Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 97 Meet the jinchuriki again! (Please subscribe and get a monthly pass)

Uchiha clan land.

Uchiha Shisui, who was leisurely feeding crows at home, suddenly looked up at a flock of crows flying over and couldn't help but smile: "Shuichi has sent another message."

Because the team was disbanded and each carried out tasks, and often could not meet each other, he and Hoshita Shuichi often sent messages through crows.

Either chatting, or talking about ninjutsu, such as the fire escape that Hoshita Shuichi is proficient in, or the genjutsu that he is proficient in.


Uchiha Shisui was startled for a moment, watching the fallen crows gather into one figure, and then smiled: "Shuichi, you always have so many ideas."

Xingxia Xiuyi, who turned into a crow, said with a smile: "Because it is necessary, it will be developed."

"But I think this technique is suitable for you, and the principle is not difficult, especially for you."

"Project your own chakra, or lodge it in the crow's body, and then use this part of the chakra to perform the shadow clone technique."

Of course, the premise is that you can communicate with these crows, but there is no doubt about this for Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui understood it as soon as he heard it, and accepted the kindness without being polite.

The two chatted for a while, and then Hoshita Shuichi dispersed into crows and flew away.

Uchiha Shisui watched the crow go away, but he was also thinking about how to give a return gift.

"Then let's compile some experience of illusion!"

Uchiha Shisui smiled secretly: "Although we have discussed a lot before, it is not a system after all!"

ANBU missions sometimes come suddenly.

Hoshita Shuichi's vacation wasn't over yet, and he had to leave Konoha Village to perform his mission before the Big Eater Competition started and Uchiha Shisui's return gift.

"Sorry everyone, the village's manpower is a little tight, and this mission is very important."

On the way, Sarutobi Shinnosuke apologized to everyone.

Akimichi Chongyan smiled and said: "It's nothing to perform the mission. The only regret is that I couldn't participate in the opening ceremony of the Big Eater Competition. This was organized and planned by me."

"And inflammation."

Hoshixia Shuichi said with a smile: "I can't attend the opening ceremony, but I should be able to make it in time for the competition."

"If you feel sorry, do it again next year."

Under the mask, Qiu Daochongyan's eyes lit up: "It makes sense!"

"Well, it must be held again next year, and I will personally host it then!"

After chatting for a while, Qianxun brought the topic back to the mission: "Ape, can you tell me about the mission information?"

Hoshixia Xiuyi and others immediately listened.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "The purpose this time is the Kingdom of Birds, and the mission target is the third son of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Birds."

"The Kingdom of Birds has always been an alliance with the Kingdom of Earth, and it is also the sphere of influence of Iwagakure Village, but such a small country generally does not reveal its political leanings too clearly."

"But the third son of this daimyo is a war fanatic, and at home he encourages the Kingdom of Birds to fully support the Kingdom of Earth's eastward expansion."

"Moreover, the Daimyo of the Bird Country is now critically ill, and this third son has received the attention and support of the Earth Country."

After hearing this, Shuichi Hoshita thought thoughtfully and speculated: "I am afraid that the third son of the daimyo may not necessarily want to start a war and expand eastward. It is likely that some people in the Earth Kingdom are borrowing his mouth, or borrowing from the Bird Kingdom Want to start a war.”

"If we want to expand eastward, the first choice is the Kingdom of Rain. It just so happens that the Kingdom of Rain has been in a chaotic situation since the last Ninja War."

"Of course, this shouldn't be the ultimate goal."

"If it is really the Kingdom of Earth hiding behind the Kingdom of Birds, then the target should be the Kingdom of Grass. The resources of the Kingdom of Grass are better than the Kingdom of Rain."

"Furthermore, although the Kingdom of Rain is in chaos, the strength of the Rain Ninja Village cannot be underestimated. The ninja world demigod is still there after all!"

After hearing this, Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't help but praise: "Yan, your vision is really precise."

"The village's top management also analyzed it this way."

Nara Chi said: "The Kingdom of Earth has always had an intention to attack the Kingdom of Grass, and the Iwa Ninja Village has been infiltrating the Kingdom of Grass. The death of the previous leader of the Grass Ninja Village was related to the Iwa Ninja Village. Now this leader has plans for the Iwa Ninja Village. The tendency is very serious.”

"The Kingdom of Earth does not dare to attack the Kingdom of Grass directly, so as not to irritate the Kingdom of Fire and us Konoha, so we borrowed the Kingdom of Birds."

"If the Bird Kingdom invades and hires Iwa Ninja, the impact will be much smaller."

Yamanaka Shinichi sighed: "It has been less than ten years since the last ninja war ended, and these ambitious people can't help but get ready to take action again."

Akimichi Shigegan muttered: "The First Hokage should have wiped out all these guys."

Hoshixia Xiuyi couldn't help but give a thumbs up after hearing this.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said in a deep voice: "The lack of manpower in the village is not only due to the increase in the number of tasks, but also to the frequent actions of the major ninja villages, and also because other ninja villages are expanding the number of ninjas."

"Especially the Iwa Ninja Village."

Akimichi Shigegan asked: "Can killing this third son of the daimyo prevent the war?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head: "I don't know, but we don't need to think about it."

Hoshixia Xiuyi smiled and said: "If you can't kill just one, then keep killing."

"If all those who want to start a war die, then there will be no war."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Qianxun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Yan, you think too simply."

"Also, although your idea is good, it is a bit extreme!"

Hoshixia Xiuyi smiled and said: "After all, I am only less than 10 years old!"

"However, solving problems does not necessarily have to be directed at the problem. It can completely solve the people who created the problem, just like the task we are about to complete now."

"Of course, it's not direct enough."

"The most direct way is to kill the martial arts faction of the Kingdom of Earth!"

At this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was dumbfounded: "Yan, your idea...well, although it does make sense, the martial arts faction of the Earth Kingdom occupies the mainstream, and the current third generation Tsuchikage is one of them."

"This is almost equivalent to us going to war against the Earth Kingdom and the Iwa Ninja Village."

After hearing this, Xingxiaxiu smiled and said: "In that case, let's not think so much."

"Rush over, kill that daimyo's son, and then return to the village to participate in the Big Eater Competition. I can't wait any longer!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and the previous heavy atmosphere was swept away.

The group left the Kingdom of Fire, then passed through the Kingdom of Rain, and entered the Kingdom of Birds at dusk the next day.

After resting in the cave for a night and returning to his peak state, Hoshita Shuichi used the transformation technique to transform into an ordinary businessman and enter the Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Birds.

After checking into a hotel, a waitress from the hotel soon entered the suite reserved by Hoshixia Shuichi and others with a lunch box.

"The roots of darkness!"

The waitress said something that shocked Hoshita Shuichi.

Yuan Fei Shinnosuke was not surprised and said: "Konoha Feiwu!"

The waitress nodded, opened the lunch box and took out the food. At the bottom was a map: "This is the map where the target person is, with guards marking it."

"The back shows the activity habits of the target person."

"However, it should be noted that yesterday, a four-person Iwa Ninja team entered the target's residence. We have not yet obtained any information about this Iwa Ninja team."

"But one of them is suspected to be Lao Zi, the elite Jonin of Iwa Ninja."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was shocked when he heard this: "Lao Zi?"

"Can you be sure?"

The waitress shook her head: "I only saw it once."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "Thank you!"

The waitress nodded slightly, picked up the food box, and turned away.

Hoshita Shuichi watched silently: "I didn't expect it to be a spy dispatched by the root."

"The same is true for the former dean. As a medical ninja, he silently collected information from other ninja villages in other countries..."

At this time Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "I'm afraid this mission will be a bit troublesome."

Satoshi Nara asked: "Captain, is it because of that Lao Zi?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "This guy is not simple, he is the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki!"

Everyone was shocked, it was the Jinchuuriki again!

Akimichi Chongyan couldn't help but said helplessly: "It seems that we and the jinchuriki are very destined!"

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Hoshita Shuichi asked: "Captain, do you have any information about Lao Zi?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "In fact, Minato-senpai and Jiraiya-sama have fought against the Jinchuuriki of Iwa Ninja Village before."

"Although Lao Zi is not as perfect as Kirabi from Kumo Ninja, he is actually more dangerous."

Yamanaka Shinichi asked: "Captain, are you saying that the jinchūriki has lost control?"


Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "Once the power of the tailed beast is completely released, it will be very terrifying."

Nara thought to himself: "Then we need to divide them into two groups: AB, one group to lure the enemy, and the other group to assassinate."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke unfolded the map and said: "Team A, Xun and Yan, and I will sneak in first, lure the enemy, and kill and lure away as many Iwa ninjas and escorts as possible."

"Afterwards, Li, Deer, and Xin, as Group B, you will be responsible for the assassination."

"Retreat immediately after completion, there is no need to wait for us."

"The rendezvous point is set at the border, in the cave where we rested yesterday."

Nara Satoshi, Yamanaka Shinichi, and Akimichi Shigeiwa nodded in unison: "Understood!"

When the guards are transferred, it will be much safer and smoother whether it is to directly sneak in and assassinate, or to turn around and control the people around the son of the daimyo to do it.

The next step is to become familiar with the information and map terrain.

As for going out to investigate in person, Sarutobi Shinnosuke had no such arrangements.

Iwagakure Village has already made arrangements, and the more it does now, the greater the risk of exposure.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was night.

In the silence of the night, Hoshixia Shuichi and others, who had recuperated their energy, left the hotel quietly, walked in the darkness, and finally looked across the street towards the house where the target was located.

As the son of a daimyo, even if he is a daimyo in a small country, he lives in a very big place.

But Hoshita Shuichi and others had already memorized the map in their hearts.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke made a gesture, Nara Satoshi and the others stayed, while Hoshita Shuichi and Chihiro went straight in with Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Yes, just enter from the front.

They were meant to lure enemies.

If they could kill all the way to the target, there would be no need for Nara Satoshi and the others to take risks.

Each of the guards was easily hypnotized by Chihiro and knocked down, while Shuichi Hoshita accurately caught them and placed them gently on the ground.

The three of them walked all the way into the atrium, and then suddenly stopped.

"From Konoha?"

"Or Rain Ninja Village?"

On the roof, a figure spoke.

Hoshixia Xiuyi looked up and saw the man on the roof with his arms folded in front of his chest. His purple hair and beard were extremely conspicuous in the moonlight.

It is indeed the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki!

At this moment, there was an Iwa Ninja appearing on the left and right sides, as well as on the roof behind.


Hoshita Shuichi immediately realized that the other party also had sentient ninjas.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke lightly shouted and ordered.


Three figures suddenly emerged.

Lao Zi did not move, but the other three rock ninjas rushed out. Six figures collided in the air, fire shot out, and the harsh sound of gold and iron erupted.

Immediately afterwards, an Iwa nin flew upside down and crashed into the house with a bang, setting off billowing smoke and dust.

At this moment, Lao Zi, who had not made a move, formed a seal with his hands, opened his mouth and spat out, and huge balls of magma flew towards Xingxia Xiuyi and the others.

The art of melting escape and burning river rock!


The fire illuminates the night.

Hoshixia Shuichi avoided Lao Zi's attack in the air. As he swung the knife, blue flames surged. From a distance of more than 20 meters, the blue flame waterfall knife struck Lao Zi on the roof.


Lao Zi was surprised to see Hoshixia Xiuyi standing in the air. Then he put his hands together and his body was quickly covered in orange and red lava.

Melting Chakra Mode!

Looking at the falling giant sword, Lao Zi rose into the sky and punched out, colliding with the falling giant sword.


The Blue Flame Waterfall Sword was blasted to pieces by Lao Zi's punch. Balls of light blue flames flew down in all directions and quickly turned into buds.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, who were familiar with Hoshita Shuichi's moves, had immediately evacuated from the atrium.

Lao Zi, who fell from the air, sensed something was wrong and quickly shouted: "Be careful with these flames!"

Before he could finish his words, the flames bloomed and exploded. In an instant, the entire atrium was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

The two Iwa ninjas who had just jumped up to pursue Sarutobi Shinnosuke and the others were blown away by the wave of fire behind them before they could react.

However, Hoshita Shuichi's figure was divided into three, and blue light flashed, pulling out afterimages and distorting the light in the air.

The two Iwa ninjas had just stood up when they were faced with the rapid attack of Shuichi from three Hoshishita. They had no time to form seals and could only fight with their swords.

But their swords failed.

Hoshita Shuichi's speed was too fast. At the same time, the high temperature of the blade distorted the light in the air. Coupled with a little illusion, all the swords of the two Iwa ninjas failed.


The two Iwa ninja fell to the ground with their eyes widened.

Shuichi, the three stars, did not stop at all, chasing Sarutobi Shinnosuke and them.

And then Lao Zi's angry shout came from behind: "Damn it, don't even think about escaping!"

Hoshita Shuichi looked back and saw an extra tail. Lao Zi, who was still covered in lava, was chasing after him quickly, even faster than him.

The art of melting escape and burning river rock!

After getting close to a certain distance, Lao Zi opened his mouth again and spit out, and seven or eight huge balls of magma flew towards Shuichi under the three stars.

But Xingxiaxiu didn't even reply.


The water flow surged up, blocking all Lao Zi's attacks.

Immediately afterwards, a slender, high-speed jet of water shot out, accurately hitting the pursuing Lao Zi, sending him flying away.

Water Escape-Water Breaking Wave!

"As expected of the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke sighed secretly, and then shouted: "Withdraw!"

He and Chihiro immediately jumped after Hoshita Shuichi and continued to retreat.

Later, Lao Zi quickly caught up with him.

Although Sarutobi Shinnosuke's Water Break Wave hit accurately before, it did not break through Lao Zi's melt armor, but only knocked him away.

Hoshita Shuichi couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

If he was hit by the water breaking wave, he would either be pierced or cut in half.

Bloodsequence Kaikai and Jinchuuriki are just strong!

The two parties quickly passed through Daming Mansion and left the town, one after the other.

After they left, Narachi and the other three immediately took action and sneaked into the mansion of the daimyo's son.

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