Chapter 913 Absolutely! absolute!

"Tick tock..."

The dark red blood dripped slowly from the crooked cheeks, fell from the chin, and was hidden in the fading smoke and dust that was spreading out.

The dark eyes turned slightly with the blood falling, and that stern gaze fell on the three generations of Raikage, Tutai and Yunyin ninjas at this moment, and their reflections were reflected in their eyes.

But in the eyes of the Tutai and Yanyin ninjas, there is nothing in the picture they imagined.

Under such a dense thunderstorm, in their imagination, the face emerging from the dust and smoke should be riddled with red and white, no, even if it is not riddled with holes, there should be a few A hole, or adding some rock debris or cracked rock skin, it shouldn't just be like this now, there are two shallow blood marks on the left cheek, and a slightly deeper blood mark on the right cheek!

And the scene in front of them, they also know what it represents.

The strength of this little monster has already surpassed their imagination!

In such a dense thunderstorm, he only suffered such a small injury, and he did not use the rock hardening technique, and they knew the power of the black thunder. Without protection, the body alone would inevitably will be sieved. Moreover, this kid is using Water Dungeon and Earth Dungeon, which they all know. Of these two kinds of escape techniques, one is restrained by Lightning Dungeon, and the other has no restraint effect on Thunder Dungeon. No amount of protection is absolutely impossible to block the rain of black thunder.

The only possibility is that he avoided all the attacks of the black thunderstorm in this dense thunderstorm, and only three black thunderstorms hit him, and they only just passed by!

This kind of thing, even their third generation Raikage-sama can't do it!

It's impossible!

Of course, it is impossible for the third Raikage-sama to be defeated by this black thunderstorm. With the thunder escape chakra mode, even this black thunder cannot hurt the third-generation Raikage-sama. Even if their third-generation Raikage-sama stands still, Nothing will happen!

However, this little monster also managed not to be hurt by the black thunderstorm, which is a bit beyond their common sense!

What kind of speed and responsiveness is needed to avoid the black thunder in such a small area?

This is simply unbelievable!

This is simply terrifying!

At this moment, Tutai and Yunyin ninjas were almost dumbfounded, their faces turned pale uncontrollably, and the cold sweat dripped from their foreheads, and they could no longer meet those stern eyes. When it was fixed, unconsciously, they all lowered their eyes slightly, avoiding to catch their eyes.

During the slight movement of the figure, there was an irresistible feeling of wanting to step back.


And this time, quite a few people couldn't help swallowing.


No matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to completely avoid my thunderstorm in such a small area, leaving only such a little injury.

At this time, the three generations of Raikage on the right side of the earth platform and Yunyin's troops frowned tightly. Compared with the earthen platform and Yunyin's troops, the strongest Yunyin obviously needs to be calm many.

He already has one of the best speeds in the ninja world, and he knows the limit of high-speed movement. If it is said that Taki Chiba moved out of the attack range of the thunderstorm at that moment, thus avoiding the attack of the thunderstorm, then, He could only lament that this kid's speed and reaction had really reached a terrifying situation, but it was not impossible!

But, within the range of a thunderstorm?

Avoiding such a dense and fast thunderstorm?


Straightforwardly, it can be said that it is impossible!

This is no longer what humans can do!

This kid must have used some kind of protective measures!

Just like that punch just now!

The third generation of Raikage is very calm, and his thinking is very clear. The punch that hit Taki Chiba's face before flashed through his mind. The feeling of touch is very strange, although it is also like hitting on a hard The feeling on the object is very different from the touch of the rock hardening technique.

It is very possible that Taki Chiba's method of defending against the thunderstorm is the method of defending against his punch just now!

As for avoiding this kind of thing, it is absolutely impossible!

This point, he is very clear.


At this moment, Sandai Raikage's thoughts changed in his mind, convinced that this Taki Chiba used some kind of protective method he didn't know to defend against his thunderstorm, but his eyes flashed suddenly, and the corner of his mouth immediately twitched. tilted up.

This little monster!

At the same time, the earth platform on the other side and the Yunyin ninjas were all shocked, and their pale face, stiff expression, and frightened eyes immediately changed!

Could it be that……


To be... no, to be frightened again!

By this teenage boy!

Unknowingly, the jaws of the earthen platform were clenched again!

This... this is...

Could it be that……

That's it, that's it, this little monster, that's it!

But at this time, the Yunyin ninjas all showed joy one by one, and the corners of their mouths curled up uncontrollably.

Very good!

That's great!

Just like their expressions, their hearts were already overjoyed!

At this time, in the reflection of their eyes, a strand of blood was flowing from the corner of the little monster's mouth, and then the second, third strand... mouthfuls of blood slowly flowed from the little monster's mouth. mouth overflowing.

At the same time, the smoke and dust had completely dissipated.

And the body of the little monster covered by the smoke has slowly been revealed in front of them.

The hole that was riddled with holes and pierced by the black thunderstorm all over the body was revealed in front of them without any omission.

How could this little monster escape the black thunderstorm!

Isn't this, completely smashed into a sieve by the black thunderstorm?

It's just that the head was lucky, and was not taken care of by many attacks. His body has long been beaten into a sieve, and there are even three holes in his heart, all important organs are basically pierced. This... …

It was a false alarm!

Think about it, too, under such circumstances, no matter how fast the speed is, how could it be possible to avoid it!

At this moment, the Yunyin ninjas fully understood. The horror just now was completely swallowed up by joy and self-deprecation, and many people even let out a long breath.

False alarm!

False alarm!

At this time, Tutai's eyes were attracted by the right foot of the little monster in front of him, his clenched teeth suddenly loosened, and a look of ecstasy flashed on his face. The look of Kong, the ecstasy on his face, immediately became more intense!

This look, and this black flame!

Have all the goals of the three generations of Raikage been achieved?

So, can this little monster be killed?


It is absolutely possible. The purpose of the third generation of Raikage just now is to limit the mobility of this little monster and burn it with this black fire!

Now, it's all over!


it's over!

it is finally over!

And compared to his expression, the ecstasy in his heart is even greater!

This time, absolutely, absolutely dead!

This little monster is absolutely dead!

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