Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 78 Ominous Eyes, Chase! (Want updates please subscribe monthly ticket)


"not enough!"

"too slow!"

Hoshita Shuichi gritted his teeth, chakra poured out of his body, and he tried his best to control the chakra to regenerate and heal Kurama Sanyo's wounds.

But the speed is still too slow.

If the power is dispersed, none of the four wounds can be healed in the shortest time.

But the speed is still not fast enough to concentrate the power relatively on the two most critical wounds.

Arterial wounds heal the fastest, but the heart heals slowly.

But if this continues, Kurama Sanyo will still be unable to be saved due to massive bleeding in one of his lungs and liver.

As for the current situation, Hoshita Shuichi's ability to create a shadow clone is already the limit.

In the absence of a healing and regenerative technique, the shadow clone cannot handle the situation of having its internal organs penetrated and torn apart with just the medical ninjutsu it has mastered.

This is the "Rock Iron Cannon" commonly used by Iwa Ninja. When stone bullets enter the human body, in addition to the cavity effect, fragments are scattered when attacking.

Although Kurama Sanyo's injury was a penetrating injury, the situation inside was actually more complicated.

If there are multiple people cooperating, using the art of extracting minor problems to pull out the rock fragments, using the art of palm immortality to treat the injuries on the flesh, and more people cooperating with the art of healing and regeneration, then it is possible to quickly deal with such injuries.

But now there is only Hoshita Shuichi.

"Shisui, find Minato-sensei!"

Hoshita Shuichi shouted.

Uchiha Shisui immediately separated a shadow clone and went out to find Namikaze Minato, while he stayed behind.

He was worried about those four grass ninjas.

But just when Shisui went out, behind everyone, with a roar, the wall was penetrated, and several figures came in and headed straight for the Box of Bliss.

"Stop them!"

Four grass ninjas rushed forward, but with the sound of lightning and thunder, the four grass ninjas flew backwards one after another.

"The brat of the Uchiha clan, Shan Magatama..."

The tall man dressed as a grass ninja stared at the alert Uchiha Shisui: "You take away the ninja tools, and I will take down this Uchiha brat and bring back the Sharingan."

Before he finished speaking, his hands had already completed the seals.

Thunder phantom, thunder light lives!

The intense bright light burst out, making it impossible to see.

Then the tall man pounced on Uchiha Shisui, who had his eyes closed.


Before he could reach Uchiha Shisui, the tall man flew backwards and was embedded in the wall.

Namikaze Minato appeared, flicked his hand, and kunai flew. He dodged, and the three ninjas who were about to take away the Box of Bliss screamed and flew out one after another.

After defeating the enemy in one second, Minato Namikaze returned to Shuichi Hoshishita: "Shuichi..."

Hoshita Shuichi said quickly: "Minato-sensei, Sanyo's injury is too serious, even the medical scroll is not enough."

"Can you bring Sanyo back to Konoha, or use the Flying Thunder God to bring..."

At the end of the day Hoshita Shuichi couldn't continue talking.

Even if Tsunade didn't suffer from anemia, one person couldn't handle Kurama Sanyo's injuries.

Now that Tsunade has anemia, there is not enough to bring the pharmacist Noonoyu alone.

But Kusanagi Village is a long way from Konoha, and the current Namikaze Minato is not in the state of reincarnation, and there is no Kyuubi in his body.

It might be possible to bring one person with you, but I'm afraid it won't be enough to bring more than one person with you.

As for bringing Kurama Sanyo back to Konoha...

Looking at the seriously injured Kurama Sanyo, Namikaze Minato was also very sad: "It is impossible to reach Konoha from here at once, and with the teacher's chakra, there is no way to transport two people at once for such a long distance."

"And if I'm alone, without you, Sanyo won't be able to support his return to Konoha."

Uchiha Shisui trembled when he heard this: "Minato-sensei, is there no other way?"

"Cough cough cough..."

The unconscious Kurama Sanyo suddenly coughed, and blood foam spurted out from his mouth.

He opened his eyes, which were already somewhat distracted, and vaguely saw the figures of Xiuyi and the others under the star. A smile appeared on his face: "Look...it seems that I can't go on with you... ”

Xingxiaxiu opened his mouth, but couldn't promise a cure.

Kurama Sanyo turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Hoshixia Shuichi: "Xiu... Shuichi, you are already very good... Such... Such injuries can give me time to say goodbye to you."

Hoshixia Xiuyi gritted his teeth when he heard it, and then he couldn't hold back tears.

However, Kurama Sanyo's life was passing quickly. He finally looked at Namikaze Minato and said with regret, "Sorry, Minato-sensei, I can't give you a gift at the wedding."

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth, but he could only say: "Sanyo, you will be the hero of Konoha!"

Kurama Sanyang's eyes began to straighten, he opened his mouth, and his voice gradually became imperceptible: "I... I actually don't want to be a hero, I just want to be with you..."

Uchiha Shisui lowered his eyes, but he could not block the sudden scarlet light in his eyes.

Kurama Sanyo still couldn't be saved.

Looking at Kurama Sanyang, who had a regretful smile that was completely lifeless, Hoshixia Xiuyi retracted his hand tremblingly.

It's not like Hoshita Shuichi has never seen injured and dead patients in Konoha Hospital.

Many ninjas died in his hands.

But for the first time, he felt that death was so close and so sad.

As a friend, he was so powerless when faced with Kurama Sanyo's death.

Suddenly, Shuichi Hoshita understood why Tsunade, a powerful female ninja who had experienced many battles, suffered from anemia, which sounded a little ridiculous.

If one day, pharmacist Nonoyu also died in front of him like this.

Shizune also died in front of him like this.

There is also Tengumo, Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, Gai...

Just thinking about it, Hoshixia Shuichi felt inexplicable fear and resistance.

Namikaze Minato patted Hoshita Shuichi on the shoulder, and was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed: "Shisui, withdraw!"

Shisui had also sensed the danger and immediately used the teleportation technique to disappear from the place.

And just when Hoshita Shuichi and the others disappeared, the Bliss Box, which had been silent, suddenly launched an attack on its own.

Invisible power swept across, and the four Kusanagi, as well as the four people killed by Namikaze Minato, were all submerged into the Box of Bliss at this moment.

Minato Namikaze appeared outside the gate with a solemn expression, because although the Box of Bliss did not attack them again, it still exuded an evil aura and had strong chakra fluctuations.

Uchiha Shisui's scarlet eyes stared at the Box of Bliss: "Minato-sensei, this ninja seems to have absorbed the chakra of those people."

Namikaze Minato nodded and said: "Shuichi, it must be sealed!"

Hoshita Shuichi nodded silently and immediately turned on 2x concentration to block the sadness in his heart.

Spreading out the seal scroll again, Hoshige Shuichi and Namikaze Minato formed seals together, then pressed on the scroll, and the spell immediately spread to the Bliss Box.

There were no surprises this time. The Bagua seal was successfully completed, sealing the Box of Bliss. The evil aura was restrained and the fluctuating chakra was silent.

As soon as the seal was completed, Kusanagi Wuwei rushed over: "Minato Jounin, the leader of our village died in the battle."

Hoshita Shuichi and the other two looked at each other with surprise.

Wuwei looked at Kurama Shanyang's body on the ground and said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, because the leader was besieged and attacked, so he couldn't be rescued in time before."

Hoshita Shuichi and the others couldn't help but remain silent.

At this moment, Shuichi Hoshita, who was relieved of his high concentration, felt extremely irritated and said, "There should be some attackers who have escaped, right?"

Wuwei nodded: "Those people are very powerful, and we can't intercept them."

Hoshita Shuichi looked at Namikaze Minato: "Minato-sensei, I want to do something for Sanyo."

Uchiha Shisui also said immediately: "And me."

Namikaze Minato glanced at Uchiha Shisui's three Magatama Sharingan, and then nodded: "Be careful, I will come over after finishing the things here."

Saying that, he handed the Flying Thunder God Kunai to Hoshita Shuichi.

Taking the kunai, Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui headed west out of Kusanagi Village.

The two followed the traces. After chasing a certain distance, they stopped. Uchiha Shisui looked at the traces in front of him and said, "They separated!"

Hoshita Shuichi carefully distinguished: "It's not a shadow clone, just chase it all the way!"

Uchiha Shisui nodded, and the two of them continued immediately, but chose the trace on the left.

Ten minutes later, the two passed by a flooded area. As the waves rippled, a figure emerged from the bottom of the water, opened its mouth and fired several rock iron cannons straight at the backs of Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui.

But the next moment, the figures of Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui shattered and dispersed like dream bubbles.

"No, illusion!"

The Iwa Ninja reacted, but the next moment his eyes reflected a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes, and his eyelids suddenly became heavy and he fell into a drowsy state.

However, the Iwa Ninja hiding in the water had been discovered a long time ago, and he was fooled by a strange technique.

But just as he was hypnotized, the Iwa Ninja exploded into a cloud of smoke with a bang.

Shadow clone!

Uchiha Shisui immediately reminded: "Shuichi, you have to be more careful next time, this guy should be a Jonin."

Hoshita nodded and moved on.

Uchiha Shisui quickly followed.

He didn't protect Kurama Sanyo before, but next, he will use his ominous eyes to protect the friends around him!

After chasing for some distance, Hoshixia Shuichi suddenly stopped.

At this time, Iwa Ninja, who was standing on a giant mushroom and hiding behind a tree, frowned: "What a no-brainer!"

"This brat is fine, but that three-magatama Uchiha is a bit troublesome."

He was the one who left Dango behind, and indeed, as Uchiha Shisui had guessed, he was the Iwa Ninja Jonin.

However, just when he was thinking about how to defeat each one, Hoshita Shuichi had already jumped up.

Bang bang bang!

The air exploded, and blazing white fire lotuses bloomed under Hoshika Hideichi's feet, and he ran at high speed through the air, heading straight for the Iwa Ninja's hiding place.


Iwa Ninja's eyes widened: "How is that possible?"


"It's not an illusion!"

At this time, Hoshita Shuichi, who was running in the air, suddenly drew his sword. The moment he raised the sword with both hands, blue flames surged on the sword, forming a slightly illusory blue giant sword, facing the tree trunk from a distance of more than ten meters. The Iwa ninja who was hiding behind him struck down.

"This little devil..."

The Iwa Ninja was surprised again, and he paused in the throwing action of the ninja tool before throwing it out.

But halfway, he was knocked down cleanly by Uchiha Shisui's shuriken.


The thick tree trunk was split open, and the Iwa Ninja jumped back, but there was a black mark on his chest.

The clothes, skin and flesh were cut open by the hot blade, and the terrible pain made the Iwa Ninja's face distort.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui's shuriken struck again. At the same time, Hoshita Hide in the air opened his mouth and spit out, and balls of flames flew out and attached to Uchiha Shisui's shuriken.

Phoenix fire technique + shuriken, Phoenix flower claws are red!

The Iwa ninja endured the severe pain and drew his sword.

Ding ding ding!

One shuriken after another was knocked away by him, but Shuichi Hoshita followed them up.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Gold and iron mingled, and sparks shot out.

The two figures clashed rapidly in the forest full of giant plants. Uchiha Shisui also kept shrinking, and the three magatama in his eyes rotated, always locking the two figures in the confrontation, ready to help.

Suddenly, a blue light came on.

Iwa Ninja's sword was split into two by the Tenbashi sword. Although he was surprised, he still slashed at Hoshita Shuichi with his short sword. At the same time, he had taken out the kunai with his left hand and stabbed Hoshita Shuichi in the abdomen.

But Hoshita Shuichi ignored the kunai that was stabbing him at this moment, and slashed it down with one strike. The Blue Flame Sky Blade easily cut off the Iwa Ninja's broken sword again, and then chopped off his arm.

Almost at the same time, Iwa Ninja's kunai also pierced Hoshita Shuichi's vest and then penetrated his abdomen.

This action shocked Uchiha Shisui. Hoshishita Shuichi could completely avoid this attack as long as he gave up the attack.

The Iwa Ninja let out a scream, kicked off the tree trunk, and jumped back using the force.

The kunai was pulled out, and the wound on Hoshika Hide's abdomen healed quickly as soon as blood started flowing out.

The yin heals the injury and destroys it!

But Hoshita Shuichi didn't even frown, because he turned on 10 times the concentration, and watched as he retreated and endured the severe pain of a broken arm, but he could also throw a kunai with a detonating talisman to stop Uchiha Shisui's powerful fire ball. The Iwa Ninja opened his mouth and there was a blazing white light beam as thick as his little finger. It didn't matter even if it was burned and his mouth was full of bubbles.

The high-temperature ray was extremely fast. The Iwa Ninja subconsciously raised his short sword and tilted his head.

The next moment, the short sword was pierced, and the beam passed through Iwa Ninja's ear.

But just when Iwa Ninja thought he had avoided it, the beam moved downwards with Hoshita Shuichi's movements and sliced ​​diagonally across Iwa Ninja's neck.

In an instant, the corpse was divided into two parts.

Uchiha appeared next to Hoshita Shuichi and said worriedly: "Shuichi, you..."

Hoshixia Xiuyi exhaled a long breath, and his mood became lighter. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is Yin to heal the wound, and the wound has healed."

Uchiha Shisui looked at Hoshita Shuichi's mouth full of bubbles.

Shuichi Hoshita explained helplessly: "An unfinished jutsu."

High-temperature rays are just the form of the technique, not its name.

The technique was not completed, so Shuichi Hoshishita did not name it.

Uchiha Shisui felt relieved and immediately asked: "Do you want to continue the pursuit?"

Hoshita Shuichi looked at the fallen body of Iwa Ninja and shook his head: "The enemy's situation is unknown. It is dangerous to continue chasing. Let's wait for Minato-sensei first!"

Just now he was feeling stuffed up in his heart, but now he has let it out and his sense has returned.

If there are any typos, please point them out, and the author will correct them soon. Thank you! ! !

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