Chapter 963 Discovery!

"Huh! Ontology, I finally heard it, I thought you were in a daze!"

Seeing the main body Chiba turned his head to respond, and the figure on Takegami, that is, the clone of the shadow in Chiba, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Ontology, what's the matter with you? This should be your destination, but now that there are no two Yan Yins, there are many possibilities. I think the three of us should discuss it together. Don't lose your mind due to too much pressure, and now We still have plenty of chakra, I think we can split up a few more avatars to consider together."

Almost at the same time, the underwater figure, that is, the water body in the mouth of the shadow clone of the bamboo figure, spoke, and in the words, it was a very pertinent and timely proposal.

"That's right."

But the words of the water body fell, and the shadow clone just finished speaking nodded and said.

Although he had some quarrels with Shui before, this is what he wanted to say.

After all, they have inherited the memory and thinking patterns of the ontology, and they may appear different, but in essence, they are all Chiba, and what Chiba thought of, as long as they get the same detailed information as the ontology, they can also I can think of it.


Then, after the two of them finished speaking three sentences, their originally relieved faces froze immediately, and their eyes reflected the horrified face and stiff body of their own bodies.

"What's wrong with the body? What did you find?"

In an instant, they all thought of something, and their faces became serious.

"Shadow Clone, I want you to quickly calculate the route that Obito took after Lin was taken away, hurry up!"

And at this moment, the frightened look on Qianye's face turned into anxiety, and he opened his mouth to speak.

Obito's route?

Hearing the words, the shadow clone was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Leave it to me!"

"Water body, I want you to go into the water again, go there and see if there are bamboo pieces or bamboo-like weapons below! Report immediately, right there, search accurately!"

Hearing the words of the shadow clone, Qianye did not respond, but almost at the same time as the shadow clone responded, he pointed his right hand and pointed to his back, which is in front of the water body, close to a certain place on the opposite bank in the water body's vision. direction.


The water body was no nonsense, and with a "puchi", it plunged into the water, and as soon as it swung itself, it passed under the water of Qianye, and rushed to the direction Qianye was pointing at.

Could it be that……

Better not!

And after finishing speaking, he glanced at the three stones in the shape of "pin" that were extremely close to each other when he came, and began to frown and calculate the shadow clone, his heart was beating fast, and he squatted silently He lowered his body and lightly pressed his hands on the surface of the water.

Almost still.

After pressing it, he felt the direction of the water flow, and such a thought came to his mind naturally.


Then, following this natural thought, Qianye's heart, which was already beating rapidly, thumped again, and the hope of "preferably not" in his heart sank suddenly.

And during this sinking, he looked back in this half-squat position, and his eyes fell on the opposite bank. The part of the other bank that was close to the water surface was almost erected, half of it was under the water, and half of it was attached to the water. Slightly dark green leaves on mud banks.

So, in other words, this green leaf should not move, where it was originally, it will be there...

No, it is slightly moving with the current. Although the water hardly flows, it is living water after all, and it will always move.

The leaves will hardly move as they follow the water flow, but they will still move.

So, that is to say, it shouldn't be long before it falls!

And the place where it fell should be just under my feet or a little distance in front of my feet. Just now, because my water wall lifted the water waves, it was on the shore, and it was pushed to its current position by the water waves.



Thinking of this, Qianye stood up abruptly, couldn't help but smacked her mouth to show her dissatisfaction and anxiety.


And at this moment, Qianye Zhanli's stall, a hand suddenly stretched out from the water, propped on the water surface, and then, Shui Shui body crawled out from under the water surface, opened his mouth and said: "The main body, there is a piece of water that has been cut into pieces below." The arrow-shaped bamboo tube and some broken pieces of bamboo, judging from the condition of the sedimentation, it should have just sunk not long ago, and according to preliminary estimates, it has sunk for no more than three to five minutes."

three to five minutes...

Hearing this, the main body Qianye frowned, and a thought quickly flashed through his mind.

"Ontology, what do you mean, it won't be..."

Seeing Chiba's reaction, the water body who stood up on the water also frowned, and spoke very heavily.

"It's basically confirmed now, but fortunately, the time is not tight, and there should be time."

Hearing the words of the water body, Qianye nodded slightly, then turned around and looked at the separated shadow body.



Now, it's a bit bad!

Although the main body said so, the current situation is really possible at any time...

As soon as the main body Qianye said this, the originally dignified and serious face of the water body froze immediately, and his heart skipped a beat.

"It's figured out!"

At this moment, the main body Qianye turned around and stood still, and when Shuishui jumped physically and mentally, the shadow clone let out an exclamation.

"How to go?"

Afterwards, the main body said that it couldn't wait.

"Go back along the original road, and then we need to find a primeval forest near this bamboo forest. According to the scene in memory, Obito finally came to a forest. The trees there are original giant trees that are special products of Hokage."

Hearing the impatience of the main body, the shadow clone turned his head and said, "I think we should go in three ways, one way back, one way to the left, and the other way to the right. The exact direction after walking back."

"Well, then I will go to the left, the shadow clone, you go back the same way, and the water clone, you go to the right. If you two find it, you will immediately cancel the clone technique."

Hearing this, Chiba said immediately.

Then, without waiting for the two avatars to react, they flew towards the left side of the original road.

"Water body...the main body is..."

Seeing the main body that flew out and disappeared into the vast bamboo, the shadow clone was slightly taken aback.

"Stop talking, it's too late!"

But the water body that responded to him also disappeared into the vast giant bamboo on the right in a flash, leaving only this sentence.

Too late?

What's too late?

Hearing this sentence, looking at the water body that disappeared from the bamboo forest, the shadow body was stunned.


That's too late!

Then, his heart shuddered, his face changed drastically, and his current figure flickered, and he flew directly towards the avenue when he came.


So it is!

Not that fate might have been changed, but...

Lin has been kidnapped!

Everything has already happened!

in advance……


Amidst the whistling wind, the shadow clone clenched its teeth tightly, still understanding in its heart!

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