Chapter 988 Surprise!

Should we continue to follow the footprints and bloodstains, or take a detour...

A sharp light flashed in Qianye's eyes, he lowered his head slightly, and took another look at the faint footprints on the thick branch, with such a choice flashing in his mind.


Then, just as he bowed his head, a look of stiffness flashed across his face, and his eyes widened slightly.

A series of memories flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, fast but detailed as if he was actually there.

Is this, the memory of the water body?

And after this revolving-door memory flashed by, Qianye's complexion slowly returned to normal, except for a slight frown.

Calculating the time, the time for the water body should have arrived, and it is normal to have the memory of the water body at this moment.

Moreover, from the last memory of the water body, Chiba did not see any enemies or attacks, that is to say, the water body walking from the right did not touch the enemy, which was a natural release from the exhaustion of chakra.

At the same time, in the memory of the water body, Qianye did not find any useful information. After the water body separated from them, he searched all the way to the southeast, except for entering a large grassland and one of the grasslands that was destroyed by the war. Outside the ruins of the town, I didn't meet anyone, and I didn't encounter any bad luck. Until the chakra was exhausted, I naturally touched myself, and then nothing happened.


That piece of grassland and ruins is a safe place.

However, although nothing happened, Qianye still noticed something keenly, and she also had a care in her heart.

After saving Hirohiko and Xue Nai, they can go there. The ruins should be a good place to heal their wounds.

Now that the war has come to an end, the battlefields of the three major ninja villages should have entered a decisive battle. It is unlikely that the battlefield will be changed, and this is the rear of Yan Yin after all, so it is unlikely that the war will spread.

There is no movement in the ruins now, and there will be little movement in the future.

And according to what Lin said about the footprints and bloodstains at the scene, especially the bloodstains, it is certain that one of the two must have been seriously injured, or even both of them may have been seriously injured.

At that time, this ruin can become a place to recuperate. Moreover, the buildings inside are relatively well preserved, and it is a rather large town. Hospitals and the like should be readily available, and it just so happens...

Afterwards, after thinking about it, Chiba's thoughts diverged. At the same time, he took out the detailed map of the area, quickly marked a small arrow and a circle on it, and marked the location on the map according to the memory of the water body. the existence of ruins.

Next, go straight.

After doing all this and putting away the detailed map of the area, Qianye also made a decision to go directly to the place where the footprints and bloodstains disappeared.

At this moment, he is 100 meters away from the entrance of this unusually tall virgin forest. Considering the area of ​​this virgin forest, the distance of 100 meters is really insignificant. If there is a bird's-eye view of this forest , the location of Chiba is probably a small spot at the entrance of the forest.

If he really wanted to search in this primeval forest on a large scale, he would definitely not be able to do it alone. Even if he did, by the time he finishes searching the primeval forest, the person who killed his shadow clone would have already left. This primeval forest.

And according to the memory passed back by the shadow clone, the direction that the corner of the clothes left should be in front of him now, and it is also the shortest distance through this forest.

In this way, Chiba also roughly guessed the situation here.

Along the way, the person who killed his shadow clone has left traces, and the traces are accompanied by blood, plus this straight line.

It's obvious.

This person is also very anxious, anxious to hurry.

Otherwise, you won't walk in this straight line and leave traces. Even if the straight line remains the same, if you don't worry, there will be no traces left.

Leaving traces is a taboo for every ninja.

Especially in the midst of a war.

Unless it was because of setting a trap to deliberately lure the enemy to leave traces, there are only three possibilities left. First, rushing on the road, there is really no way to cover it up, just like Chiba who moved at the limit speed before.

Second, I was injured and had no time to take care of it.

The third is that it was dragged down by something, such as carrying the wounded, and there was no way to remove the traces.

But in the current situation, it is impossible to set a trap. If a trap is set, his shadow clone will not be killed by Kunai, but by the trap. After all, if there is a trap, why should he Expose yourself.

So, setting a trap is unlikely.

As for the one, two, three and three possibilities, based on the traces he left behind, it could only be that he was injured, or he couldn't move too fast with people.

And no matter what the possibility is, Qianye's speed is higher than him. If his route is always a straight line, if Qianye goes in the direction where the footprints disappear, there is a high probability that he will be able to catch up with him. .

There is even a possibility that even though he has hidden his tracks now, it is only because he saw Qianye's shadow clone that exposed his whereabouts, so he had to do so. After a certain distance, he still couldn't stand the slow march , So as to leave traces again regardless of everything and continue to move forward.

Perhaps after traveling for a while, Qianye will come across the traces that he had to leave behind.

Therefore, going at full speed in the direction where the footprints disappear is the option with the highest success rate.

Of course, this is not to say that Chiba's detour route is unreasonable. A detour is safer, and when an opponent is spotted, he can immediately occupy a favorable position, gain the upper hand, and launch a sneak attack.

After all, it is better to appear in the hidden place on the oblique side than to appear directly behind.

It's just that, in this roundabout way, the success rate is lower after all.

So, it's decided...

Thinking of this, Chiba also made up his mind, and then raised his two fingers.

But no matter whether it is going straight or roundabout, the chakra is still abundant now, waste some, just waste some!

Always ensure the greatest success rate!

Take care of both sides...


When the thoughts after raising two fingers turned around, a cloud of white mist suddenly exploded from behind Qianye, and before it dissipated, a figure rushed out and detoured towards the right side of Qianye.


Then, on Qianye's left hand side, another cloud of white mist exploded, and before it dissipated, the figure also rushed out, flying towards the left.

Even if the road is in a straight line now, there is no guarantee that he really only walks in a straight line!

And Qianye, who split into two clones, took a breath, and there was a "click" under his feet, and the crack suddenly opened.

"call out!"

Afterwards, he threw himself into the air and flew out, turning into a very faint figure.


However, this time, he didn't go very far. When he turned into a very light figure and flew out at a very high speed, the corner of his eye suddenly flashed, and his face suddenly turned to his left side.

Then, as if seeing the most terrifying scene, Chiba maintained the posture of looking to the left, staring at her eyes, and the distorted face of Qianye, with extreme speed, bumped into the original foothold in front of her. thick branches.

A muffled sound spread far away in this quiet primeval forest!

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