Chapter 939: Sang Tian! sea!

In the last blow, I didn't hesitate to kill my own shadow clone, just to make it impossible for me to react effectively, so as to ensure the inevitable hit of the attack.

Moreover, this last blow was also carried out under the condition that the chakra coat that would inevitably shatter me would hurt me...

It turned out that it wasn't that he was so careful that he couldn't use his body to attack!

It's just to ensure the last blow, it's the last blow!

All the tactics of this kid are actually just such a core idea!

The reason why he can use clone tactics so well is because his tactical thinking is the core idea of ​​clone tactics!

What is the clone tactic, it is to use the clone as a bait to lure the enemy to reveal its flaws, so as to ensure that the attack of the main body can be effective!

No matter how the avatar tactic changes, how many branches it has, and how many tactics it will evolve into, in the final analysis, no matter how many avatars there are, they all exist for this purpose!

And this Taki Chiba's tactical thinking is just this, but the final part of his thinking is not to ensure that the main body attack can be effective, but the main body's blow, which must be the last blow, no matter how this Taki Chiba's tactics are. Changes, how rich and unexpected, and finally these tactical steps are actually for this "final blow".

This level of tactical thinking...

It seems to be cautious and cautious, but in fact, it is a terrifying idea of ​​absolute control over the situation of the battle!

Let the inevitable become inevitable!

Turn possible victory into inevitable victory!

This is simply extremely tyrannical control of the battle situation!

The gray and black scene flashed past, and quickly shrank into the eyes of the third generation of Raikage. After the scenes flashed in his mind, a series of thoughts quietly appeared in his heart, and finally, turned into A sigh of helplessness.

In this battle, even if Taki Chiba finally died because of forbidden or secret techniques, he lost, and he lost completely, convinced!

At this moment, he seemed to understand his brother's mood a little bit.

At this moment, he no longer feels ashamed because he lost to a child who was only eleven or twelve years old. He even faintly felt that his defeat may have witnessed the opening of an era.

The beginning of an era that no one before us could have imagined.

And the center of this era may not be the golden flash sweeping the ninja world, but this little immortal monster in front of him.


Thinking of this, the third Raikage let out a long breath, focused his attention on the young man in front of him who indicated that he would stop fighting, and said, "Then, you..."




However, before he finished his words, the attention of the young man in front of him and himself was attracted by another change.

On his right side, Taki Chiba's left side, on the surface of the water that was flowing slowly and gradually weakened, tiny bubbles slowly popped up one by one.

This is?

At this time, Qianye, who was looking to her left, frowned slightly, with a little suspicion in her eyes.

Could it be that these are the clouds?

At this moment, a slightly disappointed thought popped up in his heart.

Yes, disappointed!

To be honest, he was still thinking just now, with such a large ninjutsu power and scope, I am afraid that those Yunyin elites will not escape death, it is like killing two birds with one stone.

Not only defeated the third generation of Raikage, but also completed the real plan, and weakened Yun Yin, which relieved the pressure on Konoha's front line to some extent, and even created a possible counterattack opportunity.

But now, it seems that these Yunyin have some way to preserve themselves, and looking at the densely packed bubble area on the left, it seems that there are quite a few survivors.

His idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone seems to be wrong.


At this moment, a series of thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind, and the bubbles became more and more intense. Soon, clusters of yellow things were faintly visible under the water, and with the speed of the bubbles, , became clearer and clearer, and even the water surface began to ripple layer by layer, colliding with each other and scattering, and the lake surface that had started to calm down was not calm again.

It appears that they are all right!

At this time, the third generation of Raikage was relieved. These bubbles were obviously proof that someone was underwater, and they were still floating up.

As for the looming yellow object, it made him smile even more.

As expected of... my most trusted confidant!

At the same time, his heart is also sincerely appreciated.

"Huh huh..."

"Huh huh..."

Then, just when the two of them were thinking about each other, light yellow spheres burst out of the water amidst the sound of water, floating on the surface of the water, one piece of yellow pressure, from the water surface extended out.

And looking at the ups and downs, Chiba and the third Raikage could tell that the spherical object was not light, and there was probably something heavy hidden inside.

Even, both of them are very familiar with this pale yellow sphere, and they can roughly guess what it is.


Seeing these floating spheres, such a thought quietly appeared in Qianye's heart, and he already knew it.

"Papa papa!"

"Papa papa!"

"Papa papa!"

Then, when his thoughts turned, the large yellow sphere suddenly split from it, turning into two halves, and the half fell on the water surface, floating with the water. After that, there was a series of treading water sound.

When the light yellow sphere cracked and fell to the water surface, black shadows jumped out of it, stepped on the water surface, and gasps followed.

When Qianye took a closer look, an expression that was as expected appeared on his face.

These figures are undoubtedly those Yunyin elites!

"Lord Tutai!"

"Quick! Medical Ninja!"

"Master Tutai fainted, the situation is very dangerous!"

But at this time, the panting sound had not subsided, and the most central position of the Yunyin ninjas trampling on the water surface, there was a burst of anxious exclamation, as if some very important person had fallen into a desperate situation, even, The exclamation was a bit hoarse and sharp.


"This is……"


Then, the exclamation did not receive a direct reply or response, but what responded to him was a sound of tongue opening and body shaking.

When the Yunyin who heard the exclamation raised their heads or turned their heads one after another, these Yunyin elites were stunned one by one, standing still, their entire bodies froze after the shock, looking at In front of my eyes, everything froze!

Some people even sweated from their foreheads, and some couldn't help but swallowed with a "gudong".

But at this moment, in their eyes, there are endless water colors everywhere in their eyes, and in the sparkling waves, there is no limit!

That vast grassland turned into this huge endless lake in this instant!

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