Soon, the two little ones came to his house in Zhong Guoge's domineering G500.

Compared with luxury cars, Zhong Guoge's house can be said to be much simpler, because he had asked for permission in advance, so as soon as Feiyu entered the door, he was excited to shoot everywhere.

I have to say that Zhong Guoge's own room is simply the simplicity of simplicity.

The cotton product embroidered in single green looked to be some years old, and next to the bed, there was a clothes rack with a large number of black clothes crammed into it.

At the foot of the bed is a large TV, and you can see that there is a PS on the TV stand. The key is next to this PS, and there is actually a DVD player of unknown era.

Seeing that thing, Feiyu couldn't help but sigh: "This thing is older than me, right?"

Chung and Na En both laughed.

Brother Zhong Guo smiled: "Feiyu is 17 years old this year, so this DVD is indeed older than yours." "

As he spoke, Zhong Guoge suddenly showed off a record CD for the two little ones to see.

"You see, this is my first album in the turbo period, released in '95. "

Feiyu pulled the camera closer to the focus and sighed: "Brother has really debuted for many years." "

Brother Zhong Guo's reaction to Feiyu was very useful, and said with a smile: "Brother debuted back then, and he is the same age as you. "

At this time, Feiyu suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Guoge asked suspiciously.

"It would be nice if I could come to my brother's house often to play, and it would be great to sit and sit every time I finish my workout!" Feiyu sighed.

"Yes, of course it's no problem!" Zhong Guoge said immediately.

"But brother, I'm still worried about disturbing my aunt, and my brother's friend wants to be a guest, so I should take this into account. "

Zhong Guoge was speechless. I have to say that what Feiyu said is very accurate.

Normal people go to visit, and when their parents are there, they are not too willing to go more, after all, it will bring a relatively large burden to both parties. So in fact, although Brother Zhong Guo has a lot of friends, he doesn't have many contacts.

After all, his living habits also determine that he rarely goes out to dinner, so playing games at home after work has become an important way for him to have fun.

Seeing that Brother Zhong Guo didn't speak, Feiyu knew that he was right, and continued: "It would be good if my brother lived alone, so that I could go to my brother's house to play casually, and my brother's friends could also come to my brother's house as guests." "

"Huh, live alone?" Zhong Guoge paused.

"yes, Nan said Apink wanted to visit, but they didn't dare to come, right?" Feiyu said, giving Nan a wink.

Nan Enjiao glanced at Feiyu with disgust, and also nodded and said, "Our team members like Zhong Guo's predecessors very much. "

As she spoke, my aunt opened the door and came in.

Seeing Zhong Guoge's mother, the two little ones hurriedly went over to say hello in fear. It was even more in response to Zhong Guoge's idea: everyone dared not come at will.

After greeting her aunt, she looked at the two little ones and asked kindly, "I heard Zhong Guo say, are you here to shoot the show?"

Feiyu smiled obediently: "Auntie, we want to make a show to record the lives of the running male MCs, and by the way, help Brother Zhong Guo find friends." "

Zhong Guoge: ......


"Hahahaha, brother, it's okay to record your life and find a girlfriend by the way!".

Aunt glanced at Brother Zhong Guo, and said kindly but seriously: "It's time for you to look for it, and Taixian proposed that you go out to live independently last time, in fact, you can also consider it, don't worry about your mother, worry about yourself." "

Zhong Guoge is a very filial man, living with his parents, and another big consideration is that he can take care of his mother at any time. When Zhong Guoge was in school, his mother was seriously ill, and it was because Zhong Guoge was in the critical period of his debut, and the family forcibly concealed his mother's illness, and he didn't know until he recovered later.

Since then, no matter how busy Zhong Guoge is, he will go home to accompany his parents, and he will take his mother to travel everywhere on holidays. At this point, Brother Zhong Guo and Brother Zai Shi have a lot in common.

But now that he heard his mother say this, plus his two closest relatives before: Taixian and Zhang He, he often persuaded him, plus Feiyu's words just now, Zhong Guoge was silent for a while, and then raised his head and said: "Oh Mnny, then I'll find a nearby house and move out first." "

Aunt smiled with satisfaction: "As long as it is a convenient place for you to work, it doesn't matter to us, the key is that you have to take care of your own life first." "

Feiyu and Nan glanced at each other, and the joy in their eyes was obvious.

Subsequently, Zhong Guoge's family and the two little ones simply took advantage of the meal to discuss Zhong Guoge's independence.

Zhong Guoge's savings on hand are not very large at present, so he decided to rent a semi-house (pay rent once a month) first, and find a suitable house nearby to live in.

After eating, Feiyu also drove Zhong Guoge to his room and was not allowed to come out, and then after asking for permission, he gave his aunt a short interview alone.

At the end of the interview, the two little ones were naturally leaving.

When leaving, in the parking lot, Zhong Guoge was a little embarrassed, but said sincerely: "Feiyu, thank you today." "

Feiyu looked at Brother Zhong Guo suspiciously: "Brother, what are you talking about, it should be me thank you, right?"

"Actually, I also have the idea of moving out independently, but I just can't make up my mind, to be honest, if it weren't for the camera lens, if it wasn't for you coming, I might have delayed it for a few years. "

Feiyu smiled and picked up the camera and kissed it: "Then it seems that this is a magical camera." "

Chung and Na En both laughed.

Feiyu didn't let Zhong Guoge send them. It was almost out of school when I took a taxi back to school with Nan, so I just went shopping around the neighborhood with Nan first, and then waited for Suzy and Hyeri to come over.

After 40 minutes, the four finally met in the restaurant.

Nan handed over the trinkets she had just bought for the two of them, and the three girls smiled and grinned together, obviously getting better and better.

After a round of fuss, Suzy asked, "How was the shooting today?"

Feiyu said proudly: "My battle with Nan En was successful!Brother Zhong Guoge decided to move out next week, so that we would go to shoot Brother Zhong's moving special on Tuesday!".

"Me and you?" asked Nunn in a whisper.

"Of course!".

Nann nodded slightly, finally relieved.

Suzy and Hyeri were very excited, shouting and squeezing to Feiyu's side, with their four little heads next to each other, on the sofa to review today's shooting content together.

"Wow, Feiyu, you really have that much strength, how do you practice?" Huili saw Feiyu lift the 50kg dumbbell in a flash, and couldn't help but pinch his arm and asked.

Suzy said with a smug face, "I'll just say it! "

Fei Yu smiled evilly: "Of course it's big, I can walk like a fly with our Xiuzhi's weight, how can I do it without some strength?"

"Ah, Han Feiyu!!Are you looking for death!!, you have said that you are not allowed to say that I am weighed!!".

Suzy roared. The crowd burst into laughter again.

After watching the video, although Suzy and Hyeri both thought it was quite interesting, Hyeri still asked worriedly: "Will the audience accept such daily content? "

Suzy asked, "Is it officially uploaded this Saturday?"

Feiyu nodded: "It's Saturday night, I want to update this on the second day of Rm." As for variety shows, I don't think it's anything in my daily life, and I want to do more daily content in the future!".

"Oh, oh, oh, that Feiyu is going to get more and more popular!" Hyeri didn't worry too much, and immediately teased.

"That's it, I'm covering you!".

Suzy looked at Feiyu with disgust: "What kind of cover......!" Casting is coming up next Wednesday, are you ready? You promised me, but you won't go back!".

Feiyu looked at his acting value of 95 points, and smiled slightly: "Of course I'm ready!"


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