Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 563 The collapse of Nagato’s divine personality [Please subscribe]

“Who is miserable and who is right?”

When Kisame heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Smiling, smiling, this tough guy who always showed a wild, confident and cruel expression on his face gradually showed a bit of sadness.

"Then, I should have a say..."

He recalled his experience of killing his companions with his own hands, the last smile of her who died by his own hands, and the discovery of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's collaboration with the enemy...

"In the first half of my life, I have been in a state of betrayal. I betrayed my companions, and my companions betrayed me. The whole world seemed to be a false existence."

"Fortunately, I met Mr. Aozora. He has not experienced what I have experienced. He does not empathize with me, but his profound knowledge has made me understand the world more clearly."

"Mr. Aozora may not have felt the pain of you and me, but his knowledge is much deeper than ours. He understands the nature of the world better than we do and can guide us towards peace."

Compared to Aozora, Kisame's words were easier for Nagato and Konan to listen to.

Although Kisame is also from the Five Great Nations, life in the Blood Mist may not be any better than Kirigakure.

Kisame used his own personal experience to make Nagato and Konan less prejudiced against Aozora.

Yes, prejudice!

Although the purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to achieve peace in the shinobi world, it can be seen from their choice of methods to achieve peace that they have deep-rooted hatred and prejudice against great powers.

They want big countries to experience the suffering of small countries before they start talking about peace, even though small countries may suffer more suffering and pain in the process.

"Better understanding of the nature of the world?"

Nagato shook his head indifferently.

"What have you experienced? You just participated in a small-scale war.

Ignorant and stupid children will grow into adults after knowing the pain, while adults who have smooth sailing have the childish heart of children.

You are just a child with an adult body, while I transcended mortals and became a god after feeling infinite pain..."

Hearing this, Qingkong couldn't help but sneered: "God? Have you forgotten that your reincarnation eyes were all transplanted by Uchiha Madara? Your so-called pain and your so-called growth are just plans for you by Uchiha Madara It’s just my life!”

After finishing speaking, Qingkong added: "Oh, by the way... In addition to the Samsara Eye, Jiraiya probably also often said that you are the son of prophecy and the key to changing the world, right?

Do you believe what he said? After all, he was just listening to the nonsense of a toad in Miaomu Mountain.

If there really is a savior for mankind, why is it not predicted by human prophets, witches, eminent monks or immortals of the Six Paths, but by a toad in the psychic world? "

Nagato and Konan fell into silence, their eyes flickering, then dimming.

Why does Nagato call himself a god?

It was not because he awakened the reincarnation eye possessed by the legendary Six Paths Sage, and then Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, called him the reincarnation of Six Paths, and Obito, who called himself Madara Uchiha, said he would guide him.

Possessing legendary talents, taught by the strongest men in the world, and guided by legendary ninjas...

This makes him think that he is an ordinary person.

But is all this false?

Are they all controlled by others?

So can Nagato still call himself a god with peace of mind? Can we still regard the world as a child who has not grown up and discipline it?

Nagato didn't speak, but the dimming light in his eyes represented his answer.

Although his strength has not declined by half due to this, at this moment, he no longer firmly believes that he is a god that transcends mortals.

His godhead has collapsed.

Xiaonan couldn't accept it, knocked over the coffee table, stood up suddenly, pointed at Qingkong and shouted loudly.

"Uchiha Aozora, you are lying! Nagato was born with the Samsara Eye. He is the savior of this ninja world and the only hope to redeem this cursed world."


Qingkong chuckled and shook his head, then asked: "How to save?"

Nagato snorted coldly and said: "I will collect all the tailed beasts, and then use them to make infinitely powerful tailed beast weapons, and sell them to countries that are at war with each other..."

Speaking of his plan, Nagato's eyes gradually lit up.

"A country with tailed beast weapons will definitely use the weapons and power. Hundreds of millions of people will die instantly, and then people will be afraid, and the whole world will feel real pain!

And this fear and pain will suppress war, and war will disappear, thus bringing peace to the world! "

Because he no longer claimed to be a god, Nagato did not mention the words to make the world grow this time.

After talking about his way to achieve world peace, Nagato looked at Aozora, as if waiting for his judgment.

Qing Kong rolled his eyes and said, "That's it?"

Konan, who had just sat down, was so angry that he almost struck the table again. Although Nagato remained calm, there was also a trace of unconcealable sullenness in his eyes.

Nagato said coldly: "Uchiha Aozora, what do you mean?"

Qingkong shrugged and said: "I just think your dream is great, but your idea is naive, or childish!"

Nagato had previously ridiculed Qingzora for his immature mind, but now Aozura was mocking him as well.

Konan spoke up to support Nagato: "As long as everyone understands the pain..."

"I told you, this idea is childish!"

Qingzora interrupted Konan coldly.

His voice was calm and determined, as if he was speaking the truth of the world, making people dare not question it easily.

"Yahiko's ideas are naive, so why are yours not?"

"Let everyone understand pain. How can a newborn child understand it and spread it by word of mouth?"

“No matter how vividly you explain and describe it, how much more pain and fear can you convey?”

"Even if as time goes by, people will inevitably forget the pain of the past. What will happen then?"

"Killing hundreds of millions more people to cause pain?"

Aozora's questions made Nagato and Konan panic. Nagato gritted his teeth and said, "So what, the tailed beast weapons will never break. When the time comes, we can create new pain and fear and bring the world back to normality again."


Qingzora was amused by Nagato's answer. He patted the coffee table in front of him and laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out.

After a long time, Qingkong's laughter slowly stopped.

After exhaling, Qingkong looked at Nagato and Konan with stupid eyes and said: "Haha——, I really think so! Don't you count how many people died due to the war?"

Nagato and Konan frowned.

After pondering for a while, Xiaonan took a deep breath and said: "Every war breaks up thousands of families. In the Country of Rain, there used to be tens of thousands of wandering orphans like us, and most of them died tragically. In the winter of hunger and cold..."

Qingkong shook his head and did not take the numbers seriously.

"So for the sake of these thousands of orphans, and those who died innocently in the war... let's count the millions... the millions of civilians who died innocently, are you going to destroy billions of human beings at every turn?"

Xiaonan was shocked when he heard this and said in a panic: "No, no, not millions of civilians...and peace can last for a long time..."


Qingkong did not take it seriously, but followed Xiaonan's idea and said: "Okay, assuming that the damage caused by the war is less than the killing you caused for peace, then you can judge innocent humans without any scruples? Just because So called ‘peace’!”

Speaking of "peace", Qingzora's sarcasm was palpable.

Nagato pondered for a while and said softly: "For the peace of the ninja world, something must be sacrificed."

“The interests of the few can be sacrificed for the benefit of the many.”

Qingkong sneered, and then asked loudly: "Then why don't you, a small country, make sacrifices for the peace of the big country?"

Nagato and Konan were shocked and stunned.

Anyone can talk about sacrificing others from above, but people will wake up only when they are forced to sacrifice themselves.

"My disciple is also a peace-loving ninja. He used to like to measure life and then make judgments from a higher perspective. When I became his teacher, the first principle I taught him was..."

Itachi's story attracted Nagato and Konan who were stunned and confused.

Facing their gazes, Qingkong said word by word: "Life cannot be compared!"

Upon hearing this, Nagato and Xiaonan lowered their heads and savored these eight words carefully.

After a long time, Nagato raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

Qingkong's handsome appearance did not attract his attention, he was more concerned about Qingkong's deep eyes.

Qingzora's eyes now had the black pupils of ordinary people, but Nagato felt that there was great power in these eyes.

That is the power of wisdom.

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