Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 56 Fire Escape Sword Technique! (Good luck in the Year of the Dragon!)

Because of Namikaze Minato's serious injury, the original vacation time had to be extended.

Hoshita Shuichi was also happy about this. Anyway, in addition to Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and Gai, there was also Tsunade as a Jonin sparring partner.

Time passed by on August 20, and Minato Namikaze recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

But Hoshita Shuichi and the others were soon informed that Namikaze Minato had another important mission, so the three of them temporarily acted as a team alone, taking on some D-level and C-level missions, and almost never left the Land of Fire.

Autumn arrives quietly.

September 12th, next to Konoha Hospital.

Shuichi Hoshita, who had just finished sparring with Tsunade, sat on the ground, focusing entirely on the entry tree.

He finally mastered the profound meaning of the Dance of the Three Suns and Moons.

In this way, he finally fulfilled all the requirements of the entry [Sword Expert].

Light up!

As the leaves of the entry [Knife Expert] were rendered green, Hoshita Shuichi immediately felt an extra power in his body, which seemed to be similar to chakra, but even more amazing.

[Sword Skill Expert] has a total of two effects. The sword skill talent is increased by 100%, and the quality of designated ninja tools is increased by 100%.

The talent improvement needs to be verified, and the energy appearing in the body is obviously used to increase the quality of designated ninja tools by 100%.

Hoshixia Shuichi immediately pulled out his Ten Cong Sword.

This short chakra sword given by Tianyun should be said to be mediocre among the many chakra swords, but it is still very precious.

In the ninja world, not everyone, even a jounin, can use this kind of ninja tool with high chakra circulation.

High liquidity means less chakra loss.

With a thought in his mind, Xiuyi Xingxia controlled the flow of energy in his body towards Tiancong Dao.

Very silky smooth.

The energy immediately moved according to the heart and poured into Tiancong Dao.

Hoshita Xiuichi immediately felt the Tencong sword in his right hand tremble slightly, and heard the extremely subtle sound of the sword in his ears.

Soon, all the energy poured into the Tian Cong Dao and disappeared without a trace.

Hoshita Shuichi re-injected chakra, and his face suddenly showed joy.

He could barely feel the loss of chakra.

Then he took out a kunai and swung the Tiancong sword. He didn't hear any impact, but the kunai was already split into two.

Looking at the incision again, it is extremely smooth.

It's really like cutting iron into clay!

Although his kunai is just an ordinary item, the ninja tools of most people on the battlefield are also ordinary items.

"My Tian Cong Dao should be considered a famous weapon, right?"

Hoshita Shuichi smiled secretly, then collected the kunai that was split into two and stood up to leave.

"I have almost mastered the Yin Healing and Wound-Destroying Technique. Next, I will master the medical ninjutsu of Chakra Scalpel, and then I can get the entry [Medical Expert]."

"It's September now. I'll try to win it by this time next year. With the help of the entries, I will soon be able to become a real medical expert."

Hoshita Shuichi secretly thought about his plan: "However, medical ninjutsu should be a long-term practice like basic physical training. Right now, my focus should be on swordsmanship and swordsmanship!"

If his talent in swordsmanship was initially 1, then after the [Ninja Tool Expert] brought improvement, it would be 2.

Then there is the 50% increase in the entry [Konoha Genius], which is 3.

Finally, the current [Sword Expert] entry has been improved by 100%, which is 6!

"Such talent should have surpassed Shisui, Kakashi and the others, right?"

Although he was hesitant, Hoshita Shuichi was very confident in his heart.

After a while, he came to the woods.

This is where he first trained with Kai, and now it can be used as a place for him to practice alone.

Because next he has to find his own path of swordsmanship, a path to Jonin!

First, he separated a shadow clone to grind the leaves and practice the changes in the properties of wind escape chakra. However, Xingxia Xiuyi sat cross-legged under a tree, holding the Tiancong knife across his knees.

Then he thought about a question: What kind of swordsmanship and swordsmanship secrets should be developed that would be at least A-level?

His initial idea was to use the wind to escape, using the cutting of the wind, which would be most suitable in combination with the Aman Cong Sword. It would definitely not be inferior to the Eight-Tailed Kirabi's Thunder Sword.

However, his practice of changing the nature of Wind Release Chakra has not yet been completed.

Although more than two months have passed, he didn't use too much energy before and just used a shadow clone to slowly accumulate experience.

"Now I have two choices. First, get the [Wind Escape Expert] entry to get an improvement in wind escape talent, and then quickly complete the practice of wind escape chakra property changes, practice the wind escape property changes to the extreme, and then do it again Apply it to your sword skills.”

"Alternatively, you can first complete the practice of changing the nature of Wind Release, and then quickly master the five Wind Release Ninjutsu, obtain the [Wind Release Expert] entry, and then apply it to sword skills."

"Another one, the shadow clone continues to change the nature of Wind Escape, and now, I should use what I have mastered to develop the secret of sword skills that suits me!"

Hoshixia Xiuyi thought about it and soon made a decision.

For now, his talent in fire escape is undoubtedly better than that of wind escape. There is no need to sacrifice the near and the far.

"Then let's escape first!"

"Is there a combination of fire escape and swords in the ninja world?"

"How to combine them together to form an effect of 1+1 greater than 2?"

After determining the direction, Hoshita Shuichi started brainstorming and doubled his concentration.

"The nature of fire escape, high temperature, explosion..."

"We can ignore the explosion for now."

Hoshixia Xiuyi thought: "High temperature... In fact, the lightning escape is applied to the knife. In addition to the paralysis effect of lightning itself, it also uses high temperature cutting."

He remembered the battle between the Eight-Tailed Kirabi and the Eagle Squad.

Kirabi's Thunderbolt was applied to the sword, and he cut through the decapitating sword forcefully.

But it’s the heat.

Just like plasma arc cutting, high current plasma arc cutting.

In addition, Kirabi can also use Thunderbolt to bless the pen and enhance its penetrating ability through high-frequency vibration.

Hoshixia Xiuichi stood up and drew his sword, injecting fire escape chakra into the Tiancong sword.

The blade of Tian Cong Dao began to turn red little by little, and the surrounding air gradually became distorted.

Suddenly, Hoshita Shuichi stopped, looked down at the gradually fading red blade and frowned slightly: "No... I shouldn't be heating the blade."

"The Tiancong knife is just fine. It is of good quality and has been improved by the entry. It is not afraid of high temperatures, but other weapons may not."

"Also, there's actually a huge amount of wear and tear involved in heating the blade, and it's also time consuming."

"I should construct a high-temperature layer directly on the blade surface, or on the entire blade surface."

Hoshita Shuichi thought of the Rasengan technique.

This is chakra without attributes and without changes in chakra properties. It first operates in an orderly manner and stacks up layer by layer to form a chaotically rotating chakra ball.

Then on the blade, an orderly movement track of fire escape chakra can also be constructed.

"Well, let's try covering the entire blade first, and then improve it in an orderly manner."

Shuichi Hoshita continues to try.

A layer of flames covered the blade, but soon, under the control of Shuichi Hoshita, the beating flames on the blade disappeared, leaving only a layer of red light wrapping the blade.

Hoshita Shuichi gradually changed, letting the fire escape chakra wrap around the blade like wire and keep spinning in circles.

So the original red light immediately became a little darker.

After the first circle, the second circle continues, compressing the fire escape chakra of the first circle. This cycle repeats, continuously superimposing and compressing.

For a time, the color of the fire covering the blade also kept changing.

Red, dark red, cherry red...

By the time it reached the tenth level, the light covering the blade had turned orange-red.

At this time, Hoshita Shuichi was sweating profusely and reached his limit.

He immediately stepped forward and dashed forward, his blade passing across the thick tree trunk.

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