Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 198: Boundary Division [Asking for monthly votes]

There were figures on the field, swords flashed frequently, and the sound of metal clashing could be heard endlessly.

The originally windless arena was filled with gusts of wind and sand. Ordinary spectators could no longer see clearly the competition on the field. Even ninjas could hardly see the two figures in the battle. They could only rely on the flash of sparks in the air. Determine the position of the two people.

Shurikens and fireballs hit the barrier one after another, causing ripples and leaving the audience stunned!

"Hey, what's going on? Where is the person?"

"I can't see clearly at all! Is this a jounin competition?"

"This is too exaggerated! Is this still a human being?"


The villagers who came to watch the excitement were so surprised that the two men were fighting so fast that they couldn't catch it.

The other ninjas watching the battle also looked shocked.

"Is this Uchiha? Two unknown ninjas are so strong!"

"It is indeed too exaggerated! But these two people are the guards of the minister and the deputy minister respectively, so it is understandable that they are stronger!"

"You don't understand! There's not just one guard!"

"Yeah, besides, you think the other captains are just doing nothing!"


If the first round of competition showed the quantity of Uchiha Jonin, then this round of competition undoubtedly showed the quality of Uchiha Jonin.

In a corner of the stands, the two jonins of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hichizu and Hyuga Hidaka, opened their eyes and observed Nobuo and Ryoichi who were fighting on the field.

Hinata Hidaka frowned and said: "Clan leader, these two people are already elites among jounin!"

Hinata nodded slowly, and then said seriously: "As expected of Uchiha, both the number and quality of jounin are higher than ours! If it weren't for the caged bird..."

Nizu felt a little heavy in his heart. He was also a top pupil practitioner, so he didn't think that the Byakugan was weaker than the Sharingan.

But everyone in Hinata except the Zong family will be carved as a caged bird.

Now that they have become caged birds, how many people can still be enterprising?

This may be the main reason why the masters of the Hyuga clan have always been lower than the Uchiha in terms of quantity and quality.

Compared to other ninjas, Qingzora was quite relaxed, and he and Shisui commented on the strength of the two people on the field.

"Brother, what do you think of Nobuo and Ryoichi's strength and what level they are considered to be?"

"Very strong!" Shisui said, "The strength of the two of them should be at the elite Jonin level."

"Elite Jonin?"

Qingkong murmured, and then asked curiously: "How do you judge the opponent's strength? Is there a classification? For example, jounin, elite jounin, shadow level..."

There are five levels of real ninjas in the ninja world: genin, chunin, top ninja, jounin, and shadow. Moreover, the levels are professional titles awarded based on comprehensive strength, wisdom, and merit, which do not fully represent strength.


Zhisui choked for a moment, then thought about it and replied: "I haven't broken it down, but I have roughly divided it in my mind."

Qingkong's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Tell me quickly!"

Qingzora's strength improved rapidly, but the realm of ninja was blurry. He had never been able to grasp the boundaries of his strength, so that he didn't know the direction of his efforts. He could only continue to improve his chakra and learn various ninjutsu.

"There are many factors that affect the strength of ninjas, such as ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusions, secret techniques, blood inheritance, etc., to name a few. Therefore, there is no fine division of realms in the ninja world."

After briefly describing the specific situation of the division of strength in the genin world, Shisui began to explain his opinions to Aozora.

"Orochimaru once said that the talent of a ninja depends on the ability to use all the ninjutsu in the world to the extreme. This sentence is biased when used to judge the talent of ninjas, but if it is used to divide the strength of ninjas, it still has merit. .”

Speaking of which, Shisui quizzed Qingzora: "Do you know the classification of ninjutsu levels?"

"Of course!" Qingkong nodded, "According to the difficulty of learning, from E to S, there are six levels in total."

Shisui said: "Yes, the six levels represent the difficulty of the ninjutsu, and they also match the ninja level.

E-level ninjutsu corresponds to students. It is mainly used to practice hand seals for students and is useless in actual combat.

D-level ninjutsu corresponds to genin, which does not require much chakra, but it does require chakra control.

C-level ninjutsu corresponds to chunin, which has certain requirements for chakra volume and chakra control.

B-level ninjutsu corresponds to Jōnin. This level of ninjutsu requires changes in the nature or form of chakra, or has extremely high requirements for the amount of chakra the ninja has.

A-level ninjutsu, also known as secret ninjutsu, is a ninjutsu that can be mastered by elite jounin or shadow talents.

S-level ninjutsu has also become a secret ninjutsu. Compared with A-level ninjutsu, S-level ninjutsu is more powerful, but at a great cost, and most of them are forbidden skills. Mastering S-level ninjutsu basically has Kage-level strength.

Therefore, generally we can judge the approximate strength of the opponent by looking at the ninjutsu performed by the opponent.

Of course, the level of ninjutsu is not the only one. For example, if the opponent casts a C-level ninjutsu, but the power and effect are far greater than that of a C-level ninjutsu, I can judge that the opponent's chakra amount or change in nature is far greater than that of a chunin, so It can be roughly inferred that his strength is that of a Jonin.

In addition, if the amount of chakra far exceeds that of a Jonin, then it must be a Kage-level powerhouse or a Jinchuuriki. "

After listening to Shisui's explanation, Qingzora nodded clearly. This division is indeed simple and clear. By mastering the strongest ninjutsu, one can probably estimate the opponent's strength.

Qingkong rolled his eyes and asked, "What about meeting a blood successor ninja?"

Shisui thought for a moment, and then replied: "The ninjutsu of a blood successor ninja is generally more powerful than ordinary escape techniques. You can increase the ninjutsu by one level!"

After a pause, Shisui said: "This is why we Uchiha will basically become elite jounin after awakening the three Magatama Sharingan! The difficulty of the pupil technique performed by the three magatama is B level, but the power is equivalent to an A level illusion."

Mangekyou Shisui didn't say the rest, but Qingzora also understood.

Why is Uchiha's Awakening Mangekyo equivalent to Kage level combat power?

Because awakening the Kaleidoscope is equivalent to mastering three S-level forbidden arts!

Shisui's explanation may not be completely correct. After all, there is not a completely positive correlation between different ninjutsu levels and actual combat effects.

However, Shisui's words were very inspiring to Qingzora, allowing him to roughly understand his own strength.

Aozora previously estimated that his strength was that of an elite jounin, but now it seems that he is also considered to be the best among the elite jounin.

According to Shisui's strength classification standards, if you master A-level ninjutsu, you will enter the realm of elite jounin. Then Aozora has many skills that have reached the level of elite jounin, such as B-level fire release ninjutsu with the blessing of fire release, such as The pupil technique blessed by the three magatama and the immortal-killing flying knife blessed by the royal weapon.

At the same time, Qingzora also made clear the direction of his next efforts-to master an S-level ninjutsu.

In fact, for Uchiha, there is another shortcut to entering the Kage level, and that is to awaken the Kaleidoscope.

However, Qingkong did not have extravagant hopes for this. He vaguely sensed that the Kaleidoscope could not be upgraded through simple training.

Mastering S-level ninjutsu is not difficult for Qingzora. After all, with the blessing of Flame Release Chakra, the B-level ninjutsu he masters has the power of A-level ninjutsu.

So if you practice Samadhi True Fire, you must have mastered an S-level ninjutsu.

Of course, during this period, chakra refining cannot be relaxed. After all, chakra is the foundation of all ninjutsu.

As Qingzora and Shisui talked in low voices, the competition on the ring finally came to an end.

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