Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 99 The body is weak! (Want updates please subscribe monthly ticket)

On the battlefield, Iwa ninjas appeared one after another.

They crossed the huge pit and came to a place where the air was still hot. Looking at the charred and cracked earth, they slowed down one by one.

"Who on earth could do this?"

"Will Master Zi be okay?"

"It's impossible. It's already transformed into a tailed beast. It's not something that ordinary people can contend with."

"But this time the enemy is obviously not an ordinary ninja."

Breathing the hot air, several Iwa ninjas searched and moved forward.

"Master Zi is here!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Upon hearing this, several Iwa ninjas immediately jumped over and rushed over.

Then he saw Lao Zi lying in a large collapsed pit, breathing weakly.

"He actually got to this point!"

"Is it possible that the Sannin of Konoha are here?"

The two leading jounin couldn't help but be horrified, and then immediately retreated with Lao Zi, returning directly to Iwagakure Village instead of the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Birds.

With Sarutobi Shinnosuke on his back, Hoshita Shuichi couldn't help but ask after recovering some of his strength: "Captain, that guy is not dead, right?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "I was seriously injured by you, but the jinchuriki's vitality is very strong, and he has the power of melting and is immune to a large part of the damage."

Although Shuichi Hoshita didn't ask any more questions, Sarutobi Shinnosuke knew exactly what he wanted to know and continued: "The reinforcements from the Iwa Ninja have arrived, and at this time, we cannot give the Iwa Ninja an excuse to start a war."

In the situation at that time, he could kill Lao Zi with a kunai, or take away the seriously injured Lao Zi.

But no matter which situation it is, it will definitely make the Iwa Ninja crazy in pursuit.

Most importantly, Konoha didn't want a war to break out.

Hoshita Shuichi nodded after hearing the explanation.

In fact, he understood when Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately chose to retreat, so he said he would collect the scattered pieces of meat from the Four Tails instead of capturing Lao Zi.

The tendency of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very obvious. He does not want war, otherwise he would not have today's mission.

However, next time, he thought that he should turn the explosion of the Hell Lotus into the high-temperature rays of the dragon's flame breath, beat the four-tailed Jinchuuriki into a sieve, and see if he could survive.

Thought in his mind, Hoshita Shuichi said with a smile: "If Iwagakure dares to start a war, I will kill that guy next time we meet!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had also been worried that Shuichi Hoshita didn't understand the village or the policies of his father Hiruzen Sarutobi.

After all, Shuichi Hoshita is a person that his father values ​​​​and he is a powerful but young genius in the Hokage family, with a bright future.

Now Hoshita Shuichi has no resentment, but it couldn't be better.

So after hearing Hoshita Shuichi's slightly childish words, both Chihiro and I couldn't help but laugh.

Chihiro couldn't help but said: "Yan, although your two ninjutsu are very powerful, they consume too much chakra and cannot be used easily, especially without the support of your companions."

Xingxia Xiu said: "Captain you are here, so I dare to let it go!"

Half an hour later, Hoshita Shuichi got off Sarutobi Shinnosuke's back after his physical strength had almost recovered.

The three of them rushed all the way to the border of Bird Country without stopping.

When the sky was getting slightly brighter, Hoshita Shuichi and the others rushed to the meeting point and met Yamanaka Shinichi and Nara Satoshi.

"Where's the power?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked.

Nara Tomoe and Yamanaka Shinichi were silent.

Hoshixia Xiuyi's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

After a while, the group returned to the cave and saw the body of Akimichi Chongyan.

Shuichi Hoshita knelt on one knee beside the body to examine it. The injury was the same as that of Kurama Sanyo.

They were all hit in vital parts by rock iron cannons and penetrated the body.

Hoshita Xiuichi sighed helplessly.

This is already his second teammate to die.

It's nothing when you kill others, but when you watch people around you die, the fragility of life is magnified countless times.

Behind him, Nara Chi said: "When we retreated after completing the mission, we met the Iwa Ninja who came over. They should be the team protecting the Daimyo of Bird Country."

"Chongyan died in the battle to cover us."

Yamazaka Shinichi said: "If the battle between you and Lao Zi hadn't attracted the pursuers, I'm afraid Lu and I wouldn't have been able to escape unscathed."

They were ANBU elites, but the Iwa Ninja were not bad either, and the two people leading the team were both Jonin.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke suppressed his grief and nodded: "I understand."

"Hurry up and rest first. We'll set off in 2 hours. It's not absolutely safe here!"

Everyone nodded silently, but Chihiro accompanied Hoshita Shuichi to sort out the body of Akimichi Shigeiwa.

Two hours later, after collecting Akimichi Shigewa's body into the sealing scroll, Hoshige Shuichi and the others set off, crossing the border of the Bird Country and entering the Rain Country.

In the evening of that day, the group returned to the Kingdom of Fire.

But compared with the relaxed atmosphere when we set out, the journey back seemed particularly heavy.

After resting for 2 hours at the border of the Land of Fire, the team set off again and rushed back to Konoha overnight.

In the locker room.

After changing their equipment, Hoshita Shuichi and the four of them waited silently.

About half an hour later, Sarutobi Shinnosuke returned. After a moment of silence, he said, "There will be a funeral for Shigeiwa tomorrow. Let's all come together!"

"In addition, if nothing else happens, the team will have a month's vacation."


Everyone nodded and left.

After leaving the ANBU headquarters, Shinichi Yamanaka and Satoshi Nara left together.

Chihiro patted Hoshita Shuichi on the shoulder and asked softly: "Do you want us to take you back?"

"Sister Qianxun, don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

Hoshita Shuichi shook his head, then waved his hands at Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, and then used the teleportation technique to disappear in an instant.

"How to improve defense?"

On the way home, Hoshita Shuichi thought to himself.

The ninja's body sometimes seemed too fragile.

Orochimaru is now studying snakes, and this is where his software transformation comes from.

"Looking at the ninja world, the Thunder Armor formed by the Thunder Chakra mode of Kumo Ninja should have the highest defense. Although it cannot prevent Amaterasu and has attribute restraint, it can defend against many physical attacks. Otherwise, the Third Raikage You won’t be exhausted either…”

"There is also Chakra Coat. Don't even think about it without Charaton, and it is difficult to achieve with ordinary chakra. But chakra mode can also be regarded as a kind of Chakra Coat."

“Creating regeneration is also a form of insurance, but it comes at a high cost.”

Hoshita Shuichi suddenly thought of Orochimaru, who turned into a snake and could continuously shed his skin to avoid death, and he actually felt a little envious.

"Stop it!"

Hoshita Shuichi shuddered and suppressed the dark thoughts in his heart: "I don't need the entry tree... Even if I can't avoid becoming a psychopath or a pervert in this world, I can never let myself become a human being and a ghost. ghost."

"Work with Tsunade to create the Hyakuha no Jutsu, then fire escape chakra mode...and then create regeneration. Damage lifespan is better than death."

"And there are hundreds of techniques that can use chakra to delay cell aging and extend life span in disguise."

"Then what happens next? After getting all the five escape masters, they are all-powerful, but in fact they haven't raised the upper limit too much..."

Thinking in his heart, Hoshixia Xiuyi's thoughts were a little confused for a while, and he didn't come back to his senses until he got home.

Yakushi Nonou and Asuka were already asleep, and Hoshita Shuichi was gentle.

But when he came out of the bathroom, he saw that pharmacist Nonoyu had already prepared a midnight snack for him.

"It must be very hard to rush back after completing the mission. Come and have something to eat before going to rest."

The gentle and warm smile of pharmacist Nonoyu healed Shuichi Hoshita in an instant.

He quickly stepped forward, spread out his hands and hugged the pharmacist Nonoyu. Hearing the powerful heartbeat in his ears, he felt inexplicably at ease.

Pharmacist Nonoyu was startled for a moment, and then he understood something. He hugged Hoshita Shuichi with one hand and gently stroked his hair with the other.

On the other side, Asuka's door opened a crack, and she watched quietly with a pair of eyes.

After a while.

Hoshita Shuichi took the initiative to let go of the pharmacist Nonoyu and said with a smile: "Dean, I'm fine!"

Pharmacist Nonoyu did not ask specific questions, but smiled and nodded: "How about a midnight snack?"

After saying that, she added: "Would you like some, Asuka, too?"

Asuka, who was watching secretly, suddenly panicked: "That...is...yes!"

Hoshixia Xiuyi laughed dumbly.

After a while, Asuka came out in her pajamas, with the blush on her face still lingering.

After all, being caught peeping on the spot would inevitably make you feel ashamed.

However, Xiuichi enjoyed the late-night snack.

After all, who doesn’t like to be treated gently?

After eating supper, cleaning up together, and chatting in the living room for a while, Hoshixia Shuichi and the other two said good night and went back to their rooms to sleep.

It was just that Shuichi Hoshita was woken up not long after he fell asleep, and then felt himself being hugged by a soft body.

"Shuichi, I will also apply to go to ANBU and form a team with you, right?"

Asuka's voice rang in Hoshita Shuichi's ears.

Hoshita Shuichi felt a tingling sensation in his ears, and just as he was about to speak, Asuka said again: "As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you. I'm now proficient in King Kong Blockade and Kagura's Eyes, and I won't be a drag on you." .”

Hoshita Shuichi turned around to face Asuka and said with a smile: "Asuka-sister, I am not Hokage."

Asuka's red eyes were extremely bright in the darkness: "Then Shuichi, you become Hokage, and I will be your guard!"

Hoshita Shuichi hugged Asuka and buried his head on her chest: "Then it's settled!"

But in his heart, he felt that becoming Hokage was too far away.

When his teacher Minato becomes Hokage, he can operate and team up with Asuka.

Well, you can pull up Shisui again.

The next day, Hoshita Shuichi dressed in black and bought flowers to attend Akimichi Shigewa's funeral.

In addition, there is Asuka who insists on accompanying him, and Yakushi Nonoyu also agrees with this.

Asuka stayed outside the cemetery, Hoshita Shuichi and Sarutobi Shinnosuke reunited and entered the cemetery together.

There were not many people attending the funeral. Apart from the people in the same team, they were the Akimichi clan. But what surprised Shuichi Hoshita was that the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was also there.

A moment of silence and flowers...

After speaking a few words with Akimichi Shigewa's family, Hoshita Shuichi went to the side to see Sarutobi Hiruzen at the signal of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

After the ceremony, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Shuichi, go to Tsunade and Minato more during the holidays. I heard that Tsunade is developing a new technique?"

Hoshita Hide nodded: "Yes, the Third Hokage, I also plan to help Tsunade-sama recently."

"And go learn the sealing technique from Mr. Minato."

After observing Hoshita Shuichi's condition, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and then said: "Regarding the research on the Four Tails, you don't need to be too pushy, and you can't try it on yourself easily. Everything is about safety."

With all the warnings of concern, Hoshita Shuichi said quickly: "Don't worry, Third Hokage, I will be careful, and when the time comes, Orochimaru-sama will take the lead in everything."

Leave everything to Aunt Snake!

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