Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 877 Chiba's trump card!

Will be hit first!

Reflecting in his eyes the spinning spear of water, and the white mist exploding from the shadow clone that accelerated and dissipated because of the penetration of the spear of water, the third generation of Raikage was horrified, and a thought came naturally, as if it surpassed the sudden attack. The horror, directly appeared in his mind,

The attack on the little ghosts of the Uchiha family must be stopped. Even if I don’t stop, I will be hit in the chest by the attack of the flowing spear. The attack of the wave kid will be cut off when the hell Kanshou touches the chest skin of this Uchiha clan kid!

Then, almost at the same time, more information appeared in his mind. At the same time, the speed of his stabbing slowed down, but Lei Liu continued unabated. The three-fingered hand formed by the chakra coat The claws are also more solid.


Are you still holding back?

That kind of look, that kind of posture, and the breath that exudes all over the body, are they all from acting? That Taki Chiba!

He was cheated!

Moreover, I still use the same simple tactic as mine, a tactic that is too simple to be simple, and launch an attack that I cannot evade the moment I attack!

And at the same moment when the information appeared in his mind, such an idea popped up in his heart.

I'm afraid, this Taki Chiba is the same as me, not sure that the previous attack will definitely cause damage to me, or achieve the desired result, so I set up this backhand...


Or this time he just used the main body's attack as a bait, and the real attack is this hidden hand!

This hidden first-hand position can be used to snipe very well in my current position or the position where I used to fight this Taki Chiba!

At this moment, the third Raikage gritted his teeth secretly.


Then, in the next second, the water spear roared towards him, and the tip of the spear rotating from top to bottom slammed into Lei Dun's chakra coat fiercely!


A violent electric arc suddenly burst out from the Raikage's third Raikage's elbow part of the Raikage's chakra coat.

Originally, the spear that had been aimed at Sandai Raikage's chest slammed into the position where Sandai Raikage's right elbow rested on his arm.


Immediately, the water spray mixed with the electric light waterfall scattered out, splashing in all directions!


At this moment, Chiba, who was behind the third generation of Raikage, stepped forward and stood still, his figure turned suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Even with such an unexpected blow, there was no hesitation...


In other words, the body automatically adjusted. Originally, at the speed of his downward stabbing, it should have passed through the edge of his upper arm above his elbow and stabbed him in the chest!

Sure enough, it is the unified state of mind and body dreamed of by taijutsu ninjas, and the reaction movements are simply perfect.

And he secretly sighed in his heart.


However, an inexplicable expression flashed across his face, as if he had a well-thought-out plan, and he seemed to be lucky.


At this moment, the third Raikage, who was adjusting his posture to guide the attack of the water spear for a second attack, was shocked suddenly.


Then, there was a crisp sound of impact, and the three-fingered hell hand drew a blue-white electric light with a slight arc from bottom to top in the air, and raised it high. It looked like the whole hand They all twisted around the elbow part as the axis.

This flowing spear...

And at this moment, a surprised thought flashed in Sandai Raikage's mind, and with a loud bang, in the arc of blue and white lightning raised by his arms, the whole person suddenly flew backwards.

Is this spear... from the bottom up and up to the right?

Isn't it top-down and left-handed?

Because the rotation is too fast, so visually, the direction of rotation is completely opposite?

Originally, I wanted to use this rotation...

But I didn't expect that I was deflected by this rotation, causing the chest door to open wide, and the final result...

still the same!

At this moment, while flying upside down, the eyes of the third generation of Raikage looked down bit by bit. The spear tip of the spinning water spear was steadily hitting the thunder in his chest at this moment. On the hunting chakra coat, the surrounding Lei Dun chakra coats are all twisted, like a chakra vortex centered on the spear tip.

At the same time, from time to time, electric currents like thin snakes burst out between the vortex and the spear tip.

A kind of tightened pain slowly surfaced!

This kind of power...Using the penetrating power formed by the ultra-high-speed rotation, and using the rotation characteristics to maintain the degree of condensation of the water escape...

This is already an S-rank mystery!

Moreover, it is also the power of S rank, which can twist up the Thunder Chakra coat of the full-power Thunder Chakra mode. It is hard to imagine that this kind of ninjutsu is performed by a child in his teens. from!

Sure enough, this Taki Chiba has an unused trump card!

The huge twisting force tightened the Thunder Dun chakra coat near the chest bit by bit, a light of thunder flashed slightly in the eyes of the third generation of Raikage, and the huge force of throwing the water spear was turning into a huge driving force, The pressure made him keep retreating, and for a while, he couldn't even cushion his feet.

At this moment, even if he is in the state of "divine body posture", he has no way to make any evasive actions, he can only let the water spear push, and tighten the materialized Thunder Dun chakra coat bit by bit , using the rotational force and spear point to try to tear through his absolute defense, attacking his flesh.


And in the next second, the third generation of Raikage, who flew backward at high speed, passed by Chiba who suddenly turned and passed by with a flashing arc and strong wind.


Immediately, perhaps it was attracted by static electricity, the flashing arc actually accumulated in one place the moment it passed by, and released a bolt of lightning, which struck Chiba's left arm as he passed by. The pale green brilliance burst open suddenly, Chiba frowned, and the pain flashed.

It's a quick fight!

Dumen mode can't last long!

But at this moment, under the pain, Qianye's heart also trembled, and when he thought about it, he turned around again, and said in his mouth: "I'll leave it to you, Hongyan!"

Then, the hands suddenly formed seals.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

At this moment, the three generations of Raikage who passed by and flew upside down drew a slanting lightning trajectory in the air, and hit the ground heavily. Immediately, the ground cracked heavily, and a circle A circle of outward collapsed depressions.


Then, in an instant, with a bang, the spinning spear burst open.

Suddenly, like a huge spring gushing from the ground, a huge swirling water column rushed to the sky!

Water escape, hard vortex water blade, Chiba version!

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