Konoha's Destiny Twins

One hundred and four - immortality - four

The defect of "instantaneous water" has not been discovered by anyone before.

But someone like Kakuzu who can see the essence of this jutsu with just one glance is truly unique...

It should be said that he is an old monster who survived the Warring States Period and has experienced a lot.

Although Shimizu finally survived the crisis, he also consumed a lot of chakra.

If this amount of chakra was still the same as before, it would have collapsed by now...

"There shouldn't be much chakra left, right?" Kakuzu's tone was a bit gloating at this time. Although he was a little shocked at first by Qing Shui's extraordinary reflexes and water escape ninjutsu, he quickly judged that Qing Shui had paid a considerable price in order to activate this water escape defense ninjutsu.

Shimizu's chakra consumption is definitely not optimistic anymore.

That pale face is not something that can be achieved by acting, it is the fatigue that occurs after excessive consumption.

As long as we continue to increase our offensive intensity...

The fire escape mask monster immediately sprayed a large number of fireballs towards the blue water wall of the clear water; at the same time, the thunder escape mask monster released a series of terrifying thunder and lightning.

The series of attacks composed of fireballs and thunder and lightning continued to bombard the water wall like raindrops, making an explosion sound of "Boom-Boom-Boom!"

The fierce high temperature vaporized a large amount of lake water in the blink of an eye, and the battlefield was suddenly shrouded in this white haze...

After a while, Kakuzu's continuous bombardment finally had an effect, and the wall of life collapsed.

"Is there no chakra?" Kakuzu seemed to want to see through the white mist to see clearly the current state of Qingshui, but he quickly rejected this naive idea, "There is no sound, so he must have escaped... "

"Are you hiding under the water? Let's see how long you can hide."

The Thunder Mask Monster immediately released a large amount of thunder and lightning into the lake. It seemed to want to force Qing Shui to appear with the powerful power of thunder and lightning.

The lake is indeed huge and seems to have a very wide area to hide in. However, this kind of continuous thunder and lightning paralysis is everywhere, which will make people hiding in the water quite uncomfortable. Even when lightning damage accumulates to a certain extent, it can cause damage to the body that is difficult to recover from.

But several minutes passed, and Qing Shui still didn't show up...

Densely dense small bubbles are constantly being produced at the bottom of the water...

"He's still under the water. I know he's under the water...but how did he stay without breathing for such a long time?!" There will always be something happening in the battle with this Konoha ninja that Kakuzu can't understand. "accident".

"But you are a human after all, not a fish, so you can't stop breathing!"

At this time, the other three masked monsters are ready. As soon as Qing Shui shows up, Kakuzu plans to use water escape to defend against his sneak attack. At the same time, wind escape control will restrain Qing Shui, and finally he will use fire escape to complete the fatal blow...

Kakuzu made such an arrangement because he knew that in this water environment, no one could get rid of or ignore the paralysis effect of thunder and lightning...

He has such confidence because in his long life, he has never seen anyone able to use three-dimensional defensive ninjutsu without blind spots in the water to withstand his lightning power.

Such a ninja has never appeared before, and it will certainly never exist in the future!

Suddenly, there was a strange movement at the bottom of the lake.

"We've finally reached our limit, haven't we..." Several masked monsters were waiting.

In an instant, a embarrassed figure with blue lightning all over his body jumped out of the water, and his left hand glowed with a dazzling lightning...

The water escape mask monster had been waiting for a long time. In the blink of an eye, several water pillars were erected in the direction of the impact of the clear water, and the original fierce offensive suddenly stalled.

"I've got you!" The hurricane used by the Wind Mask Monster trapped Qingshui very smoothly.

At the same time, the fire dragon released by the fire mask monster also arrived...



This is an unprecedented explosion.

The violent explosion was deafening, and the strong shock wave destroyed all the surrounding trees in the blink of an eye, and even turned the turbulent lake water here into a terrifying tsunami...

A few seconds later, the aftermath of this horrific explosion finally rolled up into a towering mushroom cloud...

Even thousands of detonating talismans are far less powerful than this kind of explosion.

"This should be the worst death for my clone..." At this moment, Qingshui suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, looking for Kakuzu's figure.

It turns out that what jumped out of the lake before was just a clone of Qing Shui.

The so-called strange actions caused by being unable to hold back one's breath, as well as the menacing Chidori who seemed to want to die together, were all staged for Kakuzu to see.

The purpose is to lure Kakuzu to use fire escape...

Because the excellent nine-year compulsory education in the previous life taught Qing Shui that water will decompose into oxygen and hydrogen when exposed to electricity, and a certain concentration of hydrogen will explode violently when exposed to an open flame.

This is called the hydrogen limit.

Because he was worried that the concentration of hydrogen would not be enough to reach the explosion limit, Qingshui deliberately stayed at the bottom of the water for a while, so that Kakuzu could decompose more water and produce more hydrogen.

Of course, Qingshui himself also uses Lei Dun under the water to help electrolyze water to create more hydrogen...

"Why were you able to survive my lightning attack under the water without any harm?" came Kakuzu's hoarse voice.

It's just that this voice is filled with endless fatigue.

"Because my thunder escape is stronger than yours."

At the beginning, Shimizu was indeed unable to withstand Kakuzu's lightning attack, because water can conduct electricity, which means that as long as it comes into contact with water, lightning can invade the body from all directions, causing a paralyzing effect.

However, Qingshui has already learned the Chidori, and now his lightning escape talent has exploded. He also knows the existence of the Chidori style...

In the original work, the Chidori style is an A-level ninjutsu created by Sasuke based on the Chidori. Based on the Chidori that Kakashi can only use with his hands, he releases the Chidori through his own body, creating A technique that allows Chidori to cover the entire body was created.

This is a very practical Thunder Release Ninjutsu that combines attack and defense.

"Kakuzu-senpai, do you think we still need to fight?"

Don't look at the mess in front of you, and he is obviously seriously injured...

However, even under that kind of explosion, he still has three masked monsters beside him!

In that moment of explosion, only one masked monster was sacrificed and the other three were saved? !

How is this done? !

In addition, Kakuzu dared to continue to appear in front of him, which meant that he was still not afraid of Qingshui's threat.

Where is the confidence? !

So at this time, Qingshui appropriately showed some signs of reluctance and gave the opponent a step down, so why not?

Anyway, his original goal has been achieved...

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