Chapter 918 Back! rewind!


The right fist and the right fist collided fiercely, and the figures of Qianye and the third Raikage, who jumped up and punched, suddenly appeared from the flash of thunder and black flames.


Then, accompanied by the rumbling sound of skin and flesh colliding, a huge gust of wind suddenly burst out from the point where the two fists were struck, rolled up the broken soil and grass on the ground, and blown away the two groups of holes. The dust and dust of broken earth swept outwards and spread out.


And at this moment, seeing the strong wind that rolled in with the broken soil and grass clippings, the earth platform opened its eyes suddenly, crossed its hands suddenly to block, and then flew back and retreated. The moment the figure moved, the mouth was already high Shout out.

In the next battle, he would never want to get too close to these two people!

Whether it is the third generation of Raikage or this Taki Chiba, they are all Kage-level figures, and even among the Kage-level, they are all at the forefront, and they are all good at physical skills. Their strength and speed are impeccable, and they will never be able to reached the extent!

Anyone, any ninja with a little bit of common sense would know the battle between these two Kage-ranks, they must never get close to them, they can only watch from a distance.


For the next battle, they can only wait and see from a distance, let alone intervene, if they get closer, it may cause irreparable consequences!

What they can do now is to hide far away, so as not to be accidentally injured by the two of them!

"Back! Back quickly!"

"Now is not the time to be in a daze!"

"Let's go! Let's go, the wounded will retreat together!"

At this time, the Yunyin ninjas behind the platform also reacted abruptly. One by one, they all retreated, or picked up the injured teammates beside them, or pulled over the medical staff who hadn't reacted in the fastest way. The speed retreats, and in the process of retreating, whether it is an injured teammate, a medical staff, or those Yunyin ninjas who are holding or pulling people, who raised their hands to cover the rolling debris After the movement, the eyeballs were not far from the two people whose fists collided in front of them.

Although saying this may be somewhat disrespectful to Lord Raikage of the third generation, but just relying on the wind of fists to set off such a strong wind, it is simply...

Two monsters!

At this time, such a thought flashed through their minds.


At this moment, the two people in the arena jumped up and punched, and with the almost simultaneous landing sound, their fists collided and landed lightly.


Then there was the sound of a hard object shattering, and a crack climbed up the crackling, lightning arc-like Thunder Dun chakra coat that wrapped the pot-like fist like spikes.

"Ka... Kaka... Kaka..."

Then, the second, third, fourth... A series of cracks slowly spread away from the Thunder Dun chakra coat where the fist was thinking about the position of the arm.


And looking at the cracks that spread like glass shattering, the face was calm, the Thunder Beast Chakra coat of the third generation of Raikage was flickering, but the eyes didn't even look at it, but the muscles on the cheeks, Still couldn't help trembling, the pupils shrank slightly after all.

The Lei Dun chakra coat is almost unable to stop this kid's strength!

Although he still didn't feel the pain, and the huge force that erupted at that moment was completely blocked, but the third Raikage knew very well that this Taki Chiba's strength was much stronger. When it comes to other people, that person's entire arm will probably be shrunk into the shoulder, and one blow can be fatal!

At this moment, even though he was protected by the Thunder-Tun Chakra coat, he still felt his arm sore, and the only ones who could fight him to this extent were his partner, his Bi, who also mastered the Thunder-Tun Chakra Mode, His brother!


After a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Sandai Raikage's eyeballs moved slightly down to the left, looking at the pitch-black flame that had burned above Taki Chiba's knee, his heart trembled!

Unexpectedly, this kid actually took advantage of the pitch-black flame attached to his feet to successfully contain me!

Unconsciously, the third Raikage gritted his teeth. Now he has to pay attention to the black flame while moving at a high speed, which is Taki Chiba's right foot. , maintaining such a high-intensity Lightning Escape Chakra Mode, he has no spare energy to use any clones anymore!

And in a battle of this speed, a moment of hesitation and distraction may slow down the reaction, be preempted, or even be beaten.

It can be said that this move of Taki Chiba completely restricted his speed, or at least limited his speed to a certain range that Taki Chiba could fully react to!

Really, the immeasurable boy, using his super resilient immortal body, can offset the damage of this flame to himself to the greatest extent, and can move freely, relying on his own huge tailed beast... no, it is completely tailed beast level The amount of chakra turned the black flames that he could not control at all into a power that could be used in body arts...

One mistake turned out to be the biggest reliance!


A scary little monster!

In the heart of the third generation of Raikage, he couldn't help sighing. At the same time, the cautiousness and fear in his eyes became more intense. He could clearly see that the place where Taki Chiba was covered by black fire was being burned again and again. Healed quickly again, obviously, this Taki Chiba is not immune to the black fire.


Just at this moment, a cracking sound sounded again.

The strength of these three generations of Raikage... is simply amazing!

But this time, it was Chiba's eyes that snapped open. At this moment, in his eyes, there was a reflection of his fist that collided with the third generation of Raikage. At this moment, in his fist Above, on the surface of the flesh, a crack has been cracked.


Then, there was a series of shattering sounds, and the range from his fist to his arm was instantly covered with dense cracks.


In the next instant, fresh blood spurted out from the gap in the crack, splashing and flying into the air.

So it is!

At this moment, the third generation of Lei Ying's eyes suddenly flashed.


And the next moment, there was a muffled muffled sound of flesh, from under the colliding right fists, it sounded again and spread far away.


Amid the crackling sound, the left-hand Raikage's chakra coat, which was passed under the right hand by the third generation of Raikage, suddenly cracked and stretched all the way to the arm.


And at this moment, Chiba's teeth suddenly clenched, and a puddle of blood shot out from the front of Third Raikage's left fist, splashing out obliquely, dripping down.

Although it suppressed my speed and strength, unlike mine, his defense couldn't resist my strength!

And at this moment, such a thought flashed through Raikage Sandai's heart in surprise, and there was a "click" on his left hand, almost another puddle of blood gushed out from the front of his left hand, dripping onto the ground, forming dark spots.

However, in the next moment, his eyes suddenly stared, and his face suddenly turned aside.

This is... bad!

At this moment, in his line of sight, below the intersection of his left fist and Taki Chiba's blood-stained fist that rushed to collide, a red ball was falling on the ground. superior!


Immediately, a cloud of pink smoke exploded, engulfing the figures of the two in an instant, and spread out suddenly.

smoke bomb!

This kid is going to...

And at the moment when the line of sight was occupied by pink, cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the third generation of Raikage!

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