Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 130 Hinata Referee [Please support]

There have always been two powerful families in Konoha. They used to be Senju and Uchiha, and now they are Hinata and Uchiha.

Senju and Uchiha founded Konoha, and two Hokages were born from one clan. One clan alone controlled one without losing the prestige of a powerful clan.

Only the Hyuga clan, although powerful and with many ninjas in the clan, has always stayed outside the center of Konoha's power.

The reason is simple, it's a caged bird.

The Caged Bird is a curse seal used by the Hyuga ancestors to limit the flow of Byakugan. It also has the effect of allowing the Hyuga clan to destroy the brain tissue of the person who has this curse seal according to their own consciousness.

Because of the caged bird, the life and death of the branch family is in the hands of the Zong family, so the branch family is inherently cut off from the road to the top of Konoha.

Also because of the caged bird, the Zong family directly controls powerful power. If another department is in charge, its power will be difficult to contain!

Therefore, although the Hyuga clan is powerful, they do not control any real power department.

The elders of the clan were indifferent to this and just wanted to enjoy the support of the divided family in peace.

But Hinata and Hinashi were different, he was in his prime.

Rizu's standing up attracted everyone's attention. Dressed in plain white, he stood out in the conference room.

Although the Hyuga clan sits in the front row of every high-level meeting, the Hyuga clan has spoken very rarely for decades. Everyone is curious about what kind of speech the usually silent leader of the Hyuga clan will bring this time.

Hinata Hiashi said in a cold voice, "Today is a high-level meeting, not a trial. We are here to discuss the future development of Konoha, not to blame each other."

The calm and cold voice spread in the conference room, causing some of the top ninjas to calm down.

Although Hinata Hiashi's words contained criticism, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not want to attract another powerful enemy on top of offending Uchiha.

So he nodded and admitted his mistake and said: "Okay... let's continue with the content of the meeting. Elder Yan believes that there are instability factors in the village, so the ANBU's internal functions need to be retained."

Hinata Hizashi did not sit down, but glanced at the entire audience, and then asked: "Do you have any comments?"

Everyone was a little surprised. Hinata and Hinata looked like an arbiter at this time.

After being surprised, everyone lowered their heads and thought for a moment before acquiescing to Hinata and Hizu's identity.

In the previous high-level meetings of Konoha, the Hokage and the two elders were the referees, and the others were the players.

And this time the Hokage system has ended its confrontation with Uchiha. At this time, Hinata, who is strong and fair, is indeed a good choice for the referee.

Qingkong calmly acted as a player and stood up and said: "How to judge whether it is an 'unstable factor'? Does it all depend on the free conscience of the three elders?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others felt something was wrong, but faced Aozora's question, they had no time to think.

Mito Kadenen said: "I have been in Konoha since the village was founded. I have been apprenticed to the Second Hokage and have contributed to Konoha for decades. I am dedicated to the good of Konoha and I have never had any selfish intentions!"

Qingkong sneered and said: "Isn't the rebel ninja Danzo the same as you?"

Mito Kadenyan knew in his heart that he was going to suffer when he heard the word "danzo".

Sure enough, Qingkong said: "The rebel ninja Danzo has been here since the village was founded, became a disciple of the Second Hokage, and contributed to Konoha for decades... No, he has been secretly killing Konoha ninjas for decades!

I wonder what happened to the ninja who was considered an 'unstable factor' by the rebel ninja Danzo? Was it ‘stopped’ in advance? Tell me, is his body in the corpse pit in Dahe City now? "

Mito Monoyan could only say: "This is groundless speculation!"

Hinata Hiashi saw that the Hokage was getting excited, so he stopped Aozora: "There is no evidence, don't talk nonsense!"

Qingkong nodded and said emotionally: "Maybe what I said is just a guess, but what if there is another person like Danzo among the top leaders?

Even if Danzo doesn't appear, everyone still has their emotions! If your tribe happens to be disliked by a high-ranking person and is said to be ‘with evil intentions’…”


Hinata Hinata stopped Aozora again with a cough, but the seeds of doubt in the hearts of the ninjas present had already sprouted.

He glanced at the ninjas who had been encouraged by Aozora, and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen and others in embarrassment: "What Uchiha Aozora said is ridiculous, but it still makes sense."

After speaking, he pondered for a moment and said: "The Anbu still has the function of supervision and prosecution internally, but the arrest, interrogation, detention and other functions have been cancelled. What do you think, Hokage-sama?"

Hinata Hizashi gave his opinion to the third generation quite fairly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in a dilemma, he naturally didn't want the Anbu to be restrained.

However, at this time Hinata Hizu was not standing on the opposite side of himself, but on the "just" side. He represented the opinions of many neutral ninjas.

In the past, the battle between the Hokage and Uchiha was an either/or choice. He is confident that with his prestige, he can gain more support.

But after Hinata and Hinata stood up, more neutral ninjas chose to stand on the "just" side.

If he opposed it at this time, he was afraid that only die-hard supporters would follow.

Sighing in his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the ninjas in the conference room also let out a long breath.

On the one hand, there is no need to worry about the "knife" hung by the ANBU over everyone's heads, and on the other hand, the tense atmosphere in the scene has disappeared.

The way the Hokage and Uchiha were fighting each other just now made them almost think that there was going to be a big battle in the conference room.

But after Hinata and Hiashi stepped forward, both parties restrained themselves a lot.

After solving a problem, Hinata Hizu continued: "Okay, then let's discuss the issue of receiving the intelligence point..."

At this time, Hinata Hizatsu seemed to be the Hokage presiding over the meeting, while the Hokage department and Uchiha became department leaders with differences in the audience.

The Hokage system noticed something unusual, but Hinata and Hinata didn't take sides, so they didn't have an attack for the time being.

Under the chairmanship of Hinata Riji, the meeting moved forward slowly but surely.

Each Anbu problem was solved through arguments and compromises between the two parties.

Sitting in his seat, Qingkong looked at the expressionless Hinata Hinashi and couldn't help but smile.

Qingzora never thought of fighting to the death with the Hokage clan at a high-level meeting.

Even if the Hokage and the two elders were taken down, Uchiha would not get any good results.

Therefore, before holding a high-level meeting, Qingzora considered how to fight without defeat.

Uchiha's attacks must be heavy and aimed directly at the vital points, otherwise they will not be able to achieve any results with Yun Danfeng's light attacks. But if Uchiha takes action without scruples, the Hokage system may not be able to support it, and finally choose to fight to the death.

Therefore, a third person is needed in high-level meetings to balance the situation and allow the meeting to move forward.

And the only one who can create a balance between Uchiha and Hokage is Hinata.

Hinata and Uchiha are incompatible, and the Hokage would never have thought that Uchiha would collude with Hinata.

In fact, if what Uchiha wants is the position of Hokage, Hinata is definitely the biggest obstacle.

Fortunately, Uchiha did not want the position of Hokage, and the Hokage system could not give Hinata the power he wanted.

The wind and rain outside the window are still there, but it has calmed down a lot.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, thank you for your support!

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