Konoha's Destiny Twins

Three hundred and thirty - Start practicing today

"Sir, do you want to draw?" asked a handsome young man on roller skating.

"Didn't you...ask me before?" Qing Shui quickly recalled that he had met this boy in a corner of Qinghai Commercial Plaza a few months ago, but because Qing Shui was not interested in these things, he knew clearly 's refused.

"That was before. Maybe sir, you have changed your mind now?"

"No need, find someone else."

"Then sir, if you want to paint, you can come to me. I'm pretty good at painting!"

"talk later."

Qingshui walked straight past the boy and walked towards the black Maybach that had been waiting not far away for a long time.

Entering the back seat, Du Chengming, the "third brother" of the Five Mountains Alliance next to him, said in slight surprise: "Do you know that kid just now?"

"I don't know him." Qing Shui shook his head, "He wanted to draw a sketch for me, but I'm not interested."

"Is that so..." In my impression, Senior April is a model of aloof and aloof, and would never talk to an insignificant outsider.

Looking at the other party's thoughtful expression, Qing Shui began to wonder if he had been acting too coldly in front of them, which led them to have such thoughts.

He would stop and take another look at the child, but subconsciously felt that the child seemed a little special.

"Speaking of which, Du Chengming, your company is getting bigger and bigger." Qingshui patted the interior of the car, "It's all been replaced by a Maybach."

"It's just a car. And it's thanks to Senior Yue Yue."

Du Chengming's original company size, if evaluated objectively, is not small.

However, more than a year has passed since the era of spiritual energy recovery began. With the "Qi Training Technique" granted by Qingshui, Wuyue League has been at the forefront of all cultivators. Not only has it gained a lot of reputation, but it has also received Strong official support.

The company founded by Du Chengming with the label of Wuyuemeng, Donghai Technology Co., Ltd., was originally just an ordinary private enterprise, but now it has become a hot star company in the shopping mall.

Because the country attaches great importance to the phenomenon of spiritual energy recovery and believes that it will have a permanent and far-reaching impact on society and the world, it is eager to understand and master the essence of spiritual energy recovery, and at the same time vigorously carry out research in this field, so that it can eventually lead the way. At the forefront of the world.

As a result, the Wuyue League became the official target of cooperation, and the related Donghai Technology Co., Ltd. naturally became the target. In just a few months, a large number of high-quality resources have been continuously injected into this star company. As a result, Du Chengming's net worth also skyrocketed.

"How's the progress?" Qing Shui asked cryptically. At this time, there was an unsuspecting driver in the car.

Although as time goes by, the degree of spiritual energy recovery is getting higher and higher, it is still not enough to spread to the whole society.

Of course, this problem is not only related to the concentration of "innate true energy", it is also a complex sociological issue.

In short, China and many mainstream countries believe that today's human beings are not ready to welcome the arrival of this era, so all current research on the recovery of spiritual energy is conducted secretly, although there are some videos of supernatural phenomena circulating on the Internet from time to time. But officials have never admitted anything.

Du Chengming whispered back: "According to the seniors, it should be about to enter the lv2 level, right?"

This rhetoric was improvised by Qing Shui. He couldn't just use the power system of the Naruto world to apply it to the people of this era.

In addition, he could not accurately distinguish the specific relationship between martial arts realm and ninja level, so he simply divided the level of training in the most intuitive way.

When the "innate true energy" content in a cultivator's body reaches the level of a genin, then he is lv1, and lv1 is also the lowest extraordinary standard, and it is also the standard for entering the innate level in martial arts.

lv1, genin; lv2, chunin; lv3, special jounin; lv4, jonin; lv5, elite jounin; lv6, shadow.

And this lv only measures the amount of "innate true energy". The specific strength, speed and various moves cannot be displayed through specific numerical values.

After all, fighting is not a simple competition of physical fitness and skills.

"It's okay, work harder, you might be the third person in the world... uh, maybe the fourth person."

"Besides Master and my senior brother Chengde, who else is there?"

"That's the boy named Xu Qing."

"Oh" Du Chengming suddenly realized that he was a lucky man who had a close relationship with Qing Shui.

Of course, Senior April never acknowledged or cared about them and asked them to take care of that boy.

But as a veteran who has been struggling in society, there is no way to tell that there is some ulterior motive between the two.

So when Xu Qing came to their company for an interview, Du Chengming immediately opened the back door and recruited this employee with a bright future.

"So he is so talented?"

"It's not that material at all."

According to the standards of this world, Wang Yunshan, Du Chengde and Du Chengming were all as talented as the chosen ones, but in his own... previous life, Xu Qing was still a mainland product.

In order to catch up with the progress of these people, I had to give them a few small tips in private.

However, the bottleneck of talent limit is about to be reached.

Xu Qing is also someone who cannot break through to level 4 Jonin, if there are no accidents.

Du Chengming looked confused. Wasn't that piece of material almost surpassing him?

Isn't he, Du Chengming, a genius that only happens once in decades?

Could it be that Xu Qing is a rare talent that can only be seen in a century? !

No wonder... I can get the favor of Senior April.

"Anyway, his situation is a bit complicated."

Qing Shui's "self", that is, Xu Qing's opening of a small stove has always been secretive, because even Xu Qing himself was not aware of Qing Shui's huge help.

"What exactly do you want to see me for this time?"

"Hey, senior, you don't bring your mobile phone... It's just a phone call or a text message."

"got used to."

"Okay... Here's the thing. A few days later, on January 29th, there will be an extremely important banquet at Nanhai Yeshen Palace..."

Nanhai Yeshen Palace is a famous top resort in the entire Nanhai Province and even the whole country. It was a good idea to choose the south for the banquet with a pleasant climate in winter.

"I'm not interested in any of this."

"...Of course I'm not asking you to get to know some political and shopping mall bosses. After all, it's been so long, and I roughly know your preferences. But the problem is that the organizer of this banquet is the Tianjing Shen family. They were involved in an operation Two sacred relics of unknown age were accidentally unearthed."ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"The main purpose of this banquet is to display these two holy relics."

"Modern technology can't determine the specific age?" Qing Shui was slightly surprised, "Is the holy relic the thing you mentioned before?"

Previously, people in the Five Mountains Alliance had dug out a volume of allusions, which contained defensive and magical weapons and items that echoed the "innate masters".

"Yes. I don't know the specific reason. In short, Yanhuang Awakening reported that it is something from an unknown age, but it is certain that it will respond to 'spiritual energy'."

Du Chengming continued to explain with some excitement: "In addition, the world's first-class extraordinary organizations such as the Temple, Gao Tianyuan, Order Libra, Free Masons, and Secret Societies will appear. Of course, we also include the Yanhuang Awakening of our country."

This is the largest gathering of extraordinary people in the world since the revival of spiritual energy.

Just thinking about it is exciting.

However, Qing Shui only cares about one thing: "What are those two holy relics?"

"There is a sword among them. It is said that the shape is a bit strange."

"Can you take me to see it?"

"I'm afraid it won't work... All the information about that holy relic is now confidential, and let alone me, even the master has never seen that holy relic."

"Then what else is there?"

"Golden apples."

"...Are you telling me Western mythology?"

"But they said it is really a fruit, but it has a very strong innate essence inside."

That kind of lame fairy tale can't be true, right? !

"You don't want to study such important things first, but you want to announce their existence at this banquet?" Qingshui didn't understand the purpose of China's top officials.


"What are you planning?"

"It's for the consideration of the big shots." At this point, Du Chengming lowered his voice, "There are shadows of the military and Yanhuang Awakening behind the Shen family's operation. Based on the information we have obtained so far, they are doing it for fishing."

"The military and Yanhuang Awakening want to use this thing to attract the extraordinary power of the world, and then eat them in one go?"

"No, that fish is non-human."

Non-human race?

Qing Shui was stunned, how could he know nothing about this information?

How dare these little bastards hide something from him? !

Du Chengming immediately complained: "Senior April, it's very hard for us to find you every time. You refuse to get a mobile phone, and you often disappear. Who can keep up with your speed..."


So under Du Chengming's explanation, Qing Shui finally understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

According to classical records, humans were not the only intelligent creatures thousands of years ago. There were indeed non-human monsters in this world, and a long-term conflict broke out between the two.

Until the "spiritual decline" caused them to gradually disappear from the world.

However, these non-human races did not really die, they just fell into a deep sleep and waited for the next revival of spiritual energy.

Therefore, as the spiritual energy recovery becomes deeper and deeper at any time, the resurrection of non-human races will also become inevitable!

Because non-human races with lower levels of strength have gradually awakened, and they have begun to show their claws towards the human world again.

"Are they very strong?" This is Qingshui's only concern. Although he is also practicing now, the chakra in this world is too thin, and a year of practice cannot bring much improvement in chakra.

So he focused on the training of chakra control skills and the development of new techniques.

Although his actual combat power has increased, according to the level classification of this world, he is still only lv6, shadow level.

"Actually, the ones that are being revived now are at lv1 and at most lv2 levels."

That is at the same level as the current strong humans.

"But during this operation to unearth the holy relics, someone discovered that those non-human races can resurrect their strong men in advance through a certain kind of sacrifice."

"And now we have reliable information that they have succeeded!" Du Chengming looked serious.

"A monster that you can't deal with has been resurrected?"

"Yes, a lv3 vampire." First release

This was the reason why Du Chengming came to him, wanting him to take care of the vampire.

This is no trouble.

"But if I take action, Chinese officials will know of my existence by then."

"Ahem... So this is a private request from the master and the rest of us. After all, Hua Fang, Yanhuang Awakening and other extraordinary organizations in the world are not vegetarians. Well, lv3, according to you, senior, is not difficult. A natural chasm to cross.”

However, once someone explodes and evolves to lv4 or even lv5, you are all doomed.

"If we really can't defeat you, will you take action again, Senior April?"

"Okay, I'll go."

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