Chapter 922 It should be there!


The white mist mixed with smoke and dust separated up and down quickly flashed back, the face of the third generation of Raikage reflected by the thunder light flickered, and the helpless and wry smile of Qianye's face was also reflected in an uncertain light and dark.

Nothing to do?

But at this time, just when the finger of Hell Kanshou was about to touch Chiba's eyebrows, the corners of Raikage's eyes twitched slightly.

Is there really... no limit?

Did this kid make the final blow after just four consecutive high-speed feints?

Will it really go so smoothly?

Couldn't he have guessed that I was waiting for the blow?

In his eyes, the posture that I raised my head to avoid just now is really just a movement of avoidance? Didn't he see my gaze, didn't he know that I had detected his intention in that glance?


And at the moment when the corner of his eye twitched, a series of suspicious thoughts flashed through Sandai Raikage's mind. At this moment, a strong alertness suddenly arose in his heart, and it spread to his entire consciousness in an instant.

This is his fighting instinct.

Then, at this moment, his eyes moved, and the little monster that was about to be killed by him came into view.

Black fire... is real!

However, it cannot be ruled out that Taki Chiba is a shadow clone!

Feeling the heat radiating from the right foot deeply embedded in the ground, the third Raikage knew without looking at the foot that was standing on the side of this little monster's waist, it was the real kind that could not be extinguished and burned everything. The pitch-black flames, not the forged ones that Taki Chiba used ninjutsu such as Transfiguration!

His body, posture...

The body is intact, with his resilience, it's normal!


At the end of the attack, there is no way to make the next move. Even if he is now in the posture of supporting the ground with his hands and kicking my chin with his left foot, but when he reaches the ground, his left leg has not been kicked out. It will be penetrated by the hands of hell, which is useless!

This time is also the most perfect time!

Along with the previous thoughts, the various analysis thoughts of the three generations of Raikage rose almost at the same time.

And his expression...

It is also helpless and suffering that there is nothing to do...



Helpless wry smile?

Will this expression come from this kid's face?

This brat who refuses to give up even in death, has such an expression of resignation?

And at the moment when the idea of ​​analyzing the opponent's expression surfaced, the third Raikage's figure suddenly stopped.


There was a sharp thunderclap sound suddenly, and the piercing finger of Hell Guanshou stopped abruptly with this pause, staying in the middle of Qianye's eyebrows, leaving a slight dent on his forehead.

However, no skin punctures!


And at this moment, when the deadly finger stopped, Qianye slapped the ground with both hands propped back.

Then, without kicking with his left leg, and without any other counterattack movements, Chiba's wry smile and helplessness froze instantly!

Oops, he found out!

But at this moment, a slightly unbelievable thought appeared in his heart.


The intention was guessed again!

Looking at the finger of Hell Guanshou that stopped in front of his brow, Chiba's eyes stretched all the way up, and his heart trembled.

But at this time, in his eyes, there was a reflection of the slightly tilted face of the third Raikage who suddenly enlarged, and the eyes of the third Raikage suddenly looking to his right!

This is... what kind of attack!

At the same time, in the eyes of the third Raikage who glanced to the left suddenly, there was a reflection of the steaming white smoke in the left direction,

At this moment, in this white smoke screen, a finger-thick spiral hollow is spinning soundlessly, as if something spinning at high speed has just penetrated the smoke screen and hit him!


And at this moment, when a thought of astonishment flashed through the mind of the third generation of Raikage, a crack climbed up on the broken Thunder Dunk chakra coat on the cheek that he leaned back.


Then, there was another sound, and the crack spread directly towards the chakra coat on the right cheek.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Afterwards, there was a continuous cracking sound of hard objects, starting from the crack in the Lei Dun chakra coat on the left cheek, moving all the way to the right cheek, passing over the bridge of the nose, and the right cheek has been pierced by the Lei Dun chakra coat on the right cheek , Pull out a horizontal and fine crack band from the left cheek through the bridge of the nose to the right cheek.


Then, a sound that penetrated the barrier sounded in his right ear.

What is this...

And following this sound, the gaze of the third Raikage also followed the crack all the way, until it fell on the slowly rotating hollow on the smoke screen on his right.

Was dodged!

At this time, like the third generation of Raikage, Chiba's gaze also fell on the hole that rotated on the smoke screen, but unlike the horror in the eyes of the third generation of Raikage, there was only a trace of regret and a trace of solemnity in his pupils!

At this moment, the series of attacks just now flashed through his mind, and his heart almost shuddered.

This is definitely not a coincidence!

This definitely saw through my attack methods and ways!

The third generation of Raikage has already understood my attack method!


There is already a very effective way to deal with my clone tactics!

At this moment, Qianye's heart became clear, and it was definitely not a coincidence that his several attacks were all dodged within a hair's breadth.

But the fighting style of the third generation of Raikage, or the way of dealing with him, has changed!

so close!

If it had been stabbed just now, then this invisible attack would have pierced through my temple!

This is his real attack!

His real purpose!

Everything before was just a foreshadowing, including this kick, it was all a feint. His real killing move was the one just now!

That invisible attack!

At the same time, the heart of the three generations of Raikage who escaped in the past almost trembled. He was just a little bit close, and he might lose his life!

Although I didn't see what kind of attack it was, but looking at the fierceness slowly healed in front of his cheeks, we can see that this blow is entirely possible to penetrate his Lightning Dunk Chakra coat. The current appearance should be just Wipe the attack, just wipe it, there is such a crack, being hit in the front, the third generation of Raikage is really not sure what will happen, whether his Thunder Dunk chakra coat can stop it.

However, this blow also told me where his body is!

Thinking of this, the third Raikage sent it forward suddenly, and with a "bang", Taki Chiba in front of him was pierced into a white mist, leaving behind a black flame that burned like a right leg and foot, and the third Raikage But without even looking at it, his head suddenly turned to his left side.

The main body should be there!

At this moment, the killing intent in his heart soared, and with a "pop", the ground under his right foot cracked suddenly, and even the pitch-black flame seemed to split a few petals.

Then, his face changed in horror, and he turned his head suddenly!

No, not right!

Oh no!

His purpose!

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