At this moment, Minister Jin was going crazy again.

I was full of joy and prepared to watch the whole network blackout, but I saw the media making clown-like remarks, especially now that the hot search topic"Who is harming Feiyu" has become very high.

The first comment in the comment area is very true: Who else besides SBS?

As a result, things suddenly turned into a joke that everyone was watching SBS.

Minister Jin roared and called his assistant. The assistant said timidly:"We have also communicated. Han Feiyu... really can't find any dirt... he doesn't even have any flaws in his character."

This was not the end of the scolding. , the deputy director of SBS also called and scolded me.

If Minister Jin didn't have some connections in Taiwan, I'm afraid he would have been fired directly after this operation.

As for Feiyu and the others...

Brother Shi laughed and fell on the sofa:"Hahahahaha, Minister Jin is so cute, this article can actually be published."

Feiyu spread his hands:"I originally wanted to buy some hot searches today. Yes, now it's good, all the publicity funds are left."

However, after Brother Shi laughed, he sat up and said seriously:"SBS seems to hate us, so we have to be more careful when people stare at us."

"From the day we bought shares, no matter what we did, it might be wrong for some people."

Brother Shi was startled. He didn't expect that this kid could see clearly at such a young age.

Feiyu was indeed right. After buying shares in TVN, the members had half-stepped into the world of capital. The right person will probably become even more different.

After this incident during the day, the topic of the second season of"Bad Kids" became more widely discussed.

In the evening, Feiyu went out to meet three girls, and not long after the big guys gathered together In the private room,

Hyeri snickered while scrolling through her phone:"Monitor Li is helping us refresh the screen again. Xiuzhi held her little head:"Hey...thinking about the fact that we will go to college in a few months, I really can't bear to leave them." Naeun:"

Me too."……"

"It's time to get together and part ways. After all, we are all friends for life, no matter where we go.

Xiuzhi looked at Feiyu:"Some people have become more and more philosophical recently."

Hyeri:"It seems that people are different when they are popular." Feiyu rolled his eyes at the two girls:"It sounds like you are not angry.""

At seven o'clock sharp.

Feiyu released the feature film of the first episode of the second season of Little Bear:

《Dedicated haha".

As soon as this title came out, it aroused strong curiosity among fans:

Haha has a libertine image on the show. Such a contrast is really interesting!

As soon as they saw the opening bar, everyone knew that this was a special social episode!

As the show progressed, Haha’s shy look made the audience laugh:

"Haha why are you so cute?!"

"Hahahahaha, I just like seeing this kind of contrast, he is so different in the show!"

"But why do I feel that although haha ​​is shy, there is light in her eyes?"

"Yeah yeah! I have a strong premonition! The two of them have fun!"

When the show came to the end, the names of Haha and Xing were already on the hot searches.

The number of clicks on the show that night also reached an eye-popping 150 million times!

This is What a terrifying number! You know, there are not that many people in the whole of Korea!

This shows that this program is not only popular in Korea.

In the morning, the media just performed a farce, and in the evening , it smelled really good again, and for a while, various reports appeared on the headlines again:

【The premiere of the second season of"Bad Kids" exceeded 100 million, breaking all records in the history of Korean dramas!】

【Genius PD Han Feiyu: The high school student most promising to become the youngest PD god!】

【RM members bought shares in TVN and winning the award became a big victory!】

【Senior economic analysts predict that TVN stock will reach new highs after winning awards as Naughty Kids becomes a big success.】


Seeing this terrifying number of views, the four little ones themselves were dumbfounded.

Browsing the news on the Internet, haha, this issue has already been called a classic by fans.

Even the rankings of Haha and Xing in their respective sections on Naver have increased.

This wave is a big victory for six people!

Not long after, the members called one after another!

"ah! Feiyu! congratulations!"Uncle Bi said excitedly. Of course, what excites him most is that the stocks he holds will probably rise sharply again on Monday.!

"Feiyu, you are awesome! Another record broken!"Brother Zai Shi also said excitedly on the phone.

Haha also called quickly. Naturally, he thanked Feiyu very sincerely on the phone.

"Brother, don't be so polite, just keep in touch with Xingnu. Feiyu said with a happy smile.

In the end, even TVN shareholders called to congratulate one after another. For a while, Feiyu became a busy man.

In the office of TVN PD Luo, this guy was leisurely Crossing my legs, cracking melon seeds while watching Feiyu's program

"Feiyuxi broke the record again, Luo PD, this kid's achievement is probably not small. PD

Luo smiled calmly and said:"His current achievements are no less than any of us.""

"Now the media is paying attention to when he will enter the level of PD God. To be honest, I really want to know. PD

Luo smiled again:"He doesn't lack achievements now. What he lacks is just awards.""

Now, Feiyu, who was short of awards, was so happy that he ordered a lot of things, and ate in the private room with the three girls. The four of them even drank a little wine, and they hugged each other's shoulders until 12:30 in the middle of the night. go out

"ah! We will definitely become very powerful in the future!"After leaving the door of the restaurant, Hyeri raised her little fist and shouted to the sky.

Na Eun's face was red and she chuckled:"I'm already very good. Feiyu hugged Hyeri and Suzy at the same time:"Yeah, let's form a PD idol group and debut, hahahahaha!""

He sent Hyeri and Naeun to the manager's car noisily.

Feiyu sent Suzy to her manager's car. He just told the manager to take good care of Suzy, and when he was about to turn around and leave, Suzy suddenly pulled At this time, Xiuzhi was already a little drunk, her face was full of drunken crimson, and she said in a low voice:

"Get in the car and take you back. Feiyu was stunned and said with a smile:"I can just take a taxi back. It would be troublesome for the agent to go around in circles.""

"Get in the car~" Xiuzhi said again.

Seeing Xiuzhi swaying, Feiyu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and had to get into the warm car with Xiuzhi.


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