Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 872 Five minutes? One minute?


To be honest, I really don't have any plans...

Listening to the words of the shadow clone, and seeing his eyes shifting, Qianye slowly closed his eyes and took a slight breath.

To be honest, even if it is the Dumen mode, it only allows him to enter the category of S-level ninjas, and the strength of S-level ninjas also varies. Basically, they are Kage-level masters who have surpassed S-level, and they are also super existences in S-level, such as Chiyo and his ilk, after all, it is because of old age and decline. Although they are still at S-level strength, they cannot be included in the upper-class level of S-level after all. .

As for Qianye, although he has the strength of S-rank now, in terms of combat power, with his unique tactical sense and tactical execution ability, he is not afraid of other S-rank ninjas, although he can not 100% defeat any of the S-rank ninjas. One person, but facing any one person, his chances of winning will not be too low.

However, what he is facing now is an existence beyond the S rank, a character with Kage-level strength, and his combat power is also top-notch among the Kage-level, and even his ninjutsu is so powerful that he can be included in the super-Kage-level ninja category.

Regardless of ninjutsu, body art, or experience and ability, they are all second to none, with almost no flaws.

Absolute defense, absolute attack, absolute speed... This is definitely the nightmare existence of all ninjas.

Almost most ninjas regard it as invincible!

In the face of such an enemy, Qianye really has no way to follow. In terms of tactics, he only has to predict, set up a backhand, and then escape from his attack. If he can counterattack, he will counterattack. If he cannot counterattack, he will simply dodge. The almost helpless negative tactical intention is just delaying time.

As for the surprise and ease of completely suppressing the third generation of Raikage just now, and the emotions of finally getting out of the bitter battle, it has long since disappeared.


And thinking of this, Qianye slowly stood up and turned around slowly, looking in the direction of the shadow clone Qianye's gaze, and sighed helplessly and self-deprecatingly.

What, comprehensive suppression, a trick to seal the scroll... I was really a little swollen just now!

A flash of introspection naturally flashed in his heart, Qianye turned around, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the steaming pillar of dust and smoke and the shadowy shadow walking step by step in the dust and smoke.

10% Chakra in Dumen mode, 10% Chakra which exceeds the amount of Chakra which is several times higher than the shadow level. The strange power released by Chakra still did not cause too much damage to him. At least from this step-by-step posture, Chiba couldn’t see to any injured posture.

In the Dumen mode, 10% of the chakra power burst out is already the limit of Chiba now. If it exceeds this amount, the moment the strange power bursts out, his feet will burst into flesh and flesh, and the entire leg bone will also be directly broken into "" The word ".

"How long can you hold on now?"

But at this time, the words of the shadow clone Qianye came again, this time, it was his turn to ask how long he could hold on, and the words seemed to have made a lot of sense.

"What do you say?"

Seeing the shadowy figure gradually become clear, traces of the human form and the slightly lighter radiating shadows beyond the human form could be seen, Qianye grinned slightly, but did not answer directly.

"Is it interesting to play this with yourself?"

Then, there was a spit from the shadow clone.


To this, Qianye only gave a dry laugh, but stopped answering, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

It seems that I really understand myself, the shadow clone is telling me to calm down, at least I need to have a plan, and I can only go in consideration of the current state!

However, there is really nothing that can be done now, although it is a great thing that Hirohiko can be cured and save a life, it can be said to be an exciting thing.

At least one goal has been achieved.

Moreover, I finally understood that the S-level or even super-S-level medical ninjutsu of the Art of Regeneration can basically reach the level of immortality as long as the chakra is large enough.

He even entered the Dumen mode perfectly, and his strength soared...

However, in the current situation, you can face the enemy head-on, but you still can't hurt him. In the Raikage Chakra mode, there is no chance of escape, or in other words, there is no effective way to escape the third generation of Raikage.

And lost the life-saving Fei Lei Shen Kunai given by Kushina...

It can be said that the situation is still so bad. The only thing that has changed is that my own life will not be lost in the next five minutes.

However, after five minutes, the situation will return to the previous situation.

Amidst this dry laughter, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, the joy of entering the Dumen mode was instantly crushed by the reality of the situation.

At this moment, his physical condition can only load the Dumen mode for 5 minutes. Firstly, it may be because he has not adapted to the Dumen mode. Second, it may be due to the increased load on the meridian. Hurry... In short, his physical strength loss is astonishingly fast, as if he has entered a state of accelerated consumption in the wound mode. After 5 minutes, he will be exhausted and be beaten back to his original shape.

What's more, he didn't have the emerald green army ration pills either. As for the specially made army ration pills, it might be a drop in the bucket, at least after taking it, it is impossible for him to have the physical strength to enter the Dumen mode in a short time.

So, now there are only two options left.

One, if you exhaust all your calculations in these five minutes, you may do useless work and may have a turning point.

Two, use one minute to fight hard, you may speed up your own death, and you may find a breakthrough.

At the same time, a multiple-choice question appeared in Qianye's mind.

And in his eyes, the characters in the smoke column became more and more clear, and from time to time, lightning flashed out, piercing the steaming smoke column, and dissipated in the air.

"The main body, I leave it to you, no matter how bad it is, we must ensure the safety of Hirohiko and Xue Nai!"

At this time, the voice of the shadow clone Chiba came.


And just as these words came, the self-deprecating smile on the corner of Qianye's mouth slowly faded away, she nodded slightly, and then slowly raised her left hand in front of her chest, while her lips were buzzing, she softly spit out a sentence: " give it to me!"


Then, a cloud of white mist exploded behind him.

"Bang bang!"

And at the moment when the white mist exploded, two groups of white mist exploded on the left and right sides of Hongyan at the same time.

So, just do it!

At the same time, Chiba's mind was made up.

Instead of lingering for five minutes, it is better to fight for one minute!

After thinking about it, Qianye's right hand slightly opened, and it hung down obliquely. Suddenly, in the palm of the right hand that was held empty, a stream of water vapor rotating inward slowly emerged.

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