Sure enough, it happened because it happened in advance, so there is such a difference?

In the original book, the Yanyin Huoguang used the rock house to collapse, and rushed out of the cave with the body, not the soil avatar!

As soon as he turned his head, such a thought quickly passed through Qianye's mind. The Yanyin master Huoguang who had already been captured suddenly turned into an earth clone. The accident did not affect him in any way, as if all this , are already in Qianye's expectation, or in other words, Qianye has long been prepared for such a thing to happen.

Since it was the bait, what was his intention of putting down the bait?

And why do you need to use soil avatars to lure the enemy?

What happened in this, Huoguang needs to use the soil clone to lure the enemy!

Is it to lure me forward?

Or guard against someone in the battle that's going on here that I don't know about?

At the same time, when this thought flashed by, another thought came to Qianye's mind, a thought to wake him up.

Judging from the original book, the feeling of this fire light is very sensitive. Although the original book does not state whether he has the ability to perceive, what is certain is that he can spot his opponent from a considerable distance and from a small sound, and Obito chases him away. When it was time to act, the sound of slapping his face to cheer him up was keenly noticed. Perhaps, in the original animation, the sound of slapping the face is not soft, and it feels like everyone can hear it, but this is just a way of expression in film and television. The sound is intentionally amplified, so that the audience can understand. Obito was discovered because of the sound of slapping the face, which also reflects the lack of experience in Obito missions.

However, just now, Qianye stepped on the branch and leaped forward, and in the series of actions that subdued the flames at once, he knew that the branch closest to the cave is actually quite a distance from the cave, and the cave has quite thick walls , even if a hole is opened, the sound of slapping the face, if it is transmitted into the cave, is quite subtle. Maybe if there is any movement in the cave, it will be covered up.

It can be seen from here that Huoguang's hearing or hearing and alertness are quite strong.

And he came all the way, desperate all the way, although in the final deceleration and sneaking state, Huoguang should not know his position, but when Huoguang noticed that someone was coming, Qianye still didn't dare to promise.

Therefore, here, Huoguang is different from the original book. It is not the main body rushing out, but the soil avatar. One possibility is that this soil avatar is because Huoguang sensed that someone was coming, just in case or lead out this person, that is, What I used, as for the main body, probably followed the large amount of smoke that rushed out, and under the cover of the smoke, hid somewhere and waited for myself to appear, and then delivered a fatal blow, which is the situation he is facing now.

After all, the cave collapsed all the way from the inside to the outside, from the center to the periphery, and it didn't collapse all at once. Therefore, it is not impossible for the main body to come out of the cave one step later.

In the original book, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are collapsing, and it is not that there is no chance of escape.

And the second possibility is that Huoguang didn't notice him, but was using the soil avatar to guard against another person, another person that Qianye didn't know because of Lin's kidnapping happened in advance.

Just as Obito may have a new way of death, this "person" may be anyone, any butterfly that can fan a chain reaction.

It may be other people that Chiba did not think of, it may be Kakashi, different from the original book, Kakashi and Obito may have used the shadow clone tactics or the like, or he and Obito did not choose the way in the original book to plan , but chose the routine of the shadow clone Kakashi Obito, with his own body as the back-hand tactics.

As for why Obito went in instead of Kakashi, according to the situation of Kakashi and Obito, one had just been injured and still had an eye, and the other had just opened Sharingan, and his strength has greatly increased. It is clear at a glance who goes in and who is the queen.

And based on Chiba's understanding of Kakashi, making such a plan is also in line with Kakashi's calm personality!

In short, due to the fact that the event happened earlier, the content of the battle between Kakashi, Obito and the two rock hiddens may have changed!

But, no matter what, since I have already arrived, I will save both Lin and Obito!

Afterwards, after this series of thoughts, thousands of thoughts in Qianye's chest finally turned into such a desperate absolute.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And as this thought floated up, the rocky skin on Chiba's back and the side of his head suddenly condensed.

In an instant, at the moment when the rock skin was condensed, the rock skin covered the back and the back of the head, the rock skin suddenly bulged, and the spiral finger-thick rock spear suddenly thrust out at all angles behind Chiba!


For a moment, the sound of rock spear piercing was connected together!

At the moment when the voices became one piece, Qianye's head also turned behind her, and her sight was already full of the rock spear that stabbed backwards!


In the next second, Qianye's right hand was grasped violently, crushing the head of the loess-like soil avatar in an instant!

At this very second, Chiba's eyes looking back widened bit by bit.


Not behind!

At this moment, Qianye's heart trembled violently, and he looked up suddenly.



Then look around.



But in this quick change of sight, Qianye didn't see anything. Immediately, an extremely ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Could it be that……

This is just a bait!

There is only one bait!


At the moment when this ominous premonition arose, Qianye suddenly stood up, and immediately, because of his sudden standing movement, the rock spear behind him broke apart in an instant, turning into rock fragments and floating in the air.


And the moment the rock debris drifted away, Qianye had already slammed into the cave, and opened his mouth in an instant to let out a trembling roar!

Nothing at all!

Nothing at all!

At this moment, in front of Qianye, in this relatively dark cave, except for the piece of wood pile, the pile of loess and the loose rope that fell off and surrounded the loess and the wood pile.


No Lynn, no Kakashi, and no...

Bring soil!

It's a trap!

Pure trap, just one trap!

This is not where fate happens at all!


And at this moment, a sound of collapse that was about to disappear suddenly came in from outside the cave's rock wall.

A cloud of white smoke slowly evaporated about one kilometer to the northwest!

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