Ji Hyo took Fei Yu's hand, politely bowed to the cheering citizens, and then obediently stepped aside.

Finally, it was the order of Uncle Nose and Kwang-so, and the two betrayed kings hugged each other ......


Ran Goose ...... Neither Kwang-so nor the staff paid any attention to his ......


The game started as usual under the foul, and the citizens next to him were about to die of laughter when they saw it.

The poor uncle was stuck in the rope and his feet were weak, and as a result, Kwang-so's long legs only stumbled slightly, and the uncle fell on the mat.

However, although Kwang-so was very fouled, when Uncle Nose fell, he still took care of it and secretly put his hand on the back of his head and padded it.

Brother Dog didn't notice these details at all, and now he has his eyes bulging and his smile gradually becoming perverted.

It's so cool...... Hahaha, not only did he become a spy, but he also predicted everything correctly! This issue, is it going to be his highlight moment!

Next, the second round of the wrestling tournament began.

The winners of the bracket were redrawn to determine the order of the second round

Jong Kook VS Kwang-so, Brother Dog VS Ji Hyo.

As soon as Ran Goose, Zhong Guo and Kwangsu came on the field, Kwangsu immediately raised his hand and said to Zhao PD seriously: "I surrender." "

The townspeople burst out laughing.

Zhao PD said expressionlessly: "Surrender is invalid. "

Kwang-so: "Ah Yi Xi ......".

As a result, as soon as the game began, poor Guangzhu was lifted up by Zhong Guoge like a dumpling. Kwang-so hammered Chung Kook's thigh hard:

"Brother, put me down, please, there are too many audience stands here, please!!".

Hearing Kwang-so's miserable roar, the citizens were about to laugh like crazy, and when they raised their phones, it was a random shot, and it seemed that on INS tonight, Kwang-so's clip was about to start sweeping the community.

Brother Zhong Guoge saw that the effect was about the same, and threw Kwangsu on the mat with a smile.

Kwang-so's bangs were all attached to his forehead, rolling weakly on the mat like a sandworm, and his pitiful appearance made everyone laugh again.

When the couple came on Monday, the original laughter was replaced by a heckling voice.

"Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo!" The male citizens have begun to call out Ji Hyo's name majestically.

Zhixiao waved his hand to everyone, and then gave Brother Dog a look: You know that, right?

Brother Dog gave a wink back: Of course I know.

Game on!

Brother Dog actually used a professional wrestling posture at the beginning, and quickly solved the cute Ji Xiao ......

Zhixiao stood up with a flushed face: "Ah! Jiang Xijian !!



In the midst of everyone's doting laughter, Ji Hyo kept chasing Brother Dog in the field with his little short legs, and refused to stop until he hit him.

The final finals are naturally Brother Zhong Guo and Brother Dog.

The members gave Zhong Guoge a look, and Zhong Guoge smiled slightly.

In order not to let Brother Dog see that it is impossible to lose if you lose!

Sure enough, under the background music of Sparta, even if Brother Dog tried his best, he couldn't shake Brother Guo in the slightest, and he was directly beaten by him and fell on the mat.

The winner of this Mid-Autumn Festival wrestling competition!

Now, the style of each member's name tag is also determined according to their rank.

The staff worked the spot, and then distributed their name tags to the members.

The bottom foursome: Brother Shi, Brother Haha, Uncle Nose and Feiyu got oversized name tags.

The losers of the second round, Jihyo and Brother Dog got a name tag with a tail.

The final winner, Zhong Guoge, got an ultra-small name tag.

After bowing and thanking the onlookers, the members walked into the closed mall next to them.

As soon as he stood still, haha suddenly covered Brother Shi's mouth and tore off his name tag at once!

Poor Brother Zai Shi was startled and looked at haha: "What are you doing?".

Haha the second middle school said: "I'm actually a secret guest! You've been eliminated!".

Brother Shi grabbed Haha's collar: "Ah! If you are a secret guest, I will eat the name tag!"

Everyone laughed.

After the atmosphere was lively, Zhao PD handed everyone the task card:

"Within the time limit, find the secret carving hidden in the mall, and if you solve the secret of the carving, the mission will be successful. 」

When Brother Dog heard the task, his Adam's apple squirmed, and he immediately became super nervous.

Needless to say, this carving must have something to do with him, which means that if he can't stop or eliminate the members, his espionage mission will fail!

At this time, Kwang-so suddenly said in order to cover up, "Maybe the secret guest is VJ!

VJ indifferent face.

Jihyo glanced at Kwangsu helplessly: "Kwang-so, you can talk after you think about it." "

Brother Shi also pretended to be garlic and said: "The secret guest is really not Brother Mingxiu, right?"

Zhao PD shook his head: "I don't know." "

Brother Shi: "As long as it's not Brother Minxiu, he made a shadow last time." "

The members nodded their heads.

Under the smoke bombs of the members, Brother Dog was a little relieved: Ah...... At least I didn't guess it was me.

Feiyu couldn't help but peek at Brother Dog next to him, but he snickered in his heart:

Even if the program team didn't inform him in advance, Brother Dog's stiff expression throughout the whole process was easy to betray himself! And after watching the special on Jeju Island last week, this brother really can't lie, when he told Zhong Guoge that he chose him, he didn't dare to look directly into Zhong Guoge's eyes because of lying, and as a result, Zhong Guoge suddenly saw the clues.

Straight Dog Brother = Innocent Dog Brother!

The members guessed a round of possible secret guests on the second floor and made enough smoke bombs before officially starting their final mission of the day: to find the secret carving hidden in the mall.

Going down to the first floor, the members who had pretended to be separated gathered together again without telling the dog.

Everyone who had been laughing for a long time finally laughed out loud.

Brother Guo whispered: "We, we should be in the right line of sight, and one by one we were caught by Gary." "

Haha laughed: "That brother is too nervous today, he didn't talk much at night, he really can't lie, hahahaha." "

Everyone thought back to Brother Dog's stiff performance tonight and snickered.

After a few words, the members finally dispersed, and began to search in pairs.

On the other side, Brother Dog walked while pondering.

"Now we must eliminate the four people with the biggest name tags first, Zhong Guo has to see the stitches and find a chance to eliminate them, ah, I can eliminate so many people by myself, is it really possible? Won't this task be too difficult?"

The old fox Lin PD encouraged beside him: "You did a good job today, you are not nervous at all, and the whole process is very natural." "

Brother Dog became proud again: "yes, I thought I wasn't good at lying, hahahaha, it seems to be doing a good job!".

Hearing this brother's words, he shook his hand with the VJ, and the camera almost didn't fall off.

It's so innocent, this guy is really too innocent! Is this really the top rapper who is full of cool energy on the stage?!



[Thank you for the lonely flying commuter pass!].

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