Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 101 It’s hard to beat Lao Deng, so it’s better not to be the protagonist


The weird-looking kunai drew a beautiful arc in the air, and Uchiha Gin, who was walking leisurely, caught the falling sword of love with a lazy look.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his curly hair, and found that the curly hair had naturally fallen off in his hand. He rolled his eyes with no energy at all, and kept complaining,

"None of them are worrying, and I started losing hair at a young age."

After arranging the girl's tasks, Uchiha Gin, who felt that he still had a long way to go, sighed and went to the insane Uchiha Yao. Looking at Lao Den, whose face was distorted and his eyes were tangled, he suddenly became angry.

"That's right, I'm talking about you, Old Den."

"Uh uh uh"

Uchiha Yao, who was covering his head, had one eye filled with black energy, and he was moaning and wailing in his mouth. The old jailer, who was a creature of the pupil technique, stood beside him at this time, his gray body flashing with an unstable halo, which should have been influenced by Uchiha. Bo Yao's emotional impact.

Seeing that Lao Den had no reaction to his provocation, Uchiha Gin, who wanted to get off work early, said helplessly,

"Hey, hey, you're talking!"

"Don't try to influence me!"

Following Uchiha Gin's nagging, Uchiha Yao, who had been struggling for a long time, shouted. The black energy in his eyes completely occupied his pupils. When he raised his head, he could see that the bewitching kaleidoscope pattern on the black eyeball conjunctiva had completely collapsed, and the pitch-black one eye was shining strangely. With a bright light, the depressed air no longer existed in his eyes, only the deep indifference remained.

"Ah Yin, since you don't want to go with me, then go to hell to be with your father."

At this time, Uchiha Yao, who was completely occupied by darkness, his tone became extremely cold, and he looked at Uchiha Gin as if he was just looking at an unrelated stranger.

Are black people so arrogant these days? I will send you away if I open my mouth or shut up. Lao Deng, please show some strength, okay?

"Wu Liang, come on."

Sensing the disdain in Uchiha Silver Death's eyes, the blackened Uchiha Yao didn't say much. He waved his hand and issued an order to the old jailer beside him. He wanted this boy to know why the flowers were so red.

The normal version of Zengliang lost his language function and instantly merged into the shadows under his feet after receiving the order. With his special perception, Uchiha Gin was able to vaguely capture the traces of the old jailer running in the shadows.

"I was underestimated!"

Finding that the two were jumping around him repeatedly without any intention of attacking, it was inferred that Uchiha Yao was just playing a game of cat and mouse. Uchiha Gin glanced down from the corner of his mouth and complained speechlessly.

Having said that, he activated the chakra in the palm of his right hand. Accompanied by bursts of rapid bird chirping, a burst of dazzling lightning appeared. The faint blue light illuminated half of Uchiha Gin's face. Uchiha Gin, who felt that the lightning was a bit dazzling, immediately put it on. With the sunglasses he carried with him, he sensed the power of the Thunderbolt in his hand. He squinted and turned up the volts. Seeing that the electric light on his palm became solid, the senior electrician nodded with satisfaction.

"Lao Deng, give me a kiss from Professor Yang!"

Since Wang Liang didn't attack him, he had no choice but to take action first. With a flick of his right hand, the condensed thunderball quickly struck Uchiha Yao.

? ? ?

Unexpectedly, his eldest grandson didn't play according to the routine, and instead of focusing on finding Wang Liang's flaws, he directly attacked himself.

This decisiveness is worthy of his descendants, and he is really a teachable child.

As soon as the thought in my mind changed, a dark curtain of shadows suddenly rose on the dark ground, absorbing all the roaring thunder without leaving any trace.

"Is there still such an operation?"

After the test, Uchiha Gin frowned and looked at the shadow controlled by Lao Den. It seemed that no pair of kaleidoscope eye skills were awesome. One was more weird than the other. In comparison, the original owner's kaleidoscope ability seemed a bit simple. Nothing fancy.

"Your guesses just now were all correct, but you missed one thing."

After turning black, Lao Deng was very emotionally stable. Seeing Uchiha Gin's surprise at his own methods, he actually began to explain to him thoughtfully.

"It's not just Wang Liang who controls the shadow. I, the host, can also control it, and the possession is just a way to make up for my poor mobility."

"Did you pay the Nara clan royalties for your ability?"

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin did not pay attention to Uchiha Yaoxin's abilities, but instead asked him questions with a curious expression.

Copying, this is pure copying, the kind that doesn’t change at all.

"Don't compare my eye skills with that third-rate secret skill."

Old Den, who was still waiting to see Uchiha Gin's shocked face, suddenly heard the other party's explosive speech and almost choked on his breath. He suppressed the negative energy rising again in his heart. Uchiha Yao gritted his teeth and explained. ,

"It's really the same!"

Uchiha Gin spread his hands and made a backward movement. The clear and serious expression on his face made Uchiha Yao's blood pressure soar.

"Gang Liang, stop playing around and cut out his tongue!"

Uchiha Yao, who couldn't bear it anymore, held the veins on his head and ordered the old jailer in a hateful voice.

The next moment, in the shadow behind Uchiha Gin who was spreading his hands, the old jailer who had been lurking for a long time quietly stretched out his head, and the shadow in his hand turned into a dark dagger, aiming at the unsuspecting back.


Without even turning his head, Uchiha Gin used the Sword of Ninja Love with his backhand to accurately resist the opponent's sneak attack. A trace of blue light appeared in the gap between his sunglasses, urging chakra to be added to the kunai in his hand.


Under Uchiha Yao's unbelievable gaze, the dagger made of shadow was shattered by the ridiculous kunai in Uchiha Yin's hand. The old jailer who had no time to dodge was cut into a long gash on his chest. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately used his ability to disappear into the shadows.

Raising his eyebrows, Uchiha Yin played with the kunai in his hand. He clearly felt that he had hit the old jailer with the previous attack, and left the special chakra carried by the pupil technique on the wound.

"Is it that kunai? It can actually hurt Wangliang?"

Uchiha Yao learned from the feedback of the Mangekyo that the old jailer was injured, and then stared at the shocking kunai in Uchiha Yin's hand with wide eyes, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

The ability he relied on was mainly the elusive Wangliang. He had tested that the old jailer, as a pupil technique creation, could be immune to any physical and illusion attacks.

"This is not a novel. Do you want the enemy to explain it to you?"

Saying the incomprehensible words, Uchiha Gin instantly stepped forward, and the kunai in his hand stabbed at Uchiha Yao with lightning speed. The only remaining eye of the old man flashed again, and the weird old jailer appeared again, condensing two daggers in his hands, and attacked Uchiha Gin's lower three roads.

"Despicable! Really despicable! You don't want to hold your great-grandson, right?"

Uchiha Gin couldn't help but curse. He didn't want to TJ, so he had to give up attacking Uchiha Yao, waving the sword of love to smash the dagger from below, and slashed across the old jailer's arm. The whole gray arm fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

It seems that this old jailer must be dealt with first before he can have a good exchange with Lao Deng.

Uchiha Yao was not feeling well either. As his pupil technique creation, Wangliang would also be fed back to him if he suffered any damage. At this time, his chest was in a piercing pain, and one arm was unconscious and unable to move.

The pain caused by Uchiha Gin caused a flaw in his spirit. A trace of struggle flashed in his black eyeballs. The will suppressed by the dark side began to resist, and the black part of the pupil was slowly eroded by the normal color.

Uchiha Gin was about to take action, but the perception radar of his body suddenly began to alarm.

He was surprised to find that the kindness and malice of Lao Deng on the opposite side frequently alternated, as if the spirit of the weapon was fighting for control, which made him a little confused for a while.

"Don't think about it! Everything I did was to avenge Jin!"

The blackened Uchiha Yao roared, forcibly suppressing another will in his body, panting and raising his head, looking at Uchiha Gin who was lost in thought with a torch-like gaze, revealing a determination in his eyes, and slowly said,

"Wangliang, merge!"

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