Konoha's Destiny Twins

Ninety Six - Fallen Leaves - One

Several days have passed since the last battle.

Luoye City, this city on the southwest border of the Fire Country, is now surrounded by war.

Of the 1,400 ninja army that had been sent to regain the Southwest Canyon, less than 500 people returned, which can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Another sad thing is that the original commander of this unit, Yuuto Fukada, and the deputy commander, Tetsuya Kojima, unfortunately died in battle.

Therefore, the highest command authority of Luoye City was finally elected by powerful figures from all parties. As the current temporary commander of Luoye City, Minato was responsible for commanding the defense of the entire military fortress.

For Minato, this is also the heaviest defense mission - because it is related to the lives of 496 Konoha ninjas in the entire military town.

However, although Minato had never commanded an army of this size, he still arranged the ninjas responsible for defense and security tasks in an orderly and reasonable manner.

Because not long ago, they discovered in advance that a small group of Sunagakure ninjas were trying to reach the gate of the fortress from the weak side of defense, and then thwarted Sunagakure's conspiracy.

"It's very dangerous. If those people really get in, the consequences will be disastrous." Yoshimaru said fearfully after a while.

Because hundreds of detonating charms were found on one of the Sunagakure ninja they killed...

With this amount of detonating talismans, any door can be blown down...

Moreover, the defense facilities of Luoye City are not as strong and tall as those of Platycodon City... If there are hundreds of them... I am afraid that the entire defense facilities will be destroyed.


"They have arranged these detonating talismans. Once they detonate, we will really have to fight to the death... and now Sunagakure has completely surrounded us. I am afraid there will be a fierce battle." Okita also felt that it was really a critical moment just now. risk.

"Ask Team 4 to strengthen their vigilance, Sunagakure should take action soon. They can't wait." Minato said.

"Yes!" A Konoha ninja took the order and left.

"Sunagakure has now stationed three legions near us, and a total of thousands of ninjas have completely surrounded us..." Minato slowly concluded, "Their strength is now twice ours, but they can't attack... …”

"What are they waiting for?" Okita asked in a low voice, and soon he replied, "Maybe they are waiting for more troops, and then launch a general attack with absolute superiority..."

"If they keep waiting, the reinforcements from Konoha will probably arrive, right? Then maybe we will encircle them? Is Sunagakure so stupid?" Yoshimaru asked doubtfully.

"Because they don't have enough time, if they want to take down Fallen Leaf City as soon as possible, they can only launch an attack today..." Minato realized that he should gather all his strength to deal with this disaster.

Minato suddenly asked again: "By the way, where is Hinata Satomi?"

"Lie down, I think I told you just yesterday... Her chakra was severely depleted to the point of collapse, and she was also seriously injured. I'm afraid she won't be able to get up for a while..." Yoshimaru replied.

"Hey, my memory is broken, I actually forgot..." Minato patted his head.

"It's stressful, isn't it? But speaking of it, this is the first time I have seen a legion commander of Captain Namikaze's age... He is indeed the leader among the young generation of Konoha." Okita said.

"Captain Okita is really honored. I am just the acting army commander. I am not a leader. If you really want to say it, April Shimizu is."

"Yiyuki Shimizu? That elite jounin who was on your team on the last mission?" Okita asked.

"Yes. The fact that we were able to escape nearly 500 people this time is all thanks to him."

In Minato's eyes, there is no doubt that Qingshui's contribution is the greatest this time.

Without him, none of the 1,400 people would have been able to escape!

The Sunagakure ninja had actually set up a dragnet waiting for Konoha to jump.

"People like this are indeed heroes..." Captain Okita praised, but he changed the topic and asked, "But he seems to be missing from the mission now?"

"He was probably buried in the mudslide... We failed to rescue him..." Yoshimaru said feeling ashamed.

He arrived at the battlefield at the last moment, but he only brought back Hinata Rimi and Minato... As for Qingshui, he really didn't have enough time to dig him out...

What's more, the situation was critical and even Satomi was seriously injured.

If you don't evacuate in time... I'm afraid you will be left there forever...

"According to common sense, if you are buried under that kind of mudslide, the chance of survival is very slim...and today...it can only be the worst result..." Yoshimaru felt a trace of regret.

"...Indeed, according to common sense, it can only be that result. But...he is Qingshui, maybe there will be a turn for the better..." Minato said.

Yoshimaru looked at Minato and said, "Minato, you are so confident in Qingshui... How can he escape in that situation?"

"It's not confidence...it's just a feeling. I feel that Qingshui is still alive..."

"Are we going to send out a search and rescue team?" Okita could see that Minato was very concerned about the life and death of his Konoha companion.

"No... we have to face more difficulties now... we can no longer waste manpower and material resources on other things." Minato hesitated for a few seconds, then refused.

It has been several days since the last battle broke out. If Qing Shui has been rescued and escaped, he is probably on his way back to Luoye City now.


If you want to send a search and rescue team to that battlefield, you must first break through the blockade, and the force sent must be elite.

However, the current strength of the Luoye City defenders is seriously insufficient, and it is difficult for them to protect themselves...

So as far as the actual situation is concerned, Luoye City is not luxurious enough to send an elite team to rescue Qingshui...

"Our top priority now is to solve the crisis in Luoye City." Minato calmed down, knowing that he was carrying a heavy burden and a heavy responsibility.

Now that the entire Luoye City's life was tied to his hands, he could not relax at all. Any wrong decision could lead to catastrophe for them, who were in a weak position.

"Yoshimaru, you take Team 5 and support Team 4 at any time." Minato warned.

"Okay." Yoshimaru immediately left after receiving the new mission.

"Captain Okita, please help count how many seriously injured Konoha ninjas are here now. We need to send them back to Konoha first..."

"Transfer now?" Okita asked in surprise. The battle hadn't even started yet. Why did our commander-in-chief surrender first?

"Yes, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave again if I don't leave. Before Sunagakure can completely shrink the encirclement, send these compatriots back to Konoha first."

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