Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 883 So Fast!


Chiba, who was squatting beside Xue Nai, closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

It's okay, but it's a little bit out of strength...no big problem.

And a thought of relief flashed through his mind.

After Xue Nai fell down, he went up to check her for the first time. To be honest, Xue Nai fainted just now, which really scared him a lot.

In case something happens to Xue Nai, he really has nothing to do. There are only a little medical chakra bandages in the ninja bag, and some medicines brought from the village to treat trauma and prevent infection and illness. He was also exhausted, unable to use the medical chakra of the creation regeneration level, and even the ordinary medical chakra was limited. It is completely impossible to treat Xue Nai comprehensively.

If Xue Nai's situation is bad, he can only hope for Yu Lin. Lin can perform eye replacement surgery, and her medical ninjutsu and medical skills are already very good.

That is to say, if there is a problem with Xue Nai, he can only use Fei Lei Shen Kunai and transfer away. According to previous guesses, after Fei Lei Shen Kunai has used them, Namikaze Minato may take them to the card. Cassie they are there.

At that time, when he can't heal, he can only hand over Xue Nai to Lin.

It's just that Lin's medical ability and medical ninjutsu are good, but compared with Chiba, they are still much worse. Now Chiba's medical ninjutsu, after discovering the creation of regenerative medical chakra band, has been listed He has entered the ranks of first-class and even super-class medical ninjas.

Lin may not be able to completely heal Xue Nai.


Don't scare me!

After taking a long breath, Chiba sat down, looked at Xue Nai, then at Hirohiko, and silently wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Then, his eyes fell on the stone pillar lotus again, and his brows frowned slightly.

There is really no movement at all. It seems that a large amount of water and the spiral rock gun condensed with a large amount of earth attribute chakra have indeed restrained him, so I can feel relieved.

After all, thunder escape is the most difficult escape technique to control. Like Kakashi's chidori, it can be included in the category of A-level ninjutsu just by gathering the thunder attribute chakra, which is the difficulty of A-level mastery. , even S-level mastering difficulty...

After confirming that there was no change in the stone pillar lotus, Chiba's mind was slightly distracted, and he directed his thoughts to other places, and then his gaze returned to Xue Nai in front and Hirohiko behind.

Now it seems that although they are fine, they should not wake up in a short time, and this Flying Thunder God Kunai must be used.

After taking a look at this, Qianye sighed silently. Originally, he still preferred to keep this Flying Thunder God Kunai. After all, the future is unknown, and he has a life-saving talisman, so he feels more at ease. Besides, he has already experienced it once before. In a desperate situation with no way out, he would more or less want to grab a life-saving talisman.

Is there no other way?

Raising the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, Qianye, whose strength was gradually recovering, frowned, still a little unwilling to use the Flying Thunder God Ku Wushang seal right now.

After all, the reason why this Flying Thunder God Kunai can become a life-saving talisman is because when the seal is released, Namikaze Minato will sense the coordinates of this Flying Thunder God Kunai. According to the agreement between him and Kushina, after this coordinate appears Now is the time to call for help.

After unraveling, the coordinates of the flying thunder god Kunai will always be perceived by Namikaze Minato, just like the coordinates he set in other places, there will be no such setting as a distress signal, it is just an ordinary flying Thor Kunai.

Most of its function is to let Minato Namikaze have a coordinate that can be teleported, but Minato Namikaze will not know whether there is anyone in distress at the coordinate.

In other words, the Flying Thunder God Kunai whose seal was released is actually just a Flying Thunder God Kunai, and it has no life-saving effect.

no way……

Can only be used!

After thinking about it in his heart, Chiba shook his head, unless Xue Nai and Hirohiko woke up immediately, otherwise he would have no way to take them away safely.

Now the physical strength and chakra have not recovered enough to unlock the seal, so I can only wait...

Glancing at the seal on Fei Lei Shen Kunai's sword hilt, Chiba frowned again. Although he intends to use it, the four-element seal system requires a certain amount of chakra to release the seal. The chakra in his body was completely consumed just now. Jing, although he took three special military ration pills, after all, it is impossible to recover all at once, and it still takes time.

And after this glance, Qianye's eyes turned to his left side, which was where the rolling hills at the end of the grassland were located.

If you don't use the flying thunder god technique, you can only go there. That should be the rear battlefield of Yan Yin and Yun Yin. Anyway, now that your identity has been exposed, and you have fought with the third generation of Raikage like this, there is no need to avoid them. It's war zone.

Moreover, if we go that way, the third generation of Raikage will never think of it. As long as he doesn't think of it, we can leave safely.

Although there are many dangers there, firstly, that direction is also on the path to Kakashi's side, so it can be said to be on the way, and secondly, you can use their battle stalls to get there and find some Yunyin or Yanyin Clothes and headgear should not be a problem.

Of course, this has to be when Xue Nai and Hirohiko are awake.

If you are in a coma, it is tantamount to death.

Looking at the rolling hills, Chiba's mind flashed the scene when the third Raikage punched him. At that time, he deduced the direction when the third Raikage came, and also determined the time when the third Raikage came. The direction is the battlefield for both sides. After all, since the third generation of Raikage appeared here, there are only two possibilities. One is to sit on the rear battlefield and hand over the front battlefield to Konoha. , but specially participated in the battle on the rear battlefield. No matter what, the direction when he came must be the battlefield. At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed in his mind subconsciously.

"So... almost..."

Thinking of this, Qianye stood up without delay, holding on to Flying Thunder God Kunai with one hand, and raised two fingers with the other.

Chakra has recovered to the point where it can break the seal!

Now is the time to use it!

Without any hesitation, Qianye stretched out her two-fingered handpan and covered the seal.


As if the sound of a key being inserted into the keyhole, the linear sealing formula composed of six tadpole scripts suddenly poured out from Chiba's palm, covering the sealing formula on Kunai's hilt.


Then, there was a sound of unlocking, and Chiba twisted his right hand slightly, and the linear seal and the seal on the hilt disappeared at the same time, and the four words "Sword of Endurance" seemed to be brighter.


Almost instantly, in front of Qianye, a figure with vertical fingers knotted seal appeared in front of Qianye.

So fast!

At this moment, Qianye's eyes widened slightly subconsciously, and he leaned back. Facing the sudden figure, although he was mentally prepared, his body still reacted subconsciously.

"What's the matter, Chiba?"

But at this moment, the figure who came suddenly spoke, his golden hair flickered slightly in the wind of the night, and there was a look of worry on his handsome face.

Exactly, Namikaze Minato!

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