Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 283 Yamato is at a loss [Please subscribe]

The towering tree, which was more than ten meters high, continued to grow wildly, but Qingkong stood on the sword and stopped flying upward.

He vaguely felt that as the branches and vines twisted and climbed upward, the chakra contained in the branches and vines became less and less. Although the material was still tougher than ordinary wooden sticks, it was already like paper in his eyes.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

A huge wave of fire finally erupted from the blue sky, and in an instant the sky was only orange-yellow, as if the sun had fallen in the sky.


Wow! Wow! Wow! ——!

The crown of the towering giant tree was instantly ignited and burned by orange fire. Even the black smoke was not even emitted before it was pressed downward by the sea of ​​flames.

The towering branches turned into ashes in an instant. Only the branches were still growing tenaciously, but they were slowly turned into charcoal and smoke under the orange flames.

However, when the orange fire burned the middle and lower branches of the giant tree, it finally stopped spreading.

The crazy growing vines and the constantly burning orange fire began to see each other.

However, the impact of the flame sea falling from the sky did not end, and it hit the swamp.

Seeing this, Yamato had to use a large amount of chakra to build wooden shields for the injured Anbu.

The sea of ​​flames fell to the ground, instantly evaporating the moisture on the ground, and a heat wave swept across all directions instantly.

Qingkong looked at the cracked ground and the trees that were still struggling with the orange fire, with a solemn look on his face.

"Sure enough, the strongest point of this move is at the root of the tree. Ordinary shadow-level people would be helpless if they were trapped! But the farther away from the ground, the lower the strength of the tree, and the slower it recovers, and it can be easily burned."

"The strength of the Wood Escape close to the ground is actually comparable to that of the Flame Escape. From a glimpse, the strength of the first generation Wood Escape is at least the same level as my Flame Escape!"

In the distance, Yamato let the heat wave sweep over him.

Feeling the hot breath, looking at the half-burned giant tree and the cracked land, he understood now.

The previous swamp was no threat to Qingkong at all, and the reason why Qingkong put himself in danger was just to let himself see the opportunity to kill him, so that he could stay.

The heat wave sweeping around bent the weeds on the ground, and Yamato suddenly heard a cold question.

"Yamato Jonin, why did you attack Aozora?"

Before he finished speaking, he felt the biting chill coming from behind him.

Yamato bent down and let Shisui's slashing sword pass over his head.

In an instant, the sharp knife chopped off some of his hair, leaving a bald patch on his head.

"Shushui Shisui? It's really fast enough!"

As soon as Shisui's figure passed Yamato, chakra suddenly exploded under his feet, and he forced his body to turn around, trying to chop Yamato again.

Yamato now had a kunai in his hand and quickly resisted.

Clang! Clang! Clang! ——

In an instant, the two of them engaged in the most intense close combat within a short distance. Their rapid speed made their figures disappear from everyone's sight, leaving only white and gray lights in place that kept interlacing and colliding.


After a violent metal collision, the two of them stepped away.

Although there were many scratches on Shisui's robe, there were no blood stains on his body. On the contrary, there were many blood holes on Yamato's body.

Obviously, in close combat, Shunshen Shisui is far stronger than Mudun Tenzo.

At this time, Qingkong had fallen to the ground, and the blood-drinking sword had returned to its normal size, and was held in Qingkong's hand.

Aozora stood not far from Yamato, and Shisui surrounded Yamato in front and back.

At this time, his eyes were focused on the squirming wounds on Yamato's body. What surprised Qingkong was that Yamato's wounds were actually healing visibly to the naked eye.

He recalled a post he had seen in his previous life. It seemed to speculate that Yamato was a descendant of the Senju. Now it seemed very possible. Otherwise, how could ordinary people absorb Hashirama cells so well?

Being surrounded by the Aozora brothers one after another, Uchiha from a distance are still coming.

Even if he mastered the wood escape that was only available in the first generation, Yamato still felt heavy pressure.

He looked at Zhisui and said, "Zhisui, did you know that your brother has rebelled against the village!"

Hearing Yamato's provocation, Shisui snorted coldly.

"Will Qingzong rebel against the village?"

"He killed many hostile jounin for the village and completed many dangerous missions. Do you think he rebelled against the village?"

"He loves Konoha more than you!"

"He defended Konoha from Orochimaru, what about you?"

"He lost his right eye for the village, what about you?"

"Even if Aozora rebels against the village, he was forced by you guys and Hiruzen Sarutobi!"

Qingzora felt happy listening to Shisui's words, especially when he heard Shisui calling the third generation by his name.

I have a brother who has just grown up!

Yamato was speechless as he listened to Shisui's questions one after another, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Zhisui has never entered Anbu, but he still knows Zhisui very well.

He left the police department and frantically performed tasks in the village. He even joined the Shadow Guard and performed one dangerous mission after another.

All these performances prove that Shisui has transcended the limitations of his family and has become a Hokage. But what happened to Shisui now?

He said in disbelief: "Shisui, what's wrong with you? How can you ignore right and wrong just because Uchiha Aozora is your brother?"

Aozora couldn't help laughing when she heard Yamato's question.

"Yamato, is it possible that you also have wood inside your head?"

Yamato said coldly: "What do you mean?"

After finally suppressing his smile, Qingkong asked: "You said I rebelled against the village? What evidence do you have?"

Yamato said: "Hokage-sama must have evidence, we ANBU only need to be responsible for the execution."

Aozora shook his head when he heard this and said: "Anbu has no arrest function, and jounin cannot attack villagers at will. If I am guilty, the torture department and police department should come. The third generation is knowingly breaking the law and instigating crime!"

Speaking of this, Qingkong said: "I would like to ask the third generation why he slandered me for betraying the village! Isn't it enough to slander me for killing civilians once?"

While he was talking, other Uchiha had arrived.

Yashiro, the leader of the team, glanced at everyone and said, "Who is fighting here?"

Aozora said with an aggrieved expression: "Uchiha Aozora, a common citizen, was slandered by Jonin Yamato and more than a dozen ANBU as a traitor to the village and wanted to be arrested by them. He had no choice but to resist and asked the police department to make the decision for the common people!"

Hearing Aozong's words of "grass people", Yashiro's dead face almost collapsed.

After taking a few deep breaths, he asked Yamato majestically: "Jōnin and ANBU have no role in arresting villagers. Who gave you the courage?"

Yamato had nothing to say, he stirred up his chakra and prepared to break out.

Qingkong threatened: "Do you still want to make the same mistake again and again? If you break out now, it is no different from rebelling against the village!"

When Yashiro and the others heard this, they immediately opened their Sharingan.

At this time, there was also a chill in Shisui's eyes. Just now, he did not kill him for the sake of the ninjas in the same village. If Yamato really breaks through, he really won't hold back this time.

Everyone's gaze put a mountain of pressure on Yamato, and Shisui and Qingzora made him feel like thorns in his back.

After a long time, Yamato sighed, raised his hands, and allowed the police department to step forward to seal him and tie the rope.

Yashiro waved his hand and treated other injured Anbu on the battlefield and took them into custody as well.

After everyone had settled the battlefield, Qingkong said angrily: "I want to go to the Hokage Tower now and ask the Third Generation why he slandered me over and over again! Do I really need to die for him to be satisfied?"

Yashiro echoed: "I also want to ask the third generation why he instigated ANBU to bully the villagers!"

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