Konoha's Destiny Twins

One hundred and fifteen - night talk - three

"Yiyuki-senpai...I...I..." Obito stammered and couldn't speak for a while.

Having such an apologetic expression after listening to Qingshui's earnest teachings shows that Obito has realized that he was lazy in the past.

If a person has a heart of shame, it is not hopeless.

He was still very satisfied with Obito's reaction.

In fact, teaching these brats ninjutsu is just a simple task, and Qingshui doesn't think that such a casual teaching method can really make them learn what he is good at.

But teaching them how to become a real ninja is the most important thing in Qingshui's opinion.

A lazy person who only thinks about leaping into the sky with a pair of eyes all day long will never be able to understand the suffering endured by those who have been practicing for decades, let alone acquire that tenacious character!


Obito suddenly raised a hand, trying to cover up his whisper: "Kakashi, what do you mean by the last words that senior said?"

"???" Qing Shui suddenly felt a surge of anger deep in his heart, but he didn't know where to vent it.

Kakashi replied without raising his head: "How do I know? That's what senior told you."

"Don't argue for now, I'm thinking about my Thunder Escape..."

Then Obito approached Lin and asked softly: "Lin, did you hear what senior said just now? What does it mean?"

Lin flashed her big, bright eyes and replied in a weaker voice: "I was thinking whether I should ask my senior to learn water escape... I just struggled for a long time and didn't say anything. I regret it so much... …”

Obito looked like he hated iron, and stretched out his hands of justice with dignity, pointed at the two of them and said sternly: "You... your structure is too small!"

"You two have such an attitude...I...I won't tell you the true meaning of Senior April's teachings to me!"

"...I'll figure it out myself!"

"Eh?! Where are the seniors?!"



Qing Shui flew back to Luoye City at an extremely fast speed.

Just listen to him sighing like a broken thought: "A kid is just a kid after all..."

In the past world of the plot, perhaps in the distant future, the three of them will become important beings who can influence the world.

But now, they are really just a group of innocent brats looking forward to a better future.

Qing Shui really didn't have the extra mood or energy to deal with a few brats... because he had too many secrets in his heart that could suffocate him...

No one can talk to...and no one can share...

Walking alone...

The deep starry sky is dotted with stars, and a Milky Way cuts through the sky. Qing Shui's eyes followed the silver waterfall as it fell to the earth, and at the end of the silver light, a girl was standing alone under the quiet night sky.

The wind blows, and the girl's green hair in front of her sways with the wind...

For a moment, Qing Shui was in a daze, and time dragged his stiff body through the past...

He used to stand quietly on Hokage Rock, looking out into the distance from the highest point of Konoha Village.

Anyone who knows him well knows this habit of his, but no one knows the meaning of his gaze like this.

I remember a late night with the same twinkling stars. When Qing Shui came to Hokage Rock as usual, what he saw was Xia Zhi alone, standing where Qing Shui had been standing, looking into the distance...

In my memory...the cool evening breeze ruffled my black hair...

The two figures gradually overlap...

"Xia..." Qing Shui's voice stopped suddenly. The coldness of winter stung his current cold reality, making him unable to make a sound anymore.

The girl turned her head and saw a faint smile, and said softly: "It turns out to be Senior April.


After being numb for a while, the world regained some warmth again. He replied with a slightly hoarse voice: "...You can call me Qingshui."

After a moment of hesitation, the girl nodded and said, "...Okay."

"It's so late, don't you want to rest?"

"I can't sleep...but Qingshui, didn't you get some rest too? It looks like you went to practice?"

Soon Qingshui returned to his usual calmness. He took a deep breath and then said slowly: "...Yes, I suddenly had an idea and wanted to experiment..."

"Practice so diligently... That's why you will be so strong."

"Your strength is also very good..." He considered his next words and continued: "It's just that you have encountered some setbacks now, but after getting over it, you will still have a bright future."

"...Actually, in this world, living is already a luxury. As for whether I can become a ninja again in the future, I don't really care."

Qing Shui was surprised, this was completely different from the answer he expected...

Vaguely, the two overlapping figures slowly separated...

Xiazhi's origin was just like him, just an orphan. Born at the bottom of the class, they have to make progress and can only fight hard, gritting their teeth and fighting for the illusory future that seems far away...

As for Hinata Rimi in front of her, she is stronger than Natsue. She should have a stronger motivation to drive her forward in order to obtain the title of Jonin at such an age...

But the truth seems to be completely different. Satomi does not cherish everything she has gained... because she does not regret the ninja career she may lose...

"After all, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the family's curse..." Then she showed a smile that seemed relieved, "It would be pretty good if I could really become an ordinary person."

Because of the cage of fate, I despair of everything in the future.

Without hope, there is no room for disappointment; no matter how strong she is, the "caged bird" seal that penetrates deeply into her soul still binds her for the rest of her life...

A gloomy, hopeless life...

"If the future is so far away, then what supports you to become a Jonin?"

A true jonin, the hard work behind the scenes can only be understood by those who have experienced it.

"..." Satomi was silent.

"So it's not that desperate. There is always some persistence in my heart." Qing Shui gently patted the girl's shoulder and said with a smile: "There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome."

"Even this?" Satomi lifted the black hair on her forehead, and the dark green vicious mark looked particularly dazzling.

"Yes." Qingshui said without hesitation, "The so-called fate is just a rhetoric that people deceive themselves and others... In fact, the road under your feet is walked by people themselves. Once you give up, you will naturally become what others call - a prisoner of fate; And if you stick to it...who knows what kind of future you can have?"

"...Shimizu, have you always been so...firm?" Satomi was a little surprised by the perseverance of the man in front of her.

"It wasn't before..." Qing Shui looked at the two starry skies separated by the Milky Way. It seemed that the dim night sky on the left represented the miraculous, numb and dull modern life in his previous life; while the dots of stars on the right represented He is now full of fighting spirit and looking forward to his future as a ninja...

"But now I'm no longer confused."



P.S. I was in a bad state some time ago, and coding became a boring thing.

I don’t write novels to make myself unhappy... so I stopped updating for a few days, disappointing those who were looking forward to this book...

I am truly, truly, truly sorry beyond words.

Now that I have adjusted, I feel a little bit better again when writing this novel in the past two days.

It just makes me feel energetic when I write it. After I finish it, I can’t wait to share with you the Naruto world I built...

Hope to keep it.

Those who cursed me for entering the palace and being eunuchs were all pulled out, and the time for firing a stick of incense was lengthened and bolded.

In addition, I will read through all your reviews over the weekend.

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