great job. There is no need to continue to spy on the Blood Soul Sect.

He has to go back to receive the reward, anyway, he is not the only one who came to scout.

Before leaving, the fat man Cheng Guang kept crying and begging Wu Hao to take him with him. It was said that Le Wuyou had already seen his appearance, and now he had no place to live in the Blood Soul Sect. He wants to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and go to Baihong Valley!

Wu Hao considered that he had made a lot of effort along the way, but he didn't mind taking him along.

But if you join Baihonggu, forget it.

With his body size, no matter how good his concealment technique is, it is in vain!

He is more suitable to be a meat shield than an assassin.

Wu Hao felt that he should go back to the elder Zhao Guangming and continue to be his disciple of the Blood Soul Sect. Maybe someday the Zhao family will get rid of the chaos, and they will be able to take advantage of the dragon.

For Cheng Guang, this master was willing to take him with him. He was already very satisfied. As for whether he would be introduced into Baihong Valley, he has never reported any hope.

It was brought up because of a small psychological trick.

Generally speaking, when people refuse him an unreasonable request. For his reasonable request, he would be embarrassed to refuse.

Sure enough, he succeeded, and was driven by Elder Li in the direction of Baihonggu with his sword.

Baihonggu has many sword repairs. Except when traveling with a large number of junior disciples, they seldom use the Yunxiaofeizhou, which is relatively slower. The basic operation is the whistling of the sword.

Elder Li was afraid that soon after Wu Hao recognized the master, the imperial envoy Bai Hongjian could not fly easily. Therefore, he not only took Cheng Guang's affairs to a large package, but also controlled the speed of his Royal Sword, not far from Wu Hao.

Prepare to wait in case Wu Hao rolls over here, so he can take care of it.

Unexpectedly, Wu Hao looked very skilled, without the slightest sense of jerky.

"Oh, pretending to be like that." Elder Li thought secretly, still following behind unhurriedly.

But gradually, Elder Li felt something was wrong.

He found that his Royal Sword seemed a bit unable to keep up with the Baihong Sword Master.

how can that be?

Although he has magical soldiers to help him, his own realm is the stage of refining qi. How could it be comparable to an old driver like him with decades of royal age?

Thinking of this, Elder Li began to accelerate.

But he found that even if he used the strength of the milk, he still couldn't catch up with the white rainbow sword master in front.

Far from reducing the distance, it has a tendency to increase.

Elder Li's expression was slightly embarrassed, and what made him even more uncomfortable was that the fat man he was carrying looked at him with a strange look, as if he was looking at a parallel importer.

"What do you look at?" Elder Li scolded angrily: "It's all to blame for eating so fat, it's too heavy to weigh, and it affects my sword speed!"

The fat man was silent for a moment, and he dared not say a word.

Wu Hao flew and found the embarrassing state of Elder Li behind him.

He had seen the flying speed of the primordial masters too much, thinking that that was the normal operation. I really didn't pay attention to the level of ordinary Jin Dan period imperial sword flying.

He slowed down the escape and waited slightly for Elder Li to drive alongside him.

He was about to talk to Elder Li when he suddenly saw a figure flashing out of the void below, gesturing at them continuously.

Wu Hao looked around, and that seemed to be an elder from Baihonggu. As for his surname, Wu Hao couldn't remember.

Let's call it "an elder who doesn't know the specific name" for the time being.

Seeing "an elder who doesn't know the specific name" gesturing below, after Wu Hao and Elder Li looked at each other, they stopped to escape and fell downward.

"Baihong Sword Master!" An elder who didn't know the specific name saw Wu Hao, with an excited expression on his face: "I found you. By the way... Sect Master asked me to bring you a message!"

With that said, he leaned towards Wu Hao.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?" Seeing "an elder who doesn't know the specific name" came forward, Elder Li hurried forward and pulled Wu Hao behind him like an eagle protecting a chicken.

"The surname is Lu, what do you want to do? I discovered Baihong Sword Master first. I have already brought the words that the Sect Master asked to take."

Having said this, Elder Li was slightly proud, and squinted at the elder who didn't know the specific name.

Hmm... It should be this Elder Lu!

Elder Lu gave a sigh of relief: "Don't I go forward and feel happy? Besides, if you haven't brought the words to you yet, didn't I just take the opportunity?"

"Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy, and Brother Li is really dripping in his work."

Elder Li laughed and said, "So so, luck..."

Suddenly Elder Lu took a wary look.

"Come out, I've found you! Sneakyly following Big Brother Li, what's your intention?"

Elder Li was surprised.

Is anyone following them? Why didn't he find it at all?

Thinking of this, he quickly turned around and looked at the void where Elder Lu was staring.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, he suddenly heard a loud drink from the side.

Behind his own tightly, murderous intent broke out.

The shining sword light rises like a scorching sun, reflecting each other in the eastern sunrise.

When Elder Li turned around to investigate, this elder Lu used a killer move that didn’t know how long he had been raising the sword, Bai Hong Guanri!

When the unexpected happened, Wu Hao had only time to remind him, while grabbing Elder Li's arm and violently pulling him aside.

However, Bai Hong Guanri's move was too fast, and when things happened suddenly, Wu Hao's actions only made Elder Li avoid his heart.

A sword pierced his abdomen, causing Elder Li to suddenly fall to the ground, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

It is a fluke that he did not die on the spot!

"Why...what...!" Elder Li opened his eyes wide, glaring at Elder Lu, and asked incredulously.

"Hahahaha! Why?" Elder Lu grinned: "Do you think Lao Tzu died of a talkative garbage villain? Go to Hades to find the answer!"

With that said, he ignored the dying Elder Li and directly killed Wu Hao.

"Your real goal is me!" Wu Hao said somewhat clearly.

"You know too much..." Elder Lu kept making moves, and one shot was Baihonggu's powerful underground-level swordsmanship, the Sixiang Leijian Sword.

"But I want to know more!" Wu Hao sneered: "The biggest mistake you made today was to choose to attack Elder Li first instead of attacking me!"

While talking, he transported the sword's spiritual power to flow throughout his body, and greeted Elder Lu with the sword.

The used is also the Sixiang Leijian Sword!

One shot is the dragons and tigers roar, thunder is faint. Compared with his swordsmanship, Elder Lu's swordsmanship is not like the four elephants running through the thunder, but a bit like a chicken and dog barking.

"Impossible, how can you grasp the sword intent of Ben Lei?" Elder Lu suddenly withdrew a step, shouting in disbelief.

"You don't know too much!" Seeing that Elder Li's condition over there is not very good, Wu Hao has no plan to stay entangled, and directly uses the secret technique.

Sen Luo Wanxiang. Sword bound!

Endless sword light flashed out of his Bai Hong sword, and gathered into a sword light cage that overwhelmingly crushed towards Elder Lu.

Elder Lu used his best swordsmanship to struggle frantically, but in front of the sword light cage, like a small boat facing a storm, it capsized in an instant.

Under the envelope, Elder Lu was stabbed by sword light in the key points all over his body.

His horrified expression freezes on his face, but he can't move.

Wu Hao first gave Elder Li first aid and put on healing ointment. Then he unlocked the acupuncture points above Elder Lu's neck and asked him: "Look, we have plenty of time now. Do you have anything to explain?"

"Humph!" Elder Lu snorted coldly, turning his head away.

"It seems that you don't want to cooperate?" Wu Hao said with a smile, red lotus karma looming in his hands.

Fatty Cheng Guang looked at the blood-red flame, and his body trembled undetectably.

Last night, he saw a lot of sect disciples looking for quick death under this flame. He knew that he might not be able to hold on for even a second under this evil sect.

Seeing that Elder Lu was unmoved, Wu Hao had no choice but to use the means of "karma to burn souls".

He has to figure out, whether this surnamed Lu wants to deal with himself is his own personal behavior, or Bai Honggu's decision?

There is also his motive for attacking himself, whether he wants to launch a rebellion, or is there any other plot!

As soon as he thought about it, Karma Huo got in through Elder Lu Xing's nostrils.

Soon, the face of the elder surnamed Lu became distorted, with blue veins violent and his eyes bulging, resembling a ghost.

He screamed sternly: "The surname is Xia, there is a kind of joy for me!"

Wu Hao was unmoved.

The fat man suddenly rushed forward, took out his talisman pen and cinnabar, and wrote the two characters "Happy" on Elder Lu's clothes. Then he laughed and said: "Big brother has given you a lot of fun, you still do not recruit!"

Elder Lu smiled miserably: "Summer, you can't escape... You can't escape from heaven and earth. You will never understand how terrifying existence you have caused!"

"I'm so scared, why don't you tell me to scare me!" Wu Hao looked scared.

But Elder Lu had no plans to say any He twitched a few times, muttering in his mouth.

Wu Hao moved his ears slightly and concentrated his energy to finally hear what he was saying.

"Won't be an ancestor, the Pure Land of Bliss..."

Wu Hao was shocked, and quickly took back his red lotus karma.

However, at this moment, Elder Lu suddenly opened his eyes and showed him a triumphant expression of relief.


Elder Lu's head exploded like a tomato, splashing the fat man's brains!

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