Chapter 983 Extraction


Qianye suddenly rushed out from the forest, landed on one foot, the rush stopped suddenly, in an instant, it changed from extremely fast to extremely slow, but seeing a flash of figure, Qianye had already stepped on the ground, his figure was stable Hold on tight.


Then, as Qianye's figure flashed and he squatted slightly to stop, a gust of strong wind burst out from the virgin forest behind him, mixed with countless green leaves, like a horizontal fountain that suddenly found a vent, bursting out. It shot out, and hit Chiba's back with a "Puff Puff Puff".


Then, with the sound of her left foot stepping on the ground, Qianye stopped her slightly squatting figure and stopped completely.


He stood up slightly, glanced at the open space, and frowned slightly when he saw the collapsed stone pile.

This is where he was first attracted by Huoguang's earth clone.

According to Lin, after their heads went blank, Hirohiko and Xue Nai disappeared, leaving only footprints and bloodstains.

Then, they followed the bloodstains and footprints to rescue them, but they met two Yan Yins, and the battle took place at that river, which was the same as in the original book, except that the time was much earlier.

It can be seen that the whole matter was originally going to be advanced according to the original story, but because of the existence of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, two characters that were not in the original story, the event of Lin being kidnapped happened ahead of schedule.

Because of Xue Nai's white eyes, their advance speed is accelerated, and they have two strong supporters from Xue Nai and Hirohiko. When they advance, they may not be as cautious as in the original book, stepping up their pace and striving to complete the task as soon as possible.

Then, when Hirohiko and Yukina were attacked, everything moved much faster...

the whole thing...

So it happened so early!

But at this time, after taking a look at Qianye, he couldn't help but have this series of thoughts in his heart. More or less, he still had a lot of entanglements with regard to the fact that this happened in advance, but now, it is suddenly clear .

As for why Hirohiko and Yukina appeared in Kakashi's team, and how they performed missions together, Chiba didn't know.

When Lin told herself, after all, she was talking about the important ones. After all, time was short, and Hirohiko and Xue Nai had been taken captive for a long time. Judging from the blood stains beside the footprints, the amount of blood loss from Hirohiko and Xue Nai should be very dangerous Otherwise, Obito wouldn't have said the words "a glimmer of hope".

However, although I don't know how Hirohiko and Yukina really came here, but Chiba guessed a little bit, Namikaze Minato probably also noticed the attack of the third generation of Raikage, and in a hurry, they may have changed the transmission coordinates, and sent Hirohiko and Xue Nai sent it here.

The reason why Hirohiko and Yukina were left behind and not brought back to the village was probably to increase the success rate of the mission of the Kannabi Bridge. After all, Yukina and Hirohiko are very strong, and they have two kinds of pupils: white eyes and writing sharing eyes. The technique is beneficial to the task and has no harm. If I don't know the plot of the original book, I'm afraid I will choose this way.

For this, Namikaze Minato cannot be blamed.


Afterwards, after countless thoughts turned in his mind, Qianye groaned.

This should be a cover-up arrangement by Huoguang. Although I don't know why he arranged it like this, what is certain is that it should have been arranged when he kidnapped Lin. Go to where Kakashi and the others are now.

And if this was arranged in advance, they couldn't have known that they would abduct a person, so that in the fake cave, they would create another earth clone and tie it to the pillar in the middle.

Although when he entered, the soil clone had already turned into loess, and the clone was released, but it is certain that the bound soil clone should have changed into Lin's appearance.

The purpose is to confuse Kakashi and the others and gain time to obtain information from Lin.

It's just that they were unlucky, Kakashi and Obito actually chose the right direction.

Well, everything makes sense!

And the reason why Kakashi and the others walked toward the river meant that the footprints and bloodstains were going in the direction of the river, and I should go there now.

Amidst the murmurs, Qianye also quickly made an analysis in his heart, and quickly determined the route.


After confirming the route, cracks opened under Chiba's feet immediately.


In the next second, the place where Chiba was was exploded, and the broken soil flew out along with the dust and smoke.

And Qianye's figure has disappeared in place. An extremely faint figure, with an unparalleled speed, has already headed towards the southwest. When the branches shattered and fell, in an instant, hundreds of people had been swept away. meter distance.

After determining the direction, the next step is to extract the enemy's intelligence.

Kakashi and the others fought against this enemy, only from the moment they met him to when Hirohiko suddenly jumped out, that is to say, the strength of this person has the strength to kill Kakashi and the other three in seconds.

But killing the three of Kakashi in seconds, I definitely can't do it.

Unless it is under the state of Yin Seal Baihao.

Flying in the primeval forest towards the river, amidst the howling wind, Chiba's eyes shone with a thoughtful light.

Facing this unknown, but definitely terrifying enemy, he would never let go of any information about the enemy's situation.

But he could instantly kill the three of Kakashi, but he didn't choose to kill them so as not to leave any trouble...

This point is a bit suspicious.

It is very reasonable to take away Yukina and Hirohiko. After all, Yukina's white eyes and Hirohiko's Sharingan are both Konoha's powerful blood succession boundary, or a special pupil technique. No matter who it is, there is a reason to take them away .

However, it would be a bit wrong to just use special abilities or illusions to fix Kakashi and the others, and then take away the limit of blood succession.

Since it is to snatch the blood and follow the boundary, and it is on the battlefield at this moment, no matter what, it is impossible to leave Kakashi and the others alive, not to mention leaving obvious bloodstains and footprints.

This kind of behavior seems to be deliberately chasing people...

And soon, after a little analysis of the enemy's behavior, Chiba felt a lot of doubts. It was completely reasonable to take Xue Nai and Hirohiko abducted, but since blood and footprints were left, Kakashi and others were left alive. Just can't explain it.

After all, no ninja in Ninja Village could be so big after snatching the blood and following the limit.

What's more, there is still a boundary between the two blood successors, Baiyan and Sharingan.


But thinking of this, Qianye suddenly stopped, and stepped on the thick branch.


Suddenly, the branch split open.

However, only a few cracks were opened, and it did not fall.

Obviously, Chiba also controlled his strength.



Here, there is fraud!

But at this moment, Qianye's complexion changed suddenly!

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