Chapter 905 Needless to say, it's settled!

"You don't have to worry about this matter!"

Hearing the series of eager words from Tutai, the third generation of Raikage didn't react much, as if he didn't care much, and seemed to have expected such a situation long ago, but in his mouth, he said such a sentence.

Need not……


But when he heard the sound of the third generation of Raikage, Tutai was taken aback, and the words he was about to say about the situation of the defeat just now came to an abrupt end. Staring blankly at the burly man in front of him, the ninja he admired the most, he was speechless for a while.

"In the current situation, running away is useless."

Then, when the earthen platform was stunned, the words of the third Raikage came again, and after saying this, the third Raikage turned to the female medical ninja who was slowly recovering, and said: "Now, stay where you are Stationed, I want you to bandage all the wounded in a short period of time to ensure their mobility and necessary combat power, and the rest of the people rest in place, allowing all actions that can effectively restore their physical strength."


Hearing Sandai Raikage's order, the female medical ninja immediately nodded, turned around, and conveyed Kage's order to the others.

And after learning of Ying's order, this Yunyin army is worthy of being an elite army. It immediately began to execute the order without hesitation. Those who deal with bandaging and have nothing to do for the time being sit down silently, take out military ration pills or dry rations, and start to chew.

During this operation, the whole team was much tidier, it looked orderly, and the military appearance was neat, and of course the sense of defeat was gone.

Where is the army that has just been defeated all the time, it looks like a calm army that has just won a battle that must be won!

Three generations of Raikage, just a word, an order, actually brought this defeated army back to life, and instantly restored their morale.

Could it be that……

When he heard the order of the third generation of Raikage and the scene in front of him, Tutai's eyes widened slightly, his expression flickered, and he hurriedly said: "Master of the third generation of Raikage, please think about it, even if the current team still has fighting power, but Compared with Yan Yin, who is waiting for work at ease and has reinforcements, he is still powerless, this... can't be reckless! Here..."

At this moment, the order of the third generation of Raikage is clearly to ask the team to rest and recover, and wait for the arrival of Yanyin to fight to the death!

This... This is absolutely impossible to do!

Compared with Yanyin, they are not only less than half the number of people. In the previous breakout, except for the group of people they lost, everyone present was more or less injured, and Chakra was more exhausted. Although the morale is up now, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not even 80% of the original.

It's not Yan Yin's opponent at all!

And these elites are already half of Yunyin's current elite combat power. If these elite combat powers are lost, the strength of the village will be directly reduced by one-third, not to mention ending the war as a winner. Gaining benefits in the negotiations, even self-protection is difficult, and even, for a long time, their Yunyin will be seriously injured, and it is estimated that they will not be able to recover within thirty or fifty years.

You can't take this risk at all!

"Needless to say! That's it!"

However, before he finished speaking, the third Raikage waved his hand and stopped him.

"But... three generations of Raikage-sama..."

But when he heard the sound of the third generation of Raikage, the dust settled, Tutai couldn't help but took a step forward, his voice almost raised several degrees, obviously a strong objection.

"Tutai, although I am far inferior to you in terms of analysis and strategy formulation, and even the whole village will rely on your wisdom in the future, you may not be as clear as I can figure out his intentions when facing the old fox of the third generation of Tuying. .”

However, this time, he still didn't finish his words, and was interrupted again by the words of the third Raikage who walked a few steps forward and looked at the resting cloud hidden ninjas.

"But, Third Raikage, you haven't understood the battle situation yet..."

Upon hearing this, Tutai became a little anxious and said immediately.

Although these three generations of Raikage-sama are powerful, they made a conclusion without listening to the necessary information. No matter how thorough they are, it is impossible to come up with a suitable plan!

War matters are changing rapidly, and people's hearts are unpredictable. How can we jump to conclusions based on previous understanding!

Moreover, ten or even decades have passed since the last Kage and Kage confrontation, who knows if the three generations of Tukage will change!

Or knowing that you know his temperament, so you deliberately do the opposite!

Now is the key to the victory or defeat of the village, how can it be so arbitrary!

"Don't worry, that old stubborn will never change. Since he carried out a surprise attack, he must have ensured that all possibilities of failure will be ruled out to the greatest extent. Now that our troops are in such a situation, they can basically Surely, his goal has been achieved, and we have fallen into the cage he created..."

Obviously, the third generation of Lei Ying heard a trace of the earthen platform, and interrupted him again.


Three generations of Dokage's cage?

Ruled out all possibilities of failure...

After hearing about this round, the anxiety and worry in Tutai's heart suddenly calmed down. He knew his leader. Although he looked rude, he was by no means a rude person. He was so sure, so of course he had his reasons.

Moreover, his leader is also very calm now, and he speaks very seriously. He doesn't believe that his third generation Raikage-sama will speak casually without careful consideration.

For a moment, he suddenly found himself a little speechless. The previous anxiety and worry, as well as his doubts about the third generation of Raikage, seemed to be an insult to the leader he respected.

"Remember the defense map incident?"

And at this time, the third Raikage spoke again, and his face was already a little dignified.

Arming map event...

Hearing this sound, the heart of Tutai almost jumped. A deployment map almost cost them a human column force and a tailed beast. The advantage of the battle situation was almost reversed. Even after the deployment map incident, the rear battlefield will show this kind of attack. A weak relationship of strengths and weaknesses, even. They Yun Yin was forced to form a tacit agreement with Yan Yin to deal with Konoha, and it was also because of this incident!

"The defense map incident should have been planned by the old fox, and it was planned by himself. This plan is enough to prove that the old fox has not changed at all!"

The third Raikage closed his eyes slightly, and memories flashed across his face.

"Even, I suspect that any important information was stolen, and any information for help...may be all written by this old fox. The purpose...should be the same as the task of deploying the defense map, pay a small price and get the biggest result!

So, this time, do as I said, the only way to get out of the current predicament! "

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