Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 924 Slow down! too slow!


Amidst the chaotic and noisy landing, there was a particularly heavy sound of footsteps on the ground.

It's over!

Too late to retreat!

With this sound, the thigh muscles tensed suddenly, and the earth platform, ready to jump up again, stared at the position directly in front of him with its wide right eye. Although there was nothing there, he was shocked and desperate. On his face, it can be seen that he is facing a life and death situation! And the direction he was looking at was exactly the direction of the finger-sized holes that rotated on the smoke screen.

Then, the next moment, when the desperate thoughts in his heart turned, the skin between his eyebrows twisted suddenly, following the direction of the spinning hole, twisted!

Immediately, severe pain and a hard and cold touch came over.


But at this moment, a wry smile crossed the corner of Tutai's mouth.


too slow!

The speed of retreating is too slow!

The speed is not on the same level at all!

This thought of helplessness or despair flashed through his mind. Although he noticed it, he issued an order as quickly as possible, and his comrades also carried out his order as quickly as possible.

However, it was still too late, the attack came too fast, far beyond the speed they could evade!

Moreover, this time, not only his life on the earth platform is over, but also most of the comrades behind him, Yun Yin's elite, that is to say, Yun Yin's prospects in this war are also over!

If it's just his life, death is death, it doesn't matter at all.

The reason why he was helpless and desperate was because he thought that Nei Yunyin was about to wipe out his elite!

Once the entire army on the rear battlefield is wiped out, the front battlefield will fall into the situation of being attacked from both sides, and the entire Yunyin battlefield troops will collapse.

For the rest, there are only two choices.

The first one, fighting to the death and never retreating, eventually the entire army was wiped out when all the supplies were not cut off, no support, and no help. Weak, at the mercy of others, and unlike Wu Yin, Yun Yin is not isolated from the mainland, it is inevitable to be bullied, and the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

The second one is forced to surrender. The troops on the front battlefield surrendered to Konoha or Iwagakure, completely lost the war, and were arbitrarily slaughtered when they were repairing the alliance. Like Yin, it is still unimaginable to become the weakest in the ninja world who can compete with Konoha.

No matter which choice he chooses, for Yunyin, there are only two words: "Fuck"!


And at this moment, when desperate and helpless thoughts flooded his mind, a stream of blood spurted out from between his eyebrows and splashed into the air.


A sound of bones breaking followed.

it's over……

Feeling the pain of the broken skull between his brows, Tutai cracked a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly closed his eyes.

I'm sorry, Lord Raikage III!

I failed the village!

"Damn Taki Chiba!"

But at this moment, when Tutai closed his eyes in despair, and his thoughts were all hopeless, a loud shout suddenly exploded in his ear, and then his right shoulder suddenly hurt, and the huge force Instant down.

Then, he only felt that the hard and cold thing that was spinning and tearing his flesh and bones at the center of the eyebrow suddenly stopped, and then it left the center of his eyebrow at a speed faster than it rushed. place.

Suddenly, the pain cleared up, and the sound of bones breaking stopped, and the wind blew up in my ears.

"Medical Ninja!"

After that, there was another bang, which sounded from two or three meters away.


Then, behind him, a familiar voice echoed.


Afterwards, his back sank, with a slight pain, the sound of the wind in his ears stopped suddenly, and the touch of the four hands suddenly emerged from his back.

"Don't move, Master Tutai!"

At this time, the familiar female voice sounded again, and his forehead was filled with warmth.

"This is……"

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in his field of vision, he could only feel a faint green light, and the warm feeling on his forehead became more intense.

medical ninjutsu...

And that booming sound...

A few thoughts suddenly flashed in my mind, but the earth platform didn't have time to care about the green light, and the injury on the forehead and brow, and didn't focus on the hand that was slowly supported by the hand behind me to sit down, and my eyes suddenly looked at ahead.

At this moment, in front of two or three meters, the dense lightning flashes that almost formed a human shape slowly spread out, revealing a burly and familiar figure with a sense of security. Ignition is flickering, and brilliant blue and white lightning spreads from the front of this figure, reflecting a bright blue and white nearby.

Three generations of Raikage-sama!

The already desperate heart suddenly shot out the name that seemed to give him infinite strength just by chanting it.

In this situation, obviously, it was the ninja who had the strongest name of Yun Yin who rescued him at a critical moment.

"Master Tutai, are you alright!"

At this time, the familiar female voice of the medical ninja sounded softly.

"I'm fine... I'm fine..."

At this moment, the pain of the skin and bones being drilled away became intense again, his heart jumped suddenly, and the shock just came out.

so close!

Almost died!

However, after the panic broke out, he breathed a long sigh of relief. The horror and despair in his heart slowly dissipated with the unique warmth of medical ninjutsu, as well as the feeling of pain relief from the healing of the flesh and bones between the eyebrows.

"Lord Tutai!"

"Quick, protect Master Tutai!"

"Formation ready!"

"The wounded back!"

"All unhurt..."

But at this time, the voices of each team leader were caught off guard and slightly horrified, and a series of voices sounded.

Then, his eyes darkened, and one after another, Yunyin's comrades in arms stood in front of him, covering the burly figure on the left and right in an instant.

And in his eyes, the side faces of his subordinates showed fear, horror, astonishment that hadn't calmed down, and some people even felt a little incomprehensible fear, but there was no trace of confusion in everyone's eyes. , A trace of hesitation, quickly surrounded him, uniform.

"It's okay, Tutai!"

Afterwards, in front of the crowd of Lord Himself, a familiar voice full of security sounded.

"It's okay...Three generations of Raikage-sama!"

Hearing this sound, Tutai quickly responded.


Then, there is a simple word.

Three generations of Raikage-sama...

But it was this simple one that shocked the Tutai.

What the hell am I thinking?

Is now the time to give up?

The third Raikage-sama is still fighting, but should I give up fighting?


i really...

To be frightened by this Taki Chiba!

Obviously there is still a way!

There is still a way!

At this moment, it seemed that the gloom in his heart had completely lifted, and he suddenly became enlightened!

"Get out of the way, I can't see the battle!"

But at this time, when a thought flashed through his mind, a resolute voice blurted out!

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