Chapter 990 Still Alive!

sound... sound...

The smoke and dust that filled the air completely obscured the sight and covered up the shocking scene.

And at this moment, a faint "Qianye" came from the smoke and dust.

Faint, but very clear.

Chiba, who was in the critical state of injury mode, heard it very clearly.

Immediately, his green flames were burning, but in his dim eyes, a divine light flashed fiercely, and the whole body that fell sideways on the ground shuddered, and almost instantly, he sat up.

That unbelievable, frightened... All kinds of negative emotions disappeared from his face in an instant, and a look of determination suddenly appeared.

not dead!

They are not dead yet!

I can't give up now, and I can't give up on myself!


What a shame!

It's just that I saw some blood, so I was so scared!

Can't even move!

Just trying to escape reality!



What a shame!

And the moment he sat up, such a series of self-deprecating thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

At the same time, he got up with a grunt, looked at his feet and fell down, half-sinking into the broken and thick feeling in the grass, he moved towards the direction of the sound with his hands and feet, almost in a continuous The feeling of rolling and climbing.


I hit my head, and my sense of direction is messed up!

Obviously, when Chiba fell from mid-air, in addition to the damage to his chest, abdomen and back, his head was also severely hit. He just took a few steps of rolling and crawling, and his head became dizzy for a while. Dazed, the hand supporting the ground tilted slightly, and the whole person fell obliquely.


With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Chiba fell firmly to the ground, which immediately affected the impact injuries on his chest and back, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

Damn it!

I'm still too vulnerable!

Although I have enough combat experience to be fearless in battle, but when I encounter anything about them, I become an unbearable mentality!

Such a mentality is too dangerous!

Moreover, even if you are mentally prepared, there is no way to suppress that...

That fear!

and unacceptable!

It is precisely because of this that I have come to the current situation. If there is an enemy now, I will definitely die!

I'm still too fragile!

I'm still not used to caring about the person I love... I'm still not used to the feeling of caring too much!



Damn it!

But during this fall, apart from the pain, Qianye cursed inwardly a series of times, cursing herself, and slowly clenched her teeth.

If he hadn't been stunned by the scene in front of him just now, he wouldn't have suffered a brain injury. If he hadn't been injured, he would be able to confirm the situation as soon as possible and receive medical treatment. The earlier the treatment, the faster it will be. Curing can also improve the safety factor and success factor of medical treatment.

He is still too fragile!

Always lose your mind when you shouldn't!

At the same time, while cursing secretly, the flickering pale green brilliance slowly escaped from his chest, abdomen and back.

still alive!

she is alive!

Very good! Very good!

still alive!

As long as you are alive, there is still hope!

There is still hope!

But just as the thought of self-blame and introspection flashed through his mind, Qianye's eyes widened slightly, and his clenched teeth loosened slightly.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, a light white jade hand covered with blood was slowly lifted up from the fading smoke, and fell to the ground with a "pop".


Seeing this scene, Qianye screamed in shock almost instantly, and pushed her hands on the ground fiercely, ignoring the broken ribs and slightly torn back muscles, the whole person stood up from the ground, fell and rolled Just run forward.

Finally, in the dizziness that could not be restrained in his head, he fell down with his head bowed, and hit the ground with his head, his head was bleeding immediately, and the ground was soaked in blood instantly, and a circle of dark color stretched from his forehead and the ground. Where the ground touches, it spreads slowly.

However, at this moment, his face that was almost buried in the ground showed a distorted smile, a smile that seemed to be reborn after a catastrophe, or in other words, a smile that was ecstatic.

Hands are still warm!

The pulse is weak, but...

Still beating!

Still beating!

There is help!

There is help!

Great, great!

There is also a place to heal the wounded!

Everything, everything can still be redeemed!

It can still be redeemed!

No eyes, no more!

It's a big deal to kill a few people, just kill a few people and put better eyes on it!

Now is the time of war again, and almost all the big families in Konoha are participating in the war. It doesn't matter if you have two pairs of eyes, you can get them casually!

It doesn't matter at all!

no problem, no problem!

Everything can be redeemed!

At this time, his heart was also ecstatic. For him who has learned to create and regenerate now, as long as he still has a breath, he is sure to treat it. not die within a certain period of time. And as long as there is time to restore Chakra and physical strength to him, then he can completely heal this person step by step.

The reason why he never let go of medical ninjutsu is to make up for the Hachimon model, and it is also to prevent or make up for this situation.

Moreover, his current medical ninjutsu can still be called the first medical ninjutsu after the self-healing of the first Naruto Muji, creating the art of regeneration.

As long as there is a glimmer of life, he can use creative regeneration to catch it.

But now, they are not dead yet, he can still seize that ray of life!


A series of ecstatic thoughts flashed in his mind, Qianye panted heavily unconsciously, and then raised his bloody face with difficulty, and the blood oozed from his forehead and nose immediately flowed down.

There are abrasions on the nose and forehead, and they are bleeding!

But, that's okay, it doesn't affect the action!

No treatment needed!

Now, save Chakra as much as you can!

However, he didn't care about it at all, his eyes just stared closely at the front of his eyes, and the gap between the roots of the unusually huge tree in front of him.

And in his eyes flickering with the fire of hope, there are two people reflected.

Two people lying in a pool of blood.

To be exact, it was a man and a woman, a teenager, and a girl.

The young man sat crookedly in the gap between the roots of the unusually huge tree, his body leaned against the root on the left side, his eyelids collapsed, two streams of blood flowed down his cheeks like blood and tears, and flowed into the ground between the roots. In the process, a large piece of throat was wet.

The girl, on the other hand, was lying prone on the ground, her face was slightly sideways, and she could barely see her face clearly. Blood was slowly overflowing from her chest and abdomen, and was slowly spreading outward.

It was Hirohiko, and...


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