Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 328 Explosion is art!

With a shout of "action", Xingxia Bai and the other four disappeared from their original places.

Marusugi ran all the way to the exit of the valley.

Omoi and Nigami Ryo ran to both sides of the valley.

And Xingxia Bai was going to sneak in from the back of the deepest part of the valley and launch a surprise attack.

Being in the forest, Xingxia Bai was like the wind wandering in the forest, fast and extremely hidden.

This is the wind instant body technique.

Although he was the farthest away, he was the first to arrive.

Sneaking from the mountain to the valley, he stopped when he was only 20 to 30 meters away from the target cabin.

With one hand raised, Xingxia Bai performed the perception ninjutsu again, but also used wind escape to perceive, using the diffusion of air flow to perceive the enemy's chakra.

Of course, this way of perception will also be felt by the other party if he encounters a perception ninja.

But obviously there is no perception ninja in this group of bandits.

After confirming that Omoi and the other two were in place through the perception ninjutsu, Xingxia Bai immediately made seals with both hands and then opened his mouth to spit.

Instantly, a cold white air stream spewed out from his mouth and spread rapidly.

Wherever he passed, frost immediately appeared on the grass and trees.

This is the Ice Mist Technique, which is an upgrade based on the Mist Hidden Technique!

This technique has many uses. In addition to the original Mist Hidden Technique's use of blocking vision and interfering with chakra perception, it also has the effect of lowering temperature.

Of course, as demonstrated by Xingxia Xiuyi before, this is also a deadly ninjutsu.

When the enemy breathes and inadvertently inhales cold air into his body, Xingxia Bai can launch a fatal blow, freezing the enemy inside and outside at the same time, turning the enemy into an ice sculpture.

Although it will not kill the enemy all at once, it can restrict the enemy instantly. Even those with weaker strength can be killed directly.

There is no way to kill directly. After being restricted in action, if no one comes to rescue, then there is only death.

The bandits in the wooden house also reacted quickly, but when the ice fog enveloped the hut, they immediately felt something was wrong. They appeared on the roof in a flash and shouted angrily: "Enemy attack!"

Instantly, the valley became lively.

In the wooden houses, the bandits who were originally playing rushed out.


Lightning fell from the sky and accurately struck a bandit ninja, making his hair stand up and fall straight to the ground.

It was Nikami Ryo's ninjutsu.

At the same time, Omoi also rushed out, rushing forward with a knife, slashing continuously, easily getting rid of several ordinary bandits and then killing a bandit who was obviously a ninja.

And in the back, at the moment when his target yelled, Xingxia Bai had completed the ninjutsu.

Water escape-water rush wave!

The water flow surged and rushed towards the wooden house. With a roar, the wooden house collapsed instantly. The bandit on the roof immediately jumped up and threw several kunai at Xingxia Bai in the air, one of which was equipped with a detonating talisman.

However, it was just a stream of water that stood up, and this attack was easily blocked by Xingxia Bai.

However, this also bought time for the bandits.

After landing on the water from the air, he immediately sped at high speed, went around to the side, and completed the hand seal based on the position of Xingxia Bai that he had seen from a high place before.

Fire escape-fireball technique!


A huge fireball rolled out, split the water surface, plowed through the ice fog, and headed straight for Xingxia Bai.

Water escape-water dragon bullet technique!

The water dragon condensed, easily tore the fireball apart, and then rushed towards the bandit.

Fire escape, big fireball technique!

The bandit performed fire escape again and spit out a bigger fireball.

However, just when the two ninjutsu were about to collide, the water dragon quickly froze and turned into an ice dragon.


The fireball exploded, but the ice dragon split the fire wave and rushed to kill fiercely.

"Ice escape!"

The bandit's face changed and he retreated quickly.

Boom boom!

Accompanied by a roar and a large amount of broken ice flying around, the bandit's body was torn and flew sideways.

His speed slowed down.

The fog rolled, and Xingxia Bai stepped in front of the bandit.

Suddenly, the bandit with his eyes closed opened his eyes: "Die!"

The bandit jumped up and swung the kunai in his hand.


Xingxia Bai was hit by the kunai, and his body turned into a ball of water and fell down.

"Water clone!"

The bandit's expression changed, and then he looked at the thick fog around him vigilantly, and laughed coldly: "Little ghost, come out, you can't kill me, I have the protection of the evil god!"

He was covered with blood, but the wounds were healing, although the pain made his face distorted.

But he had gradually gotten used to it, and such pain made his face more fierce and hideous.

"The evil god... is the immortal body of the evil god cult?"

Xingxia Bai grew up in the experimental base and knew a lot of things.

Hidden in the fog, he immediately raised one hand.

The bandit who was shouting and provoking suddenly shuddered, and then felt something was wrong.

His body was too cold.

A layer of frost formed on the surface of his skin, and his breath was filled with ice chips.

He wanted to move, but found that he couldn't.

He looked down and saw that his legs were covered with ice without him noticing. Although it was only a thin layer, it made him lose the feeling of his legs.

"Ice escape... when?"

The bandit's brain became slow, and he soon lost the ability to think because his head was also frozen.

The immortal body was only slightly hurt by a knife in the heart, and it did not affect the combat effectiveness at all.

But Feng Feng just restrained him, causing him to lose all ability to move, although he still wouldn't die!

After blocking his opponent's movements, Xingxiabai walked out of the mist and looked at the frozen bandit in front of him.

Fortunately, he developed a cautious character, otherwise he would have been in danger just now.

There were sounds of fighting outside the mist. Xingxiabai glanced at the bandit and then disappeared.

About five minutes later, the battle was completely over and the ice fog had dissipated.

The three of Omoi looked around the frozen bandit.

"Immortal body, evil god cult?"

"I think I've heard of it..."

Er Shang Ling looked at the bloodstains on the bandit's body and said: "No wonder the mission level suddenly became A level again. Although this guy is not very strong, he can't be beaten to death..."

He thought for a while, if it were him, he would probably be killed by this guy in turn.

Omoyi frowned and said, "Since he is immortal, how do we kill him?"

"You shouldn't be able to complete the mission if you don't kill him, right?"

Marusugi glanced at his own panel and said helplessly: "There is no way to submit the task now, which means that he must be completely eliminated."

Xingxia Bai thought: "Maybe it's because my technique can't freeze him for a long time."

Ershang Ling scratched his head: "What should we do?"

"Captain, do you know a more powerful sealing technique? To deal with such a person, you should need a sealing technique, right?"

Omoyi said: "If he is divided into pieces and buried separately in the ground, there should be no way to resurrect him, right?"

Xingxiabai nodded and said with a smile: "Then give it a try!"

"Even if you are immortal, if your body is separated, you can't crawl out and put it back together."

Er Shang Ling immediately clenched his fists: "Then let's start!"

Omoyi had already raised his hand and struck with a knife. With a click, the bandit's arm fell off without any blood flowing out.

Cutting up the corpse and digging a hole, the four people moved quickly.

When it is buried, the task name on the panel immediately turns green, indicating that it has been completed and can be submitted.

The four of them suddenly smiled. From C-level tasks to A-level tasks, their points have increased a lot.

"Let me see the rankings!"

Ershang Ling couldn't wait to switch to the team rankings and quickly found his team.

"Third place!"

Ershang Ling exclaimed.

Xingxiabai and three others immediately came over to take a look.

First place: Black Earth Team.

Second place: Deidara Team.

Third place: Star White Team.

Marusugi smiled and said: "As expected of the third Tsuchikage-sama, you are the granddaughter and disciple!"

As a rock ninja, he was extremely proud.

Ershang Ling pouted: "Hey, we are a small team now, we have to work hard to surpass them."

Marusugi said solemnly: "Of course."

"I am very confident in the captain's strength now."

The performance of Ice Escape seems to be no worse than Black Earth's Melt Escape!

On the other side, Kurotsuchi, who had just completed his second mission, was currently discussing with Deidara what mission to take on next.

Deidara looked indifferent: "It's fine if you decide, but my art must be displayed."

"By the way, we should always be watched by Xiuichi, right?"

Kurotsuchi said: "Of course, this is his technique."

A companion couldn't help but sigh: "I can't imagine what level this illusion is. I can't feel the flaw at all, let alone escape from here."

Kurotsuchi said arrogantly: "He is the strongest person in the ninja world!"

"Even the Immortal of Six Paths is not as good as him!"

Everyone in the two teams, except Deidara, was speechless.

This has been said many times.

This blowing was too vigorous.

Although they also admire Hoshita Shuichi, they can't reach this level.

Deidara was already a little impatient: "Hurry up and choose a task, so as not to delay my artistic display. Hmm!"

Kurotsuchi knocked Deidara on the head, and then said seriously: "Now that we are almost in tune, we should be able to do some continuous tasks."

Several other people immediately brightened up after hearing this.

Continuity missions mean that you are about to participate in major historical events.

Such as the previous ninja wars.

This is something they have never personally experienced in reality, and no one is looking forward to it.

"How about the Fourth Ninja War!"

Someone suggested.

But then he was rejected by Kurotsuchi: "The enemies of the Fourth Ninja World War are either Bai Zetsu, whose mission level is too low. Or they are the reincarnated strong men of the dirty soil. Those people are at least jounin level, and the risk of damage is too high." It’s too big to carry out such a task in the early stage.”

Kurotsuchi's analysis was agreed by everyone except Deidara.

Deidara said: "If we join forces, we don't need to be afraid of those Reincarnated Ninjas. My explosive art can completely blow them to pieces. Yeah!"

Kurotsuchi put his hands on his hips: "Do we have anyone here who knows the sealing technique?"

"It's useless even if it's blown to pieces."

Kurotsuchi was already prepared and said in a different tone: "We choose this."

"The Third Ninja War, the death of the Third Raikage. Joining the Iwagakure camp has an absolute advantage."

The others looked at the task list and nodded.

If you join the Iwagakure camp, the most important task is to hunt down the retreating Kumo ninja.

Each Kumo ninja corresponds to different points, genin, chunin, and even jounin.

Of course, there is also the matter of eliminating the Third Raikage, which is an S-level mission.

But this is obviously difficult.

Kurotsuchi had thought about it before. If she wanted to take down the Third Raikage, she had to seize the right opportunity.

But the possibility of the team suffering heavy losses was also very high, so she did not choose this for the time being.

After the task selection was completed, the two teams immediately disappeared from the hall.

Land of Earth, Iwagakure Front Base Camp.

The participating teams here were not only Kurotsuchi and his team, but also other ninja teams.

Kurotsuchi looked around and saw a total of four teams.

Moreover, it is very likely that a team has already set off.

But similarly, there may also be a ninja team participating in the opposite Cloud Ninja camp.

In other words, their opponents are not only NPCs from the illusion world, but also ninja teams participating in the competition.

At this time, the Iwagakure Jonin who was responsible for arranging the task was Toushi Ren, who was also an actor.

After recounting the task in a few words, Toushi Ren glanced at Kurotsuchi and Deidara, but did not say much.

Even if he wanted to say it, he couldn't, because he was restricted, so as not to interfere with the normal order of the game.

After the task description was over, the four teams set off immediately.

The Kurotsuchi team and the Deidara team acted together, while the other two teams separated.

They were now carrying out the same mission and there was competition. It was obvious that the other two teams had no intention of joining forces.

Kurotsuchi didn't care.

It might not be a good thing for unfamiliar teams to join forces.

If they suddenly attacked, it would be troublesome.

The team that ran all the way to chase the retreating Cloud Ninja, but suddenly all four teams stopped and looked at the spectacular scene on the side.

Especially Deidara in the air.

He could see the whole picture.

There were a large number of Rock Ninjas, and on the other side, there was only one person.

The Third Raikage!

One man fights against thousands of troops!

Looking at the Third Raikage, Deidara's eyes lit up.

He felt that if it was him standing there, and he used explosions to eliminate all the Rock Ninjas, such an art of explosion would definitely be highly praised!

"It must be possible, huh!"

Deidara couldn't help but nod.

He decided that after accompanying Kurotsuchi to complete this mission, he would try to face tens of thousands of Rock Ninjas with the Third Raikage.

What, they are all people from the village, so you are embarrassed to attack?

Absolutely not!

Is there anything more important than the art of explosion?


Deidara was ready to move, but Kurotsuchi looked at him for a few seconds and then retracted his gaze, then shouted: "Brother Deidara!"

Deidara reluctantly retracted his gaze and continued to move forward.

Not long after, Kurotsuchi and his men found corpses one after another.

Some were dressed as Rock Ninjas, and some were dressed as Cloud Ninjas.

"Sure enough, there are already people in front."

"Captain Kurotsuchi, do you want to speed up?"

Someone asked.

Kurotsuchi was not in a hurry: "At the current speed, we need to conserve our energy. Don't worry, there will be enemies."

After that, he said to Deidara in the air: "Brother Deidara, you scout first!"

Deidara nodded, and the clay bird under him immediately sped up.

It didn't take long for Deidara to see someone fighting in front.

Looking at the eight people fighting below, he reached out and grabbed a handful of clay from his ninja bag and let the mouth in his palm eat it.

After chewing and memorizing, small clay birds were spit out one by one, and then flew towards the battlefield below.

But the mouth in the palm of Deidara's hand was still chewing.

On the battlefield below, the two sides were fighting fiercely, but bombs fell from the sky.

It was too late when they were discovered.


Explosions continued, and smoke and dust rolled, covering everyone.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, there were already heavy casualties below.

Deidara smiled: "Explosion is art, huh!"

In the back, Kurotsuchi gritted his teeth when he heard the sound of the explosion. (End of this chapter)

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