Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 859 I Tell You...Stop!

Pain, fatigue, more severe pain, more exhaustion... Like waves, wave after wave, flooding all the nerves, torturing every cell in the body, the overflow is slowly lighting up In the consciousness of light.

ho -

The deep breath, like the first breath of life of a long-drowning person surfacing from the water, is greedy and full of a strange sense of ups and downs.

Four Elephant Seals!

This is the composition of the four-image seal system!

Although not all of them, this seal is filled with a large number of seal styles of the four-element seal...

Qianye suddenly opened his eyes, and the dim yellow tone in front of him suddenly changed into a dark blue color unique to the night. The huge sealed door had disappeared, and it was replaced by a sandy flat ground with some dark colors, extending all the way. To the end of the line of sight, and at the end of the line of sight, there are clumps of "tall" grass, shining silvery under the moonlight.


The pupils that opened suddenly shrank slowly, started to move, scanned the surroundings, and finally landed on the top, that is, in front of Chiba who was lying twisted on the ground, his heels facing his own feet .

Then, there is pain, wave after wave of intense pain, and fatigue, wave after wave of heavy fatigue, humming like the sound of a machine roaring in the ear, constantly echoing in my mind.

With the state of consciousness, the pain, fatigue and humming became more and more clear, except for the pain, fatigue and noise, Chiba couldn't feel anything.

He couldn't even make a sound. Just now, when the pain hit him wave after wave, he was about to cry out in pain. However, his mouth and throat didn't seem to be his own, and he couldn't open it or open it. Vocalization, every information feedback of the body, every rhythm of cells, conveys this feeling.


He couldn't feel anything but pain!

He couldn't even do the painful action of clenching his teeth, because he couldn't feel the muscles in his face.

And the only place that didn't hurt all over his body was his left cheek, the left side of the whole face, was the only place that didn't hurt.

However, Qianye knew that this was the most seriously injured place all over his body, so severe that even the pain could not be conveyed.

The left half of his face has been shattered!

And this wave of intense pain and the accompanying feeling of fatigue that made his eyelids heavier and heavier made him basically unable to think anymore after the previous thought came up. All the space in his brain , It was all left to the pain, and there was no room for thinking at all.

He is already, in pain, unable to think!

However, although he couldn't think, he knew that if he closed his eyes now, then everything would really be over.

Although he didn't know why he left that sealed space, but he knew very well that his body was in a state of dying, and he was dying in a state of extreme pain.

Perhaps, it was this extreme pain that allowed him to leave the sealed space, return his consciousness to his body, and die together with his body.


And at this moment, amidst the pain, the sound of footsteps moving, seemed to pass through the pain and noise, and passed into his ears. Coupled with the feet disappearing step by step from his sight, a scene, Covering the pain that filled his mind, it surfaced.

It was the scene of the third generation of Raikage walking towards his best friend and clone step by step like a god of death.


stop for me!

And at this moment, a furious roar broke through the overflowing pain, and spread angrily in Qianye's mind!


Blue veins crawled up his blushing forehead, and the heavy eyelids that began to close slowly stopped suddenly, and began to widen bit by bit, with blood streaks creeping up in the red eyes.

Qianye struggled desperately, wanting to stand up crazily, and her eyes looked up with all her strength, full of ferocity.

My partner, I will not let you die!


Stop it for me, Three Raikages!


And in his heart, there was only such a thought, a thought full of crazy obsessions.

But still, he couldn't feel anything, nothing but pain and tiredness!




The only remaining thoughts were crazily breeding, anger and anxiety were mixed and overwhelmed the pain.

And at this moment, a trace of bitterness emerged from his mouth, spreading throughout his mouth in an instant.

In the next second, the taste that seemed to be condensed with bitterness rushed straight down from the mouth, all the way into the stomach, and most of the pain that filled the brain suddenly dissipated. Fingers, ankles, arms, calves, thighs... the whole body, except the left side Except for the left eye being squeezed on half of his face, he felt it all over his body.

His thoughts suddenly became clear because most of the pain had dissipated.

This is……

As the bitterness went all the way down, a strange warm feeling lingered in the abdomen, like a kindling, slowly emitting light and heat, transforming into a familiar energy, which circulated.

Yes, yes!

It's the army grain pill, the emerald green army grain pill!

My highest achievement in pharmaceuticals!

And in the next second, the familiar energy began to transform into a kind of energy with a special vibration band, which spread out and was transported to all parts of the body one by one, especially except for the feeling of being squeezed in the left eye. left cheek.

As the energy of this special vibration band spreads, his tired body seems to be slowly rejuvenating. Every cell in his body greedily absorbs the light and heat emitted from the abdomen, and at the same time Cheers.


But at this moment, a discourse that ended abruptly in disbelief rang out, and a pair of unbelievable, even a little astonished eyes fell on him.

"I said... stop!"

At this moment, Qianye clenched her teeth tightly, and raised her gaze bit by bit, from the sandy soil on the ground, to the slowly revealing bare feet, to the slightly calm and dignified, non-aggressive silhouette. On the old-looking face, there was a pair of eyes that reflected a staggering, blood-stained young man struggling to stand up, with a horrified expression of "Is this kid immortal? He's not dead" superior!

"What are you... going to do to my best friend?"

The words between the teeth were squeezed out in that smirk, and a stream of blood poured out between the lips and teeth along with the words, sliding down like a bright red stream, and a line of blood flowed out in the air and fell on the ground.

Qianye raised his head, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he said to the burly Yun Yin in front of him with a stern look.

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