Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 51 Harassment! (Recommended votes, monthly tickets, and follow-up reading are required)

The rain was pouring.

Shuichi Hoshita had been patrolling for less than 20 minutes when he noticed someone approaching.

This place is not like the dense forests everywhere in the Fire Country. This area is completely bare. Once an enemy approaches, it will be difficult not to be discovered even if it is covered by a curtain of rain.

"six people……"

Hoshita Shuichi looked at the person who stopped ten meters in front of him. There was no Ninja Village wiping sign on his forehead.

"Konoha brat!"

"He's the only one?"

"So far it seems so."

"Hey, you really look down on us!"

The six people stared at Hoshixia Shuichi, with bloodthirsty and cruel smiles on their faces.

"Then let's operate on this brat first!"


"Kill this Konoha brat!"

The six people who originally stopped rushed forward and formed a crescent formation.

Shuichi Hoshita, who had a thousand books in his mouth, flicked the ninja tool bag with his left hand and threw out three shurikens.

Two times in a row, the second time was stronger and faster, catching up with the three shurikens in front.

The six shurikens collided and immediately changed their original flight trajectory.

Puff puff!

The three of them were hit, and their screams tore through the rain.



"Kill him!"

Screams, roars, and the sound of rain mixed together. ;

Shuichi Hoshita held the Tenboshi sword in his right hand and a kunai in his left hand. He rushed out fiercely and ran straight towards the enemy who was charging forward. Seeing this, the two enemies on the left and right immediately circled back and outflanked him.

Dang Dang Dang...

Gold and iron clashed, and sparks flew everywhere.

"too slow!"

"You are too slow. How dare you come out to eat at such a slow pace!"

Hoshita Shuichi mocked mercilessly.

The enemy was furious: "You kid, stop looking down on others!"

Just as he was about to increase his strength, Hoshita Shuichi's knife had already cut his throat first.

Bang bang bang!

Three figures fell to the ground one after another, blood quickly staining the muddy ground red.

The other three people who had dealt with being hit by the shuriken were stunned when they saw this scene.

However, Hoshita Shuichi moved as fast as a rabbit, and screams rang out one after another, and the remaining three people were killed by him one after another.

From the beginning to the end, it didn't even take a minute.

Neither the enemy nor Shuichi Hoshita himself used ninjutsu.

"They are all cannon fodder...it doesn't look like this will be the last wave."

Hoshita Shuichi tidied up the battlefield and put away the useful kunai and shurikens.

I don’t know how many battles there will be next, and ninja tools are indispensable.

Sure enough, within an hour, another wave of people came.

His strength was still not that good. Hoshixia Xiuyi killed two people in a row, and the other person fled in fear, but he did not pursue him.

There is no need to waste time and energy on cannon fodder.

Before night fell, Hoshita Shuichi and others experienced a total of eight attacks.

Because of the attack, the speed of the journey was also reduced, and they had to sleep in the wild at night.

On the bare hill, six warriors and bearers were setting up tents.

The reason why I chose to set up camp here instead of finding a cave was to broaden the field of vision and make it impossible for the enemy to sneak up and make a surprise attack.

Of course, if it was an Iwa Ninja, as speculated, the cave would be even more dangerous.

"The real enemy should appear at dawn, and the harassment will not stop tonight."

Namikaze Minato analyzed the situation.

During the day, they continued to harass with hired cannon fodder, and the enemy's tactics were already clear.

Although they don't know why the enemy adopted such tactics, they are currently facing an extremely passive situation.

So Minato Namikaze decided to change the situation, so he said: "Shuichi, your transformation technique is the best here. Later I need you to use your shadow clone to become a messenger."

Hoshita Shuichi immediately understood after hearing this: "Minato-sensei, you want to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to lead the messenger away first?"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "Yes, the messenger here not only puts us in a passive situation, but the enemy's target is also him. He has extremely high intelligence value."

"However, we also need envoys as bait to see who the real enemies are and then obtain intelligence from them!"

"While I am leaving with the envoy, the most important thing is not to be seen through by the enemy."

"So Shuichi, you need to use your shadow clone to become the messenger, and I will leave the shadow clone as a cover. Once the enemy attacks, you have to stop it and not let the plan be exposed."

At the end of the sentence, Namikaze Minato smiled again: "If the real enemy appears while I'm away, retreat immediately, and the teacher's shadow clone will cover you."

"If you can't withstand the enemy's harassment, retreat immediately!"

"Of course, I will come back as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Kurama Sanyo immediately patted his chest and said, "Minato-sensei, don't worry, if it's still the same thing during the day, we'll have no problem at all."

Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui also nodded, but neither of them was as optimistic as Kurama Sanyo.

The key is not combat power, but whether the mental and physical strength can support such harassment and consumption.

But no matter what, Namikaze Minato's decision allowed them to have no worries.

"Minato-sensei, why doesn't the enemy directly attack and snatch the messenger?"

"We only have one ninja team, six warriors. Since we can hire so many ninjas to harass and kill them all at once, we can use the number of people to make it impossible for us to protect the messenger, right?"

"Are you afraid that we will kill the envoy if we can't stop him? But this is the envoy sent by the daimyo."

Kurama Shanyo asked the question in his heart.

At the end of the day today, they had killed more than twenty enemies, and more than ten had retreated.

Hoshita Shuichi heard this and smiled and said: "Perhaps the enemy knows Minato-sensei's strength and doesn't dare to attack and kill him directly."

“Number of people sometimes doesn’t always help!”

Now Minato Namikaze has not yet gained the name of Yellow Flash, but as a young jounin of Konoha and has performed so many missions, how could the enemy not collect intelligence?

The Flying Thunder God was created by the Second Hokage, so it should be impossible for the major ninja villages not to have any corresponding information.

Regarding Hoshita Shuichi's compliment, Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "There is no need to think about why the enemy did this for the time being. When the real enemy appears, we will find out after taking it down and interrogating it."

Arrangements had just been made and the camp had just been set up when another wave of attacks arrived, but they were quickly repelled by Minato Namikaze and Shisui Uchiha.

After returning, Namikaze Minato immediately entered the envoy's tent, left a shadow clone and left directly with the envoy.

After waiting for a moment, Namikaze Minato's shadow clone walked out of the tent, Hoshige Shuichi and Kurama Sanyo entered the tent and began to rest.

The six warriors were still surrounding the tent, but they didn't know that the messenger had left.

The bonfire was beating, and Minato Namikaze's shadow clone and Shisui Uchiha were responsible for the vigil.

An hour later, the night attack came again.

Uchiha Shisui moved out and drove the enemy back.

Another hour later, someone attacked again. Uchiha Shisui and six samurai went out to repel the enemy, but one of the six samurai died and three others were injured.

While resting, Shuichi Hoshita separated into a shadow clone and stayed in the tent. His main body left the tent to heal the injured samurai.

It was a very restless night, with constant disturbances.

Hoshita Shuichi, Uchiha Shisui, Kurama Sanyo, and the five samurai became the main force to resist the enemy's attack, while Namikaze Minato's shadow clone sat outside the tent.

This did not alert the enemy.

Given the current situation, it makes sense for Minato Namikaze to save his energy.

At 12 o'clock at night, Minato Namikaze returned to his tent.

Hoshita Shuichi was completely relieved and began to look forward to the final battle.

After being tortured for a day, he was now very angry.

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