Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 287 Taming Naruto [please vote]


In the large conference room on the third floor of the Hokage Building, Qingzora faced the third generation's apology and resignation and directly rejected the explanation.

Seeing this, Qifeng quickly stood up and comforted him: "Qingkong, this is enough!"

Gu Jie also shook his head at Qingkong.

In their current view, the truth has now come to light. After this incident, Uchiha's position as Hokage is already certain.

In this case, why not let Sandai Yima go and save some face for Konoha?

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who was transferred to the dormitory, were a bit sad, and they also spoke one after another.

"Uchiha Aozora, have you forgotten the third generation's contribution to Konoha?"

"Uchiha Aozora, do you want to kill them all?"

The two speeches of Mito Kaden and Koharu reminded people of the decades when Hiruzen Sarutobi was in power. Looking at the gray-haired old man in front of them, everyone couldn't help but trust and pity him.

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue felt like it was a hundred years old.

Fugaku noticed the change in the atmosphere and couldn't help but look at Qingzong.

Qingkong nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

He glanced around and said in surprise: "How did I kill everyone? What did I do? Did I slander the Third Hokage, or am I going to attack the Third Hokage?"

"You - you -" Xiaochun couldn't say anything for a long time after going to bed.

Mito Kabuto was also speechless.

Qingzora asked again: "I am just a Konoha villager, how can I deal with the powerful Third Hokage? Do I not even have the right to tell the truth?"

Qingzong's continuous questioning left all the senior officials speechless, and they couldn't help but feel that what Qingzong said seemed to make sense.

Qifeng didn't care about this, he said seriously: "Qingkong, you promised me before!"

Qingkong nodded and said: "Of course I know that family scandals should not be made public, but those present here today are all high-level officials and pillars of Konoha, and I think they need to know the truth of some things.

Just because Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Third Hokage, we can't unconditionally cover up his crimes, right? "

As soon as Qingkong finished speaking, several echoes came from below.

"Yes! Why can't the Hokage say anything when he made a mistake?"

"Why are three generations allowed to escape sanctions again and again?"


Since Danzo rebelled against the village, Uchiha has had more and more vassals, and he no longer has the feeling of being alone in the conference room.

Qingzora's explanation made Tifeng unable to find anything wrong, and the neutral ninjas outside the field also became interested.

"Crime?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly, "Everything I did was for Konoha. Let me hear what crime I committed?"

He believed that he had dedicated his life to Konoha. Although he was somewhat prejudiced against Uchiha, he did so out of a public spirit.

Seeing this, Qifeng stopped blocking him and sat down.

Seeing the righteous look of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Qingzora couldn't help but laugh.

"No way? No way? Do you really think that all your actions are for Konoha?"

Everyone could clearly hear the sarcasm in Aozora's words, and Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately turned black with anger.

Fugaku said to Shisui on the side: "Qingzora's mouth... is sharper than a knife!"

Shisui did not have Fugaku's leisurely temperament. After all, he had regarded the third generation as a beacon. Seeing the third generation being ridiculed by Qingkong, I felt very complicated.

Qifeng interrupted Qingkong and said, "Speak carefully!"

Qingkong shrugged his shoulders, and then his expression became serious.

"It is undeniable that the Third Hokage made significant contributions to Konoha when he was young. During this period, he was responsible for the establishment of the Medical Department, the improvement of the Education Department, and the planning of many wars. I have no intention of slandering this!"

Aozora's fair statement made everyone calm down, and they all felt that Aozora's big belly also enhanced the credibility of what Aozora said next.

"But now he has changed. He has become incompetent, abusing his power, and selfish..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted: "You are slandering!"

Qingkong didn't feel displeased at all and asked calmly: "Is Hizashi's sacrifice due to your ignorance and incompetence?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was immediately speechless. Wasn't it incompetence or intentional?

Aozora continued: "Is it an abuse of power to send jounin and ANBU to arrest me this time? No... ANBU and Jōnin have no authority to arrest me at all... As Hokage, you actually took the lead in breaking Konoha's rules!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless again, and after a while he said: "I am doing this for Konoha..."

"For Konoha?" Qingzora shook his head, "Then can you please explain why you abused Uzumaki Naruto, the orphan of the Fourth Hokage!"

Qingzora's third question made the senior officials present couldn't help but express surprise.


"The Fourth Hokage has an orphan?"

"Three generations abused the orphan of the fourth generation?"

"Uzumaki Naruto? Isn't the fourth generation named Namikaze?"


Qingkong's previous two questions were all from the past, and no one had much reaction, but no one knew about the abuse of fourth-generation orphans.

First, everyone was surprised that the fourth generation actually had an orphan, and then they were even more surprised that the third generation actually abused the fourth generation's orphan.

Especially those who had interacted with Kosuke, Shiwei, Ding Zao, Shikaku, Kakashi and others stood up angrily.

Today, the fourth generation has passed away less than two years ago, but his glorious image is still in the hearts of everyone, and his close friends are still thinking about the bond between them.

"The Third Hokage, is what Aozora said true?"

"Hokage-sama, what did you do to Minato's child?"

"The Third Hokage, how are the Fourth Generation's children now?"


Jiraiya stood up in disbelief and asked, "Old man, is this true?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not answer everyone's questions, but wanted to criticize him and said: "You Uchiha really don't give up on the Jinchuuriki!"

When Qingkong heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head. The third generation is really old and confused now.

He said: "Listen - listen -, this is the Third Hokage. In his eyes, the orphan of the Fourth Generation is just a Jinchuuriki!"

Facing the increasingly angry eyes of everyone, Sarutobi Hiruzen said quickly: "You are talking nonsense!"

Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, Qiu Feng stood up and shouted loudly: "Quiet! Everyone sit down!"

Shikaku, Choza and Haiichi heard this and sat down. Seeing this, the other ninjas also obeyed Tofu's words, but everyone still kept their eyes fixed on Aozora and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Qifeng asked Qingkong first: "Qingkong, you said that Hiruzen abused fourth-generation orphans. Is there any evidence?"

Qingzora replied: "Now Naruto Uzumaki, the orphan of the fourth generation, lives in the Qingshi Apartment in the south of the village, living alone in a single room..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained: "The reason why Uzumaki Naruto is not allowed to live in the fourth generation's old residence is to protect Naruto's safety!"

Qingkong asked: "In order to protect his safety, he must be allowed to live in a slum? Let him not have enough to eat?"


"Sandai, is that so?"

"Living in the slums? Starving?"


Jiraiya, Shikaku and others who had just sat down stood up again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen came and said quickly: "I didn't, I gave him food!"

Qingzora laughed, then looked around and said, "Is the Hokage so free? He actually has time to deliver food to a child less than two years old?"

"Why don't you give him a better environment or give him a nanny when you have this time?"

"Why do you have the energy to let the rumors of 'Son of the Demonic Fox' spread? No... this may be what you spread!"

"While abusing fourth-generation orphans, you play the good guy yourself. How clever!"

Aozora suddenly stopped smiling, his face became extremely serious, and asked word by word: "Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you planning to tame the fourth-generation orphan as a puppy?"

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