Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 56: oh, come eat

"Meow~ Do you want to ask, why am I so strong?"

Qianming raised his head proudly.


The two-tailed cat fell silent.

He really wanted to ask, but he felt that he couldn't hold back. He was the boss of this place anyway. What kind of question would it be like to ask the other person, but being less than one year old makes him curious about the origin.

"It's not that my bloodline is higher than yours, but that I know how to make a kind of cat food."

Qian Ming smiled and scratched his paws on it.

The two-tailed cat was a little annoyed, but endured the discomfort, and then asked, "What cat food?"

"Wait a minute."

The little black cat pretended to be using psychics, mobilized Chakra to press it on the ground, and then a bag of cat food appeared under its previous paws.

This bag is just the most common special cat food. After eating for a long time, ordinary cats can become tolerant cats.

However, the two-tailed cat itself is the strongest among the ninja cats. Eating this stuff is not very useful to it, it is only a quick recovery of stamina and some chakra.

cat food...

The two-tailed cat raised his eyes and was extremely suspicious. What kind of cat food is it, is it specially for cats?

It glanced down.

Packaging bags?


The two-tailed cat tore it apart with its claws and saw several foods that resembled small biscuits. It looked up at the black cat and took a bite suspiciously.


This taste is great!

It wanted to eat again, but saw the little black cat grabbing it with one paw, stuffing it all into its own mouth, and in the end it only took a small bite.


"Who told you that, shameless meow~"

Qian Ming slipped away after eating, and a few jumped and disappeared in the streets, leaving the two-tailed white cat messed up in the wind.

What kind of trick is this?

He took out a bag of cat food, gave himself a bite, and then everyone ate it all and ran away!

The two-tailed cat endured the anger again, and walked slowly to the Ninja Castle, but on the way, it unconsciously remembered the smell of the cat food just now.

Really delicious!

More than that, the taste is the second most important thing. After eating that thing, the recovery of physical strength and chakra seemed to have sped up a little...

"Could it be that its cat food can really strengthen the body?"

The two-tailed white cat pondered for a moment, and immediately turned back to the mother-in-law.

When it arrived at Granny Cat's weapon shop, it saw only Granny Cat and the two Ninja cats who were with Granny Cat.

"You're here, how many shuriken do you want this time?"

"No, what about the cat from before?"

After entering the door again, the two-tailed cat looked around again, then tore the ground with its paws, and said lightly, "Forget it, I'll find it myself."

After Bai Mao finished speaking, he opened the door and left.

Although the kitten still had the smell, it could find the location of the little black cat by following the smell. It was very confident at first, but when it traced halfway, the smell suddenly disappeared.

Konoha, Namikaze Minato rushed back to the Hokage Building with Flying Thunder God in a hurry.

Obito was in a hurry to go home and return the patriarch's belongings, how dare he delay outside, Qian Ming went home alone, and opened the score panel on the way to take a look.

'More than two thousand? It went up by another three or four hundred, hehe... Maybe that stupid cat got more angry the more he thought about it when he went back, and instead contributed points to me. ’

Qianming was proud.

Originally, I planned to leave after the fight, but only temporarily did I think of giving the silly cat a taste of the cat food exchanged by my system, and only gave it a bite.

This method is very good.

At that time, the silly cat gave five or six hundred, and now there are three or four hundred, which is a lot.

It's fine after that, and Jirai also said that if you want to digest natural energy quickly, the best way is to exercise, run, and fight. I just had a fight with the ninja, and it doesn't have the heart to find fault with anyone else. .

After thinking about it, why not go to the orphanage first.

Although Yakushitou's craftsmanship is not as good as Minato Namikaze, but his service is also quite good, and it's a pity to visit there, only to find out that Yakushitou is not at home at all.

After inquiring, I found out that Yaoshitou and Yakushi No Naiyu went out to Kyoto. They are now a big celebrity in the pet circle in Kyoto, and haven't been back to Konoha for a long time.

Of course, they didn't forget the orphanage.

On the contrary, 90% of the money his mother made over there was sent to the orphanage. The reason why Qianming knew this was because he went to the orphanage to see much better furniture and the like.

There are many talented children who are sent to Konoha to study in preparation for becoming ninjas in the future.

This is a virtuous circle.

Qian Ming quietly turned around, but the first technician didn't come back.

When he got home, he took a look in the mirror.

'My stomach seems to be a little smaller. It seems that my natural energy has been digested a lot. I hope it can be digested earlier, and then I can exchange for a luxury cat food. ’

The little black cat twisted his waist and made sure that his belly was smaller, so he jumped down happily and went back to his little nest to sleep peacefully. At this moment...


A cat meow caught Qianming's attention.

It moved out and glanced at the wall.

A big white cat, standing alone, has a majestic arrogance, even more arrogant than himself.

Chasing Konoha?

Qian Ming was startled, but then he settled down in his heart. This is Konoha. If this guy dares to beat himself, he dares to fight back. When the trouble arises, the two-tailed cat without Konoha household registration will definitely be out of luck. You have to go to Anbu to come back.

Thinking of this, it raised its head and walked out.



The two-tailed white cat was silent. This kid pretended to be crazy and stupid, and pretended to be confused, but if he said it out loud, would it hurt his prestige as the boss?

It squatted on the wall and didn't know what to say for a while.

Qian Ming jumped up on the wall, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com simply followed suit. The eyes of two cats met each other. If it wasn't for everyone being a male cat, I'm afraid it wouldn't be like a gangster vs a mung bean.

"What's the price of cat food?"

the cat asked again.


Qian Ming replied.

One hundred points is invaluable, but you can only make money by sitting on the ground and starting the price. These Ninja cats have contracted with the Uchiha Alliance, and they have a lot of money in their pockets.

"Not for sale?"

Bai Mao was annoyed. He didn't sell what you showed before, causing Lao Tzu to think you were going to sell.

"If you don't sell it, you can go back."

Qian Ming was still considering whether to sell one or two copies, but when he saw that the points on the panel jumped again, he immediately refused.


The cat roared angrily again, as if it wanted to grow bigger and bigger to fight with Qianming.

But at this time, Qian Ming pointed to the building.

The huge stone statue is not a decoration, it is the Naruto of all dynasties, and underneath it is the Naruto building, and there are ninjas patrolling the village. It does not believe that this silly cat has not seen Konoha ninjas on the road.

The silly white cat's voice got stuck, and then he barked angrily. After taking away his anger, he asked, "You really don't sell it?"

"I'll give you two."

Qian Ming "psyched out" a packet of cat food, then tore it open and tossed one or two, and he devoured the rest by himself.

This is not an ordinary special cat food, but a special food for ninja cats at a price of three hundred.

The cat saw the two again, and immediately jumped into the air to eat it, and immediately felt the difference in taste—this was not the same as the previous one.

"Meow... oh, come eat!"

? ? ?

The cat didn't understand, but it felt that the guy didn't say something nice, either scolding himself or insulting himself.


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