Chapter 937 That Punch Begins!


Just at the opening where the water pressure of the water polo dropped sharply and the water flowed out like arrows, the two fists collided heavily.


Immediately, at the moment when the fists touched, the oblique upper part of the water polo formed by the compression of the ocean-like water volume of the lake exploded, and the water flow shattered like a flower, spraying and blooming.

And as the big canopy burst into bloom, the place where the two fists touched immediately exploded into a circular anhydrous zone, and the entire water polo seemed to be suddenly missing a piece, turning into a crescent. Just above the crescent gap, there is a huge water lotus blooming, and the water splashes like a waterfall.

Still have such spare energy?

Just out of the shackles of the water pressure, the third generation of Raikage, who was about to step on the high-density water flow to protrude the water polo, opened his eyes slightly, reflecting the figure of the boy who punched him from the top.


And at this moment, on the right hand that he punched subconsciously, the crack burst open from the fist, extending all the way to the forearm, and didn't stop until the shoulder.


At this moment, the right fist of the young man in his eyes also burst, a kind of crack with a light water color suddenly split from the surface of his indistinguishable skin, and immediately, blood mixed with a little water color burst out. It shot out, sprayed in the air, and sprinkled on his cheeks.

So that's the case, the new protection is the water escape technique?

The principle should be the same as the rock hardening technique, except that the earth escape technique has the characteristic of "hardness", so it only needs to be covered on the body surface.

As for the water escape technique, a large amount of water needs to be compressed to make it "hard", which consumes more chakra compared to the rock hardening technique.

However, compared with the rock hardening technique, there is no doubt that the defense mechanism of this water escape technique is better. This compressed water shield not only has the "hard" quality of rock hardening, but also has the flexibility of high-density water , if done properly, even this kind of high-density water can be used to relieve part of the force by using the force of the opponent's attack to cause the water to flow.

Moreover, if absolute pure water is extracted, it can also be immune to my Thunder Dun to a certain extent.

This kid...

In the water escape technique, there is no such defensive ninjutsu that covers the body surface. There is no doubt that this kid has enough chakra, relying on the superb fine control of chakra, and the ability to control the water escape chakra. It is a super ninjutsu that can only be produced by perfect mastery and fusion of the nature and form changes.

The degree of difficulty is probably an S-level ninjutsu.

From the effect point of view, it is enough to block my full-strength punch, which is enough to be included in the ninjutsu of A-level power and above.

At this moment, the splash of blood and the color of water flashed in his eyes, and the third Raikage who saw this scene for the second time immediately understood the reason.


At this time, the third generation of Raikage, who had turned his thoughts in his mind, stepped on the water flow below, that is, on the ultra-high-density water flow that has not yet burst in the crescent gap and is about to burst. The fists that were tightly touching also opened a gap slightly, and the third Raikage's figure fell suddenly, and Chiba was also hit by the huge force of the third Raikage's hand, and moved up a little bit.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

And at this moment, the moment the gap between the two fists opened, dozens of water arrows suddenly spiraled under the burst water lotus behind Qianye's head, turning into a rain of spiral water arrows and shooting out. Right in front of the third generation of Raikage.

Perfect attack connection...

At this moment, Sandai Raikage couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart, but his eyes looked behind him.

However, such a simple and obvious follow-up attack, how could it be true!

And just when this natural thought flashed in his mind, a young figure suddenly flashed out of Sandai Raikage's backward vision.

When he caught the eyes of the three generations of Raikage, the boy was obviously stunned for a moment, his eyes slightly opened.


Then, there was a flash of pitch-black lightning, and the boy's slightly opened eyes widened suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth immediately, and a pitch-black lightning spear pierced through him from the position of the third Raikage's left hand His heart pierced out from behind, sizzle.


To be stupefied during the battle is simply to let me stab you on purpose!

However, the third generation of Raikage was not strict with his eyes, his eyes turned suddenly, and his right hand pointed to Hell Kanshou, and he suddenly raised his hand and stabbed forward.


Immediately, like a flash of thunder in the lacquered night, blood spewed out of the blue and white lightning dragged by the thunder and fire.

The figure that stepped on the crescent water, raised its chest and clenched its fists, crouched in mid-air immediately, its eyes widened in astonishment.


Unbelievable words, spit out gently from his buzzing mouth that kept gushing blood, the boy's widened eyes moved down little by little, and landed on the flickering thunder that penetrated his heart. On the Hand of Hell wrapped in the Ultralisk Chakra coat.

"Crack, clap, clap!"

And at this time, almost at the same time, dozens of water arrows hit the sound, and one after another, small water sprays exploded on the cracked Thunder Dun chakra coat, but it had no effect at all, even if it was cracked The Thunder Dun chakra coat and the spiral water arrow are not damaged at all!


At this moment, the boy behind him suddenly exploded into a white mist.

Left... or right?

What else is there to attack?

But at this time, the third Raikage's eyeballs moved left and right, without even looking at the blood-drenched boy hanging on his hand, but more carefully searching for traces of the enemy.

Of course he didn't think that Taki Chiba could be killed so easily!

Especially this Taki Chiba's attack this time is very likely to be the last attack, this little monster must have planned carefully.

How could it end so easily?

Thanks to so many benefits, he didn't need to think about the situation.


However, at this moment, the young figure hanging on his hand suddenly grabbed his arm with both hands, the horrified expression on the corner of his mouth disappeared immediately, and a smile of successful scheme suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, his heart suddenly trembled.


At this moment, his spiritual light also flashed suddenly, his eyes suddenly looked back, and the grabbed right arm directly led the hanging youth figure to rush across behind him!

left? right?

Of course not!

At this time, the left and right sides have a wide field of vision, and I will be aware of any attack, and the best attack direction, how could it be these two directions!

The best position is naturally behind. I blocked an attack just now, so I definitely wouldn't expect him to attack from behind!

Moreover, there is a white mist that explodes from the shadow clone behind it!

This direction, no matter from the spirit or reality, is the best direction!

Certainly, must be behind!

At this moment, his heart is still clear.


However, at this very moment, when he was holding the black lightning spear with his left hand, and his right arm stretched across him, a familiar cold voice suddenly sounded in front of him.


At this moment, his eyes opened suddenly, and he looked back suddenly, his heart was already horrified!

Then, before he could look back, his head turned back, one hand, five fingers stretched out...

It has already been pressed on his head!

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