No worries, just laughter.

Tonight's Chung Country was livelier than at any other time since he was born. Although the camera was nearby, he sat next to the little ones, smiling at their carefree smiling faces and exchanging words all the time, as if he was in another world.

Sometimes, Brother Guo feels that he can't tell whether the reality is his world or the world in the show.

The girls at APink take good care of Brother Guo's eating habits, and make home-cooked dishes with less oil and less salt, mostly meat, and only broccoli.

This made the national brother can't help but sigh: "Ah...... It's been a long time since I've eaten a meal cooked by my friends. "

Chu Long looked at Brother Guo happily and asked, "So are we your friends?"

Brother Guo smiled heartily: "Of course, you are welcome to come and play often in the future." "

The Apink were all happy all of a sudden, and they didn't care about eating, and they chatted around Brother Guo.

Feiyu was smirking happily next to him, Xiuzhi looked at Feiyu's stupid appearance, and then looked at Brother Guo's happy smiling face, and couldn't help pouting, and he was also stupid for a while, so he lowered his head and took a small bite of rice.

A large family eats happily.

The Apinks、Except for Nan's girl.、Most of them are lively.。 At dinner, not only Brother Zhong Guo, but Feiyu felt quite familiar with these beautiful young ladies.

In order to leave Brother Zhong Guo some space to be alone, the friends put away the dishes and chopsticks and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Zhong Guoge gently grabbed Feiyu's arm.

"Feiyu, thank you. Zhong Guoge said sincerely.

Feiyu turned around and smiled at Brother Zhong Guo: "Brother, anyway, you are moving now, if you are bored, call me, and I will come to accompany you." "

Brother Zhong Guo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled dotingly: "Okay, I see that you are getting busier and busier in the future, when you are free, call me, brother will take you to play." "

Feiyu nodded innocently: "But no matter where you go to play, you can't forget it!!"

"Hahaha! I got you little brat! Let's go!" Zhong Guoge scolded with a smile.

Fei Woo and APink leave Chung Kook's house.

Before parting, Feiyu added the contact information of the young ladies one by one, and after making an appointment for the next contact, he took a taxi home by himself.

On Thursday, both Suzy and Naun didn't come to school because of their trips.

So poor Feiyu could only work as a cow and a horse with Huili, and edited and produced the content of "Bear Child" at home.

Of course, Suzy and Naun still came at supper time, and asked for supper to reward the two of them for their hard work all night.

At the barbecue table, Suzy asked expectantly, "Feiyu, will we continue to shoot Zhong Guoge's special next week?"

"Hahaha, shoot a friendship next week, can you find someone?"

Suzy wrinkled her little nose: "Hmph! I'm already inquiring today!"

"Did you hear that?" Fei Yu said with a smile.

"You take care of me!!I'll fix it anyway!!" Suzy yelled.

Seeing this tsundere chick, the other two girls couldn't help but giggle beside them.

"Anyway, it depends on your progress next week, but next week, I still want to shoot Brother Xijian. "

"Huh, why did you suddenly switch to Gary's senpai?"

The Flying Thief smiled and told the girls about the last issue of Gary's hidden camera.

Hui Li immediately patted Fei Yu and laughed: "You are too bad!! Others have been deceived! You still have to shoot others!!"

Fei Yu said righteously: "That's not it! I'm thinking about the ratings of the show! It's equivalent to making an extended tidbit for the show!"

Nan snickered and nodded: "Then I guess the pure Gary will also have a lot of fans, right?"

Feiyu said proudly: "Of course!"

So, after filming the content of this issue, Si Xiaowei directly discussed the mission goal of the next issue on the supper table: "Coax Brother Gary!"


Friday. The second half of the RM Jeju Island Special has finally begun.

With the wonderful performance of the first half of the episode, fans have been waiting in front of the TV computer in the morning.

Sure enough, in the second half of the episode, Feiyu's performance of everything under control quickly attracted heated discussions, and seeing the Jihyo birthday tidbits released by the program team at the end of the show, I heard Zhong Guo and Feiyu singing congratulations on stage, and the barrage also began to neatly brush up the words "Happy Birthday Jihyo".

After the broadcast, Zhao PD and Lin PD nervously guarded the ratings results in the conference room.

As soon as ten o'clock arrived, Zhao PD immediately asked the assistant, "How is it?"

The assistant raised his head and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "14.2%." "

Zhao PD and Lin PD sighed lightly at the same time.

Although this is a gratifying achievement for a normal variety show, an increase of 0.9% is already a gratifying achievement.

However, it is still far from the new target of 23% set by SBS headquarters, which is still a big gap!

Not to mention, there is obviously a ratings bonus brought by Feiyu's "Bear Child" here.

"What should I do?" Lin asked Zhao PD as he rubbed his face.

Zhao PD pondered for a while, and said decisively: "Convene a meeting of everyone and immediately reformulate the plan for the next program! Isn't there still a lot of production costs left, and then increase the budget and strive to push up the ratings of the program!"


On Saturday, the mobile phones of the members who were resting at home rang one after another: it was a text message from the program team.

[Please go through passport and other related procedures within two days, and on Monday, we will go to Xia Guo Wangjing to record a new episode of the program. 】

When Brother Shi saw the text message, he immediately called Zhao PD.

"Hyo-jin, why did you suddenly do a foreign special?"

Zhao PD told Brother Zai Shi about the ratings.

"Yike...... The production cost ......."

"Brother, this is also something that can't be helped, if the 12-year funding is compressed, then our show will really encounter difficulties. Zhao PD said helplessly.

"Okay, in terms of itinerary, you can save it, and the members will definitely have no opinion. "

As soon as Zhao PD discussed with Brother Zaishi, Feiyu's call came in.

"Zhao PD. Feiyu said with a grin on the other end of the phone.

Hearing Feiyu's voice, Zhao PD immediately cheered up, didn't let him hear his distress, and said with a smile: "Feiyu, why did you call? Do you have any questions about the new special?"

"No, Zhao PD, I want you to tell me who the guest is, of course, I will keep this a secret. "

Zhao PD was stunned: "Oh?

"I wanted to add a little show looking for Rm guests. Feiyu smiled.

Because just now, when I got the SMS notification from the program team, Feiyu's system task came down:

"Mission 1: Invite Tara Hyomin to make lipstick stickers to open the [Camera] skill in the film and television section!"

"Mission 2: Invite Park Boyoung to make a bento box of love, and you can open the [Cooking] skill in the hobby section!"

So, Feiyu immediately knew who the guests of this issue were......

He thought to himself that since he was going to find a guest, he might as well just shoot a tidbit show about Rm and broadcast it after the weekly relaxation like "Bear Child".

Over there, Zhao PD was even more surprised when he heard Feiyu's thoughts: "Do you want to do more variety shows?

"Absolutely, and it doesn't take much time, so it adds to the fun. "

Feiyu's idea is very good, and of course Zhao PD knows the little guy's thoughts: just to increase Rm's ratings and push Rm to a higher level.

Originally, everyone thought that Feiyu was just a slogan, but when Zhao PD found out that Feiyu was really working hard for this, he couldn't help but admire and be touched.

But Zhao PD is not a pragmatic man who is good at expressing emotions after all, all he can do is try his best to help Feiyu.

Therefore, Zhao PD happily handed over the list and contact information of the guests in this issue to Feiyu.

Feiyu was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that there were more than two guests!

It seems that the upper limit of the system's release tasks is two runs.

And after receiving the text message from Zhao PD, Feiyu patted the camera on the desk and said with a smile:

"Now, I'm going to take my beloved you to shoot something new!"



[Thank you Altaïr for the suit, marshalle, lol75**86, lol117, and the monthly pass for the results of the speechless!]

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