Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 12: How can a dog be so yin?

"Dress up with soil... Did something happen to him?"

When they got to the school, Hong Yuhi secretly dragged Lin over to ask.

Nohara Rin sighed and said, "I saw my former classmate Matekai a few days ago, and I asked him to help me with Obito, but there seems to be some kind of deviation."

"Maybe it's a good thing."

Hong Yuhi thought about it for a long time and could only comfort Lin like this.

All Konoha knows about Akai's deeds. Obito is also the "tail of a crane". It's good for Lin to ask Akai to point Obito, but Akai's teaching method obviously has so many problems.

But it's better than nothing.

If she has the ability, Yuhika naturally hopes that all her classmates can be the upper and lower forbearance as scheduled, rather than repeating the grade to the next year.

Qian Ming looked around on the playground, looking for targets that could be hacked.

Asma is far away from herself.

Forget it, get another one.

It looked around for a long time, and finally fixed its eyes on Shimimaru.

It seems that it is the only one who is the best bully in the audience. Except for the ninja beasts, it is the background board players who are slightly less qualified and have no name in the comics.

Dragon tricks can also give points, and we won't fight them anyway.

Qianming sneaked away from Nohara Lin and "lurked" beside Kwai. She was Lin's neighbor. Qianming went to her house to catch mice the night before yesterday.

Of course, it is not someone who does good deeds without leaving his name.

After catching the mouse, it specially placed the mouse in front of the little girl's door in order to achieve the purpose of "pranking", so as to get an extra 100 points from her.

This time, Qianming has no mice.

It looked at the back, and finally...


The little black cat jumped out and passed between the little girl's standing feet, causing a scream.

Then, it quickly ran towards the other person.

With extreme speed and keen reflexes, after Qianming passed under the feet of five or six people, he was finally caught by Shiranui Shipei who arrived.

"Xiao Lin, it seems that your cat has been bored these days."

Shiranui Shipei joked.

"Yes, I'm sorry everyone."

Nohara Rin took Qianming back and apologized to everyone.

It was just a little prank, but no one really cared about it. Instead, those girls felt that the little black cat was furry and comfortable, and wanted to come over and rub it.

Qian Ming glanced at the book when they were acting cute together.

More than seven hundred in one breath.

Very profitable!

Now on the books, more than 1,200 points have been accumulated.

One thousand and two, enough for ten consecutive lottery draws.

Qian Ming was in a tangle again, but when he looked at his own fur, his heart suddenly became calm.

This one is black, let's exchange the transformation first.

After changing the transformation technique and turning into a white skin, I will think about the lottery. Anyway, there is not much demand for the transformation technique, it is only 1500%.

Save for a while, and you will have it soon.

"Okay, this actual combat class is about to begin. Everyone, remember to click until now. The available ninjutsu is limited to what you learned in class, as well as kunai and shuriken manipulation. Do you understand?"


A group of students put down the movements in their hands and gathered.

At this time, Qianming noticed that Inuzuka Hana put Shiimaru aside, and Haimaru didn't make a noise, just glanced at himself provocatively and calmly, and then quickly moved away.

The ninja can't end up like that?

Qian Ming thought about it and felt that it was the same. The school restricted even family ninjutsu, not to mention the special pendant of ninja beasts.

As for Haimaru's provocation, he wasn't worried.

That stupid dog is at most one year old. Although he has a lot of brute force, he has a needle in the earth and is not afraid of it at all.

It's time for this silly dog ​​to understand who the boss of this class is.

It stretched out its tongue and instinctively wanted to lick its paws, but thought that it was still in Lin's arms and couldn't lick its paws at all, so it lightly licked Little Mengmei.

Nohara Rin glanced at it, then whispered, "I can't take you to the actual combat class later, but I can't run around and make trouble!"

After getting along for a few days, she has gradually understood what kind of urine her cat is.

In my own home, it is very well-behaved.

Stepping out of that door, you will be lawless outside, very mischievous.

Qian Ming nodded lightly, as if he understood.

Then, Nohara Rin put it down.

Haimaru didn't move, just opened his eyelids to take a look, and immediately lay down there and pretended to be a good boy.

Qianming is different.

There are still more than 200 points left for the transformation technique, which is exactly one point.

It looked around and found that Asma was secretly watching Yuhika again, and the one in his eyes was crazy...

So, it moved a few steps and walked to the foot of Red Yuhi.

Then, it raised its head.

? ?

Asma looked bewildered, and then saw the vicious cat staring at him with provocative eyes.


I really hope it's me... No, how could I have such a dirty idea.

The honest man was ashamed and madly apologized to Yuri Hong for his excessive YY in his heart - although Yuhi Hong did not receive these apologies at all.

Looking at the points...

Very good, Sarutobi Asma is still very powerful, easily earning 300 points.

Transformation, exchange!

A pile of memories related to the transformation technique poured into his mind, and Qian Ming quickly ignored them.

Because it knows that it has already mastered this technique, and it is not a problem even if Toad Wenta cooperates with Naruto to become Nine-Tails in the comics—provided that he has Nine-Tails Chakra.


After getting the transformation, Qian Ming knew what his next goal was.

Physical fitness, chakra.

This is difficult. There are many items in the mall. In addition to ninjutsu and special props, there are also various cat climbing frames, cat scratching boards and other gadgets. So far it only looks like cat food.

There are many grades of cat food.

The lowest is a hundred special cat food, and the highest is a luxury cat food worth 1,000 points.

It seems that cat food still has to be eaten, and this point cannot be saved.

While he was sorting out his thoughts, the students in the class had already started the warm-up activities for the actual combat class. Qian Ming glanced at Hui Wan, but that guy didn't let his guard down, and was still lying on the ground resting like a good boy.

But these are all illusions.

This guy's hostility is very strong, and he can't wait to come up and fight with himself now, but he understands that if he comes up now, he will definitely be discovered by the "master" who has not yet started the fight.

A few minutes passed.

The actual combat class started. Asma was the first to end, and the enemy was Genma Shiranui. After adding various restrictions, the strength of the two was indeed similar.

At this time, Haimaru stood up and walked secretly to the corner of the playground, Qianming got up and followed.

After walking a few steps, it pondered...

This is not the same as when I was in junior high school in my previous life, I fought with people after class. I found a corner where no one was around and fought each other, and I was afraid that the teacher would find out while fighting.

Sure enough, there are times when humans and animals are no different.

Hui Wan took Qianming to the back of the small bush in the corner, and a cat and a dog entered the jungle sheltered place, Hui Wan immediately bared his teeth and was extremely fierce.

Qianming looked at it calmly.

Show your teeth at me now, don't break your teeth later.

Shimimaru is indeed stronger than himself, but Chakra is not as much as himself, so the other party won't take advantage of it.

In the end, it depends on who has more cards and who is more insidious.

Obviously, how can dogs be so overcast?

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