Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 36 Too slow! (Recommended votes, monthly tickets, and follow-up reading are required)

Daming Mansion, an extremely spacious training ground, Hoshita Shuichi and the others saw several ninjas recruited by the Fire Country Daimyo.

There were six people in total, all men.

Two of them were older and looked to be forty years old.

The other four were slightly younger, but looked older than Namikaze Minato, probably over twenty years old.

The eyes are fierce!

Wandering ninjas recruited from nowhere?

Hoshita Xiuichi secretly cursed.

A young man wearing a black robe across from him curled his lips and said: "There is no one in Konoha anymore, so just let a few brats come to test us?"

There are hundreds of millions of arrogant people!

The middle-aged man with a goatee next to him smiled and said: "Don't underestimate these brats. They are from the Great Ninja Village. If you underestimate them on the battlefield, you will die miserably."

He clearly said not to look down upon him, but Hoshita Shuichi saw contempt, evil bloodthirsty, and excitement in this guy's eyes?

What's wrong with the kid?

Has the child eaten your milk powder?

Kurama Sanyo couldn't help but harden his fists: "These two guys are really infuriating!"

Namikaze Minato comforted him, "Sanyo, please be patient."

At this time, another young man on the opposite side spoke: "By the way, how do we start the assessment?"

"There are six of us. If we go together, it would be a bit too bullying, right?"

The young man in black robe shouted: "Hey, boss, if we beat them to death later, Konoha won't come to trouble us, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the other four people also turned their heads to look.

The man called the boss is a middle-aged man with a scar on the left and right sides of his face.

His expression was stiff, and most of the time his gaze fell on Namikaze Minato opposite.

At this moment, when he heard the inquiry from his subordinates, he said calmly: "If you don't want to die, I advise you not to do that."

It's okay to be arrogant, but don't be stupid!

At this time, the waiter of the Fire Country Daimyo spoke loudly: "Minato Jounin, Kenichi Jounin, this exchange is divided into two stages."

"First, individual duel. Four people on each side, taking turns to duel one on one."

"Second, team battle, four versus four."

"Two jounin, do you have any opinions?"

Namikaze Minato said: "No."

Gu Jianyi also said immediately, "No!"

The waiter nodded: "Very good, let's get started!"

"Your Excellency the Daimyo has already said that for every victory, the winner will receive a reward of one hundred thousand taels."

"And each victory is worth one point. The Daimyo-dono will also reward the winning side with a treasure. It is a Kusanagi sword handed down from ancient times. It cuts iron like clay and has excellent chakra conduction. sex."

As soon as he said this, a serious look finally appeared on Gu Jianyi's stiff face.

Money is important, but a good weapon can save your life.

And having money may not necessarily buy you a Kusanagi sword, which can be used to guide chakra.

So, Gu Jianyi looked at his five subordinates with cold eyes and said: "Get serious and don't be careless, otherwise I don't mind making him look good."

The five young men in black robes were immediately frightened and stopped their playful attitude.

"Boss, let me take the lead!"

The young man in black robe spoke.

Gu Jianyi nodded slightly.

On the opposite side, seeing the young man in black robe moving forward, Minato Namikaze looked at Uchiha Shisui.

However, Hoshita Shuichi raised his hand and said, "Minato-sensei, let me do the first one!"

Namikaze Minato did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, Shuichi will go first, don't worry too much about the outcome."


Hoshita Hide nodded and stepped forward, taking out the kunai at the same time, holding a senbon in his mouth, and pulled out the Tiancong sword with his right hand.

"A kid who's good at close combat?"

The young man in black robe stared at Hoshita Shuichi: "But at this age, even a genius, how much chakra does he have to release ninjutsu?"

Before the battle even started, the young man in black robe had already positioned Hoshita Shuichi.

It’s really Hoshixia’s gesture that goes too far.

The three of them, Namikaze Minato, were already used to it. This was Hoshita Shuichi's style. Everything he exposed was to confuse the enemy.

Although Shuichi Hoshita is indeed good at close combat, for Uchiha Shisui, if it weren't for his super-fast nerve reaction speed, Shuichi Hoshita's physical skills and use of ninja tools would be his younger brother.

However, there is no but in reality. Super-fast neural reaction speed is Shuichi Hoshita's talent, which cannot be ignored.

"You're just a brat, you don't know how to hide your information!"

The young man in black robe laughed secretly, but decided to use his full strength to give the kid in front of him a little shock.

Of course, also for the reward of one hundred thousand taels!

"Hey kid, don't cry later!"

The young man in black robe shouted loudly, and then he stepped forward and rushed forward. His hands reached out from the wide sleeves of his robe, and several shurikens flew towards Hoshita Shuichi.

Hoshixia Shuichi raised his hand to block easily without moving his body at all.

At this moment, the young man in black robe suddenly turned and threw the shuriken around the side. Then when Hoshige Shuichi blocked the shuriken, he quickly inserted it from the blind corner of his sight and directly hit Hoshige Shuichi.

At this moment, two sharp long swords were protruded from the broad sleeves of the black-robed young man.

Hoshixia Xiu fell on one side, and the two sharp swords almost missed his ears.

Bang bang!

Hoshixia Xiuyi put one hand on the ground and kicked the black-robed young man's wrist with both feet. Although the black-robed young man's sword was not released, it still caused him pain and his body fell back.

Xingxia Xiuyi stood up and rushed forward to the young man in black robe. His arms were as fast as afterimages, and the light of the sword enveloped the young man in black robe.


The sound of gold and iron clashing came and went, and sparks shot out.

"too slow!"

"too slow!"

Hoshita Shuichi beat faster and faster, and kept taunting him.

"The speed of this kid..."

The young man in black robe widened his eyes and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"We can't go on like this..."

The young man in black robe felt something was wrong. He shook his sleeves and two waves of black energy surged out, covering both himself and Xiuyi Xingxia at the same time.

poison gas!

"You kid, go to hell!"

The young man in black robe laughed ferociously, and two chains whizzed out from his sleeve robe, entangling Xiuyi Xingxia.

Because the antidote had been hidden in his mouth for a long time and had been bitten, he was not afraid of the poisonous gas at all.

Looking at Hoshixia Shuichi who was holding his breath and his hands were restrained, the young man in black robe slowly stepped forward.

Outside, Kurama Sanyo looked surprised: "Shuichi!"

Namikaze Minato held Kurama Sanyo's shoulder: "Be patient, don't forget that Shuichi is a medical ninja!"

In the black poisonous gas, the young man in black robe suddenly stopped, because Shuichi Hoshita, who was entangled in chains, suddenly turned into a rabbit and got rid of the chains.

But even though his hands were tied, how could he perform the transformation technique?

Before the young man in black robe could react, Rabbit had already jumped into the air with his legs, tearing away the black poisonous gas, and then released the transformation and returned to his human form.

Hoshita Shuichi, who was in the air, chewed on Senbon, took a commonly used antidote pill, opened his mouth, puffed up his cheeks, and then spit it out.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

On the ground, the young man in black robe also completed the seal almost at the same time. He opened his mouth and spat out, and dragon-shaped flames rose into the sky.


The fire exploded, heat waves of flames spread out, and the poisonous gas completely dissipated.

But then the young man in black couldn't help but exclaimed: "How is that possible?"

I saw a large number of flames falling from the sky.

Fire Release - Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!

Boom boom boom!

The young man in black robe fled in panic.

After Hoshita Shuichi landed from the air, the bitten Qianbon suddenly shot out, hitting the neck of the young man in black robe who had just avoided a ball of flames from the side with great precision.

The young man in black robe covered his neck, looked at Hoshixia Shuichi, and quickly shouted: "I give up!"

Hoshita Shuichi stretched out his hand: "Antidote!"

Although he had only inhaled a trace amount of poisonous gas and had taken antidote pills, there were no obvious signs of poisoning in his body at the moment, but he still planned to get the antidote just in case.

Although the young man in black robe was unwilling, he honestly took out a box and gave it to Hoshita Shuichi.

Hoshita Shuichi took it and opened it. There were two pills. He immediately took one and threw it to the young man in black robe.

The young man in black robe looked ugly, but he still had to open his mouth and swallow.

Seeing that nothing happened to the young man in black robe, Hoshita Shuichi nodded with satisfaction.

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